Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1455: 6-pointed star black organization

303 submarine black box, found it!

Lu Yu was immediately excited when he heard this.

As long as you find the black box of the 303 submarine, you can learn the identity of the pirates who attacked Long Baichuan and unlock the secrets of this ghost submarine.

But before Lu Yu could speak, Master Kong, who was the chief administrator of the naval base, frowned and solemnly said, "But just now, something that none of us expected happened!"

Lu Yu was startled, seeing the heavy expression of the old chief, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Chief, you won't tell me, did you lose the black clip of the 303 submarine?"

"It is true. In the morning, a group of unidentified criminals suddenly attacked a scientific research base in the suburbs..."

Kang Lei sighed secretly and described what happened this morning.

It was learned from the opponent that the original black box of the 303 submarine had been salvaged from the sea by the search team a few days ago.

As soon as the black box reappeared in the world, he was sent back to the research base dedicated to this project, ready to break the secrets.

After hearing the news, Dr. Rongsheng was extremely excited and immediately summoned the research team of the Institute to uncover the secret of the black box of the 303 submarine as soon as possible.

However, what is unexpected is that just as they made some progress in their research on the black box of the 303 submarine, this morning, a group of criminals attacked the scientific research base and injured the security personnel in the base.

Dr. Rongsheng and the experts who participated in this project, as well as the black box of the 303 submarine, were all taken away by the criminals and left the land in a speedboat by the sea.

After listening to the whole incident, Lu Yu suddenly understood.

Why, as early as a week ago, the system issued a task to myself, and the black box of Dare to Love has been found.

"Chief, how many people know that the black clip has been found? Also, have the people who kidnapped Dr. Rongsheng been identified?" Lu Yu thought for a while and asked.

Kang Lei said: "From the analysis of the current situation, we have reason to suspect that this is an organized and premeditated operation, and the target is the black grip of the 303 submarine!"

"You seized the smuggled arms some time ago, and the evil forces behind you destroyed them. The clues about the buyers behind the scenes have not been found. But now we suspect that the criminals who attacked the base this morning were probably the real purchasers of the smuggled arms. Family."

"In addition, I suspect that they are most likely to have secret guards in the scientific research base to help criminals keep an eye on every move of the scientific research base and report in real time. After the incident, we have checked all relevant personnel inside and outside the scientific research base to find out A whistleblower traitor!"

"I also dispatched a navy search and rescue boat to conduct a large-scale search on the sea, and found the traces of the other party's personnel, and report at any time. I have not received any news yet!

Kang Lei described everything he had learned to Lu Yu in detail.

"Chief, do you want to do something when you ask me to come over?" Lu Yu asked.


Kang Lei was about to answer when suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

A young police officer broke into the conference room with a document in his hand: "Chief Kang, I have found information about the criminal organization!"

Hearing that, everyone present couldn't help but relax, and the tense nerves were also relieved.

"Xiao Gao, what is the origin of this criminal organization?" Kang Lei asked.

The young police officer looked at the people in the conference room and reported: "Chief Kang, dear leaders, when we were investigating and cleaning up the residents near the scientific research base, we found a suspicious family."

"But when our people broke into the house, there were no living people in the house. Obviously, they were killed in advance before we came. But in this room, we also found a damaged computer. For personnel data recovery, we obtained several sets of photos from the computer hard drive."

Bian said that Captain Gao of the police station handed over the USB flash drive in his hand and used a projector to display several pictures obtained from the computer.

In the photo, it is a middle-aged man with a strange looking and explosive head. His dress is really unsatisfactory. He was shot from multiple angles and multiple scenes.

The middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone, and everyone whispered in doubt.

When Long Baichuan saw the photo, he trembled all over, stood up and said, "I know this person!"

Ok? Everyone turned their eyes to him.

Kang Lei also looked over, and quickly asked, "Baichuan, do you know him? What is the identity of this guy?"

After Long Baichuan calmed down, he explained: "I don't know why he became what he is now, but before, I saw him when he didn't have long hair, and Liu Xiaoshan and Deng Jiuguang participated in the Mars competition in the same session. The recruit is a scout from Southeast Asia. If I remember correctly, his name should be Thomas!"

Long Baichuan's eyes showed reminiscences. When he knew this guy, it was the situation in the Mars competition a few years ago.

At that time, the country represented by the opponent showed great potential and competitiveness in the competition, and Long Baichuan remembered him deeply.

Under the navy's powerful intelligence system, soon, through special channels, relevant information about Thomas was found!

Thomas, a Vietnamese scout in Southeast Asia, failed to argue with the young and strong army officers, and fled to the Strait of Malacca, and joined the local black organization Hexagram.

Thomas is very skilled. Through years of unremitting efforts, he has gradually penetrated into the core of the Six-pointed Star Organization and has mastered real power. He has become the well-deserved boss of the Six-pointed Star. He has been active in Southeast Asia all the year round. It is estimated that he can't get rid of it.

After everyone read the information on the table, Kang Lei immediately took the case and said: "It seems that Thomas is not simple. He can master the power of the six-pointed star in just a few years, and he must have amazing courage, and the black box and the sound of the 303 submarine The doctor should be in his hands."

The existing evidence points the finger at and there is no need to guess anymore. Conley immediately ordered to use all his power to find out all of Thomas' background.

The navy's intelligence network was really strong, and within a short while, all the information about Thomas' current situation was in front of everyone!

After mastering the core real power of the Hexagram organization, in order to avoid the suppression of the international government, Thomas secretly transferred the position of the Hexagram and took most of the organization personnel to a desert island, a paradise island!

On Paradise Island, Thomas is the unique king. No one dares to disobey his orders. Everything here is under his control and is his personal absolute domain.

Once, the government of a certain country on the North African continent wanted to send a former team to destroy Thomas and occupy Paradise Island.

After several consecutive rounds of attacks, they were defeated by the armed forces of Paradise Island, and they were unable to break through the defenses on the island for a long time.

Not only that, they also damaged a 718-b warship, which was a heavy loss!

Since then, Paradise Island has been worthy of its name and has become a ‘vacuum’ in the Southeast Asian waters.

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