Lu Yu felt that this possibility was extremely small.

After Baisi had no results, Lu Yu simply gave up thinking and turned his attention to other things.

From the analysis of the current situation, the matter has finally been solved perfectly, and everything can be relieved.

However, just when Lu Yu was about to take a rest, one wave was not settled, and one wave started again.

What I thought would end here, but I didn't expect another turning point to happen to other things.

In this world, what the human heart lacks most is greed. Once there is greed, anything can be done.

Information about the King organization spread wildly, and people finally knew something about this organization.

After so many years, many large and small organizations in Southeast Asia have been shrouded in the shadow of King, and under the influence and manipulation of it, there has never been a day of turning over.

But today, with the demise of the King organization, they have found a chance to stand up and will no longer wait to die.

In order to be able to occupy the dominant position and take the position of the boss, the various organizational forces are fighting for the interests of each other, and they are all gearing up to come up with convincing results.

And their biggest breakthrough is in the Dragon Kingdom!

It is precisely because of the opposing team's encirclement that the King organization finally perishes and collapses from a tall behemoth.

If there is an organization that can stand up at this time, it will definitely enhance their reputation.

It is very likely that it will replace the king organization, sit on the top of Southeast Asia, and become the new ruling class.

Driven by such a large interest, no organization can be spared and start to move around.

No one is willing to give up this excellent opportunity, to give up the ambition of skyrocketing and skyrocketing.

Under the mutual competition among various organizations, it is the common people who suffer.

Due to their competition and competition, Dragon Kingdom bears the brunt and has become everyone's goal. Everyone is trying their best to get enough benefits from each other.

In addition, they will do something that will shock the world to convince other organizations and get the title of the largest organization in Southeast Asia.

The interest chain of the entire Southeast Asia is very considerable. If you can get a share of it, this will bring extremely rich revenue to the entire organization and increase all kinds of possibilities.

Faced with this kind of competition, Longguo's various industries in Southeast Asia have been impacted to varying degrees.

Even the shipping area was seriously damaged, and it was attacked by a police force, which made the whole situation extremely tense.

Those who do export trade are all in fear every day, not knowing what is going to happen.

Under the turbulent situation and panic, the government has naturally become the only support.

In any case, in the face of such things, it is impossible for the government to ignore it and allow the incident to continue to occur.

But this time, due to special circumstances, it was handed over to Lu Yu again.

Judging from the current situation, the major organizations are competing with each other. The task is indeed not simple. It is impossible to accomplish it easily.

And careful analysis shows that there are many benefit factors involved in this matter, involving all aspects, it is absolutely difficult to complete it.

The reason why business in Southeast Asia has prevailed for so many years is based on the strong connections between organizations. You have me in you and you in me, and for each other's interests, everyone's goals are absolutely the same.

Previously, the King organization successfully acted as a leader to balance the relationship between the various forces, without highlighting this advantage.

If there is someone to lead, everyone will let it go, but with the demise of the King organization, this form has resurfaced in front of our eyes.

Everyone understands the current situation, and it is very embarrassing.

What Lu Yu has to do now is not only to solve this problem, but also to have a deterrent effect.

Give those organizations that are attempting to destroy the enterprise a powerful blow, and they dare not develop covetousness.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to wipe out these complicated organizational forces.

The forces behind the major organizations are intricate and restrict each other and involve each other, which can be said to affect the whole body.

At this time, if you go directly to an organization, it is likely to cause a backlash from the forces behind him, leading to a worse situation.

Originally, this high-profile action had already put them on the cusp of the storm, but at this juncture, another massive increase in logging would make the situation counterproductive.

After considering these factors, it seems that only Lu Yu can be perfectly qualified for this task.

Moreover, Kang Lei's consideration was simple. The purpose of sending Lu Yu was to restrict and balance the various organizational forces.

Only by rebalancing these organizations and letting them restrict each other can this problem be solved.

Can do all this perfectly, only the undercover identity!

In this case, the use of force to solve the problem does not have much effect.

Wild fire, in spring!

Even if all the troops are assembled and a warning is issued to various organizations, not only will it fail to achieve the desired effect, but it may also be counterproductive and cause dissatisfaction in other regions.

Obviously, this is an extremely unwise move that runs counter to their usual style of behavior.

It would be impossible to make such a decision if it had to be forced to do so. This would be digging one's own grave and tarnishing the reputation.

Using an undercover identity to solve this matter is much simpler.

Lurk in a powerful organization in Southeast Asia, support a puppet, let him become the new boss of the organization, and lead the organization to balance and restrict forces in other regions.

In this way, the difficulty will be solved without any effort!

In this regard, Lu Yu has sufficient experience. He has acted as an undercover agent under Thomas's hands before and is fully capable of doing the job.

Moreover, with Lu Yu's skill and ability to remain in the same situation, I believe that no matter what kind of emergency situation he faces, he can solve it in time and give the desired result.

From this point of view, it must be the most appropriate to leave things to him.

As for Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhang Chong, as Lu Yu's two generals, they must follow him.

Although a large number of people is not necessarily a good thing, which increases the risk of exposure, there will be mutual care for each other, and Lu Yu decided to take the two of them.

In the last action against Thomas, Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhang Chong both played a vital role, increasing the chances of completing the task.

In particular, Zhang Chong has a bold personality and has a natural advantage in completing undercover tasks.

I believe that as long as it is handled properly, it can still be easily competent!

After the three people discussed and decided to take an undercover operation, the next thing they had to choose was to enter a powerful organizational force.

Only by choosing an organization with relatively large influence can the plan be implemented more smoothly and achieve the ultimate effect.

This is imminent!

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