The giant is dead.

Everyone cheered!

"Haha, Brother Shura, I am really convinced of you now!"

Quincy rushed over with a smile all over his face, admiringly gave Lu Yu a thumbs up, his eyes were almost kneeling in worship.

Lu Yu glanced at him unhappily, and said jokingly, "So, you were unconvinced with me before?"

When the crisis is over, it is rare for him to make a joke.

"Erhahahaha... how can it be? When I saw you the first time, I was already overwhelmed by Shura's heroic posture, and I was completely sunk!"

Quincy explained shamelessly.

"Okay, don't hide! We can break through the barrier line of the entrance entirely by Shura, let him rest first." Kiko interrupted aloud.

"Yes, everyone has a good rest. The first level is so difficult to fight. I don't know what to face next! Even such monsters can be made. I'm afraid the demons will gather here..."

The Red Fly was extremely calm, and solemnly looked at the position of the gourd mouth.

Everyone followed his line of sight and saw that in the dark night, the narrow intersection was like a huge opening by a monster, devouring everything.

At this moment, everyone knows that those who travel a hundred miles are half 90!

The real difficulties are far from coming, they just passed the entrance.

Ouyang Long had just been injured, and he was sitting cross-legged in meditation and recuperating in order to recover his best condition as soon as possible.

Kiko is inspecting guns and ammunition for everyone to prevent shortages and replenish them at any time.

The Red Fly was circling around the bombed car, his eyes showed thoughtfulness, wondering if the car could be repaired.

Lu Yu occupies the most central position, always vigilant around him, his eyes show a little bit of brilliance from time to time, maintaining a vigilant posture at all times.

Quincy was holding a dagger and was squatting next to the dead giant's body, taking a look, and looking to the right. He didn't know what he was studying, and his mouth made strange sounds from time to time.

At the same time, he slashed the giant's clothes with a dagger, revealing four blood-colored roses on his back, exclaiming and greeted everyone: "Come and see!"

The crowd gathered around. Lu Yu stared at this scene intently, and suddenly asked, "Do you know that their genetic medicine can bloom a few roses in the human body at most?"

The red fly answered cautiously: "When we left that year, um, ten years ago, the most powerful mature body they researched was the four roses!"

Hearing this, Lu Yu raised his brows without a trace, and everyone else looked at each other, feeling the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increase.

Ten years ago, they reached four roses. Now, ten years later, they can't make no progress.

From the time when the mature body of the four roses appeared at the door, one or two can be spied out. In the base, there must be a more powerful mature body hidden.

Four roses are so powerful, if five roses, or the higher six roses, wouldn’t it be...

Everyone's complexion has become ugly, everyone knows that the next section of the road will not be easy!

Time is running out, and there is no time to stay. After only a dozen minutes of rest, everyone continues on the road.

There is no retreat here, and all regrets and fears are not enough to stop everyone.

Only if you go forward desperately, you may be able to win a chance.

As the old rivals who have fought with each other for ten years, Sunset Company, since you all over the world are offering us a reward and want our lives, then we are here today, and if you have the ability, come and take it away!

Here is the place to resolve all grievances between the two sides.

Under the cover of the night, everyone carried their equipment, and successively passed through the narrow passage of Taniguchi into this valley containing countless secrets.

In the past ten years, they have approached the valley countless times, but they have always been defeated and blocked by Taniguchi.

Red Fly has imagined more than once, after he successfully broke into Taniguchi, what would it be like to enter inside?

He often saw in his dreams that it was a vast hall of the world that seemed to have stepped into the future. There were many people wearing scientific research costumes walking around, filled with an unusually busy atmosphere.

But before him, a real scene told him that reality was completely different from what he had imagined!

Because the valley in front of me is really just a valley, with trees in it, and when I look around, I can see no trace of human existence.

Everyone looked around blankly, and Quincy couldn't help but ask: "Red Fly, are you sure there is no wrong information? Is it really here?"

Redfly didn't reply, but Kiko took the lead in raising his hand to defend: "I promise, the information I gave is absolutely correct!"

The red fly touched his fuller belly, and added: "Uh, the information...should be correct, right?"

However, there is no decisiveness in saying this, and it is estimated that even he himself is not confident.

It was true, even if he was convinced that the intelligence was not wrong before, but looking at the inaccessible valley in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder.

If it weren't for the fact that Taniguchi was stationed before, he really would have to wonder if this is the base of the company's headquarters at sunset!

Because, no matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary valley, which doesn't fit the impression of the base at all.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "I think it's right here. Don't you think this valley is too quiet?"

After Lu Yu mentioned this point, everyone also reacted.

This valley is indeed a bit quiet and out of place, it's not quite right...

The valley is lush and prosperous. Under such a natural environment, there should be a lot of small animals.

Even at night, there should be some animals like wolves, snakes, and owls.

But since I came in, I found that the valley was quiet and strangely scary.

"It's really true to hear you say that!"

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Quincy curled his neck and looked around, feeling the goose bumps all over his body, and a chill came from the soles of his feet.

"Where is the entrance to the sunset company's base? We finally touched it in. If we can't find the door, it would be a shame to slip back home!"

Kiko looked around, her pretty face full of worry.

"No, it's not that difficult. Isn't it just a mouse hole? If you really don't find it, set the torch to burn the mountain. If you don't believe it, you can't force them!"

Lu Yu said

Red Fly wanted to speak but stopped, and finally said nothing.

This seems to be a last resort. If you really can't touch the door of the sunset company, is there a better idea besides setting fire?


This large valley is connected to a large forest of the United States.

It’s now in late autumn, the sky is dry and everything is dry, and the ground is full of leaves. This fire, then...

Keke, I want to sit through the bottom of the cell.

Red Fly could think of these things, and of course Lu Yu could think of them too. He just said casually, and didn't plan to do it!

Possess the invincible golden pupil in the body.

How can it be impossible to find a mouse hole in a mere mere?

Just a joke!

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