Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1458: The king with no one and no two, Thomas!

Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhang Chong started one after another, and fought with more than a dozen gangsters in the western restaurant.

To deal with these little guys, you don't need Lu Yu to make a move.

At this moment, Lu Yu was holding the waiter, with a sharp knife and fork in his hand, with a playful expression on his face: "As long as you tell Thomas’ address, I have no interest in your hand, but if you don’t say it, I’ll just I can chop it for you."

After speaking, Lu Yu put the knife on his wrist and pressed it lightly, and soon a blood stain appeared on the wrist of the goods.

With Lu Yu's strength, he could easily cut off his entire wrist with just a little more effort!

"I... I don't know Thomas! I... I... Ah, don't! I said, tell you where Thomas lives!"

Under Lu Yu's pressing question, this guy finally did not hold back, and like to pour beans, he told him and the address of Thomas.

In fact, they are not pirates, but the aboriginal people on the island.

After Thomas occupied and conquered Paradise Island, they were enslaved by Thomas and provided information on the island to the latter.

"Ding! Now release a rescue mission! As long as the host successfully kills Thomas and rescues Dr. Rongsheng and the hostage scientist, he will be rewarded with 200,000 merit points."

The moment he learned of Thomas' whereabouts, the sound of the system suddenly resounded in Lu Yu's mind, and a new mission was announced to him.

After completing the mission this time, he could get 200,000 merit points, plus the accumulation of previous missions, Lu Yu instantly felt like he was back to the top of the rich.

Now, it's not the time to be happy, everything waits until the task is completed!

After the waiter reported Thomas' address, Lu Yu let go of him.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhang Chong also completed the task of thugs and solved the brawny man who rushed over with one shot, and all lay down on the ground wailing.

"The money is counted as compensation for you. After all, my brother injured your people and damaged the things in the store."

Lu Yu once again took out a stack of dollars from his arms and put it on the table, grinning at the horrified waiter.

Then, ignoring them, Lu Yu took Zhang Chong and Jiang Xiaoyu out of the restaurant and ran straight to Thomas' residence on Paradise Island.

Thomas residence is located in the center of Paradise Island, a luxurious villa hidden in the shade of the green forest.

Around the villa, there are many guards, and one glance at it, there are as many as hundreds of people on the bright side.

The three of them approached the villa quietly, Zhang Chong took out the pistol that had just been seized, clicked and loaded the bullet.

"Brother Yu, wait a minute. I'll kill the two horrible men and get you guns."

This guy couldn't stop eating shit, he was so excited that he was about to rush over with a gun.

Lu Yu grabbed him by the collar and shouted sharply: "Bald, how many times have I told you, everything is going according to plan! Talk less, do more, do you take my words to your ears?"

Let Lu Yu roar like this, Zhang Chong was stunned, with a disdainful expression on his face: "Brother Yu, we have found Thomas’s residence, why are we choking in hiding? We should just rush in and rescue Dr. Rongsheng and the scientists. , Kill the pirates..."

Lu Yu held his forehead with his hand, why is this guy still having a streak in his brain?

He sighed secretly and said, "Dr. Rongsheng, they are not inside!"

As soon as he approached the villa, Lu Yu had already activated the golden pupil and exploration techniques. Dr. Rongsheng and other scientists were not found inside. It seems that they were hidden in another place.

Zhang Chong, who was stunned, rushed in again yelling. Now that the whereabouts of the person is unknown, he just rushed in and frightened the snake, which brought great danger to Dr. Rongsheng and the others.

Let alone the mission, once the pirates discover their purpose and kill the scientist, it will be a great loss to the Longguo scientific community.

Lu Yu sternly stopped Zhang Chong's behavior!

The movement caused here was also heard by the pirates guarding around the villa. Several pirates armed with guns hula-la surrounded Lu Yu and the three of them.

"What are you doing here? Leave!"

A little pirate leader yelled, raised his gun arrogantly, as if he would shoot as long as the opponent made a little movement.

Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes rolled around, and he immediately changed to a smiling face, and said in harmony and air: "Hey, brother, we are here to talk to Thomas about cooperation, please go in and let us know."

"Slot! What are you? I want to talk to our boss about cooperation. Get out of here, otherwise, don't blame the bullet in my gun for not having long eyes!"

The little boss waved his hand impatiently, he didn't put the three of Lu Yu in his eyes at all. Without Thomas' orders, no one could enter the villa from here.

No one knows. At this moment, Thomas is standing on the balcony on the third floor of the villa, looking down at the three of Lu Yu.

In fact, since Lu Yu and the others just landed on Paradise Island, Thomas has learned the news, including their previous behavior in luxurious streets and western restaurants, Thomas has also learned in detail.

He knew that Lu Yu and his party came on their way, but they didn't understand the other party's true purpose and identity, so they didn't plan to meet Lu Yu.

Of course, Thomas didn't plan to kill the three of Lu Yu immediately. Although he was a pirate who did no evil, he had a bigger ideal than just being a pirate.

"Boss, the three of them have tried every means to find you since they got on the island. Now that the people are below, don't you plan to see you?"

There was another person standing beside Thomas, his confidant Bobby.

"NoNoNo, these guys are so rash, they said they want to work with me, but do you think I need to work with others now? Hahahaha!"

Thomas's tone was full of jokes, and he said in a weird tone.

"Now, I need to know the identities of these guys in detail, Bobby, you can find out where they came from! If you are from the government army, you don't need to ask for instructions, just do it."

Thomas shook his glass of red The liquor glowed with a bright red luster under the sun, and said slowly in an unusually cold tone.

"Yes, boss!"

Bobby bowed his head, his face was as cold as Thomas.

In front of the villa, seeing the guards not allowing himself and others to enter, Lu Yu did not force it, and gestured to Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhang Chong with his eyes, and turned to leave.

After moving away from Thomas Villa, the people at the rear were determined, and they could not hear their conversation, and the three got together again.

Zhang Chong complained all over his face, and waved his hand angrily: "Brother Yu, I don't understand. Why didn't you let me do it with just such a good opportunity? Anyway, the pirates don't know us either. With our strength, maybe, I have already rushed in to capture Thomas alive, so it doesn't take as much effort as I am now to be driven out like a bereaved dog."

Jiang Xiaoyu glanced at him, and said speechlessly: "Bald, you didn't hear Brother Yu say that Dr. Rongsheng is not in the villa. If you rashly do it, it will definitely spread to the innocent and threaten their lives!"

"You speak, can you be a little bit brainy?"

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