Since I am a special soldier, I have read the Chapter 1610 Ultimate Battle of the first volume of becoming stronger. Mike looked at him indifferently: "I admire your means and talents. Give me an answer. Will you help me do things?"

   "If the remuneration is reasonable, of course I can consider it!"

   The biochemical team leader also saw the clues. The old guy in front of him seemed to be very difficult. Even the commander had to humble himself in front of him. If he bargained, he should be very good.

   "Well, my reward for you is to join me!"

   Mike spoke lightly, without any emotional fluctuations.

   Hearing the words, the man in black should not be confident. In order to recruit someone to come in, it was just these reasons?

   "Patriarch, no!"

   The man in black hurriedly spoke, but he was stared back by Mike's sharp eyes: "I speak, you need to teach me how to do it?"

   The black-clothed man snorted, his eyes were stinged, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and even the latter's eyes could not resist.

   "Join you?" The biochemical leader stared at Mike suspiciously, and snorted: "Don't even think about it. I won't join any organization or force. If you plan to support me, I can consider it!"

   Mike narrowed his eyes slightly, this guy is so arrogant and lawless that he would even dare to refuse?

   "Are you going to reject me?"

   He said coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

   The biochemical team leader was stared at by this look, and immediately got a pimples in his heart, but he nodded subconsciously: "For this benefit, it won't make me..."

   However, before the words were finished, the ground was lifted without hesitation, including the biochemical leader, within less than a breath of time, it was erased from everyone's eyes and disappeared directly.

   Simply neat!

   directly obliterate!

   did not hesitate at all!

   These cruel methods, and the endless cold blood, shocked everyone around him and did not dare to speak.

   is still the same as before, without any change.

   Simple and rude!

   Things that can be solved by force will never say anything.

   This is the style of the Rockefeller family!

Killing the biochemical leader, Mike seemed to have done a trivial thing, and looked around the audience indifferently: "Re-organize the biochemical department, train it well, and only obey our family! Also... you wait until I finish watching the battle. Calculate this account carefully and take care of your own affairs!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   When these words came out, everyone's minds suddenly tightened, convulsed fiercely, and did not dare to say a word.

   This is killing chickens and monkeys. As soon as you get out of the mountain, you need to find them to settle accounts. Who can stand it?

   There is no other way but to proceed according to the opponent's requirements. In order to resist the order, the biochemical leader is the best ending.

Mike stared at Lu Yu's battle on the big screen, and asked curiously: "I didn't expect that there are still people on this planet who can be infinitely close to the planetary star, Dragon Kingdom? It seems that we have to make good friends with them, if possible. If so, get advanced methods from the opponent!"

at the same time!

   Not only is this special change happening within the United States, but the other ancient countries are also turbulent, and there is no change!

   The whole world has begun to reshuffle the cards. If it is really fighting, it may be a big change.

   Above the ocean, Lu Yu stared at the huge swallowing behemoth, and said faintly: "I don't understand what you said, but it doesn't matter, I know you want to fight me, come on!"

   This was a positive provocation, and both sides unreservedly launched the offensive again.


   In the fierce collision, Lu Yu was attacked again by the Devouring Giant Beast. A flick of his tail slashed through the sea. His body also blasted into the depths of the sea and fell to the bottom of the sea.

   Feeling the violent fluctuations in the breath of his whole body, a slight change occurred, and Lu Yu felt a surprise in his heart!

   "I actually know how to use the water pressure of the sea to restrict my movement, this monster has no IQ!"

   Lu Yu sighed inwardly. After being hit into the seabed, he found that his actions were restricted in all aspects, and it was the Devouring Giant that accomplished all this.

   I really underestimated him. I didn't expect the other party to use these little tricks. What a monster this is, it is a high IQ opponent!

   Lu Yu, who fell into the bottom of the sea, had a hard time controlling his actions and playing at will. With the huge pressure from all directions, the action was even more difficult.

   It feels like the whole body is bound, and it is very uncomfortable.

   Various offensives hit the body, and it was consumed in an instant. The power of the poison was not used as a display.

   At this time, the attack became more and more violent, while attacking while defending, formed a balance between the two sides.

   Of course, Lu Yu was still the one who was hit, but to him, these attacks hit him like a tickling, without any substantial harm.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Okay, the game should be over, let you toss up to now, it's time to end it!"

   Lu Yu raised his lips, took a deep breath, and began to take the initiative to launch an offensive.

   The attacks from the Devouring Giant Beast were all consumed by the power of the poison, and it was instantly destroyed without a trace of breath remaining.

   The next step was Lu Yu's counterattack. He gently shook his body, and the water pressure from all directions disappeared instantly, leaving no trace of it.

  At the same time, the power of 10,000 poisons became stronger and stronger. He could manipulate these energy at will, and poison gas flowed in his body, changing with Lu Yu's mind.

   Lu Yu can not only use the power of 10,000 poisons to attack, it can also be converted into other energy. This is Lu Yu's biggest difference.

  The Poison Control Technique brought to Lu Yu not only the power of 10,000 poisons, but also other things he could sense, which made his attack methods ever-changing.


   punched out, the endless poison gas spread, and the area in front of him was corroded in an instant.

   is not just an attack, even the airflow is contaminated with poisonous gas, and under Lu Yu's control, he fiercely attacked the devouring behemoth.

   At this moment, all directions are filled with poisonous gas, forming a huge net overwhelming the swallowing behemoth.

   "Heavenly net!"

   Lu Yu burst into words. In an instant, poison gas seemed to be endless tentacles, enveloping this area, and the loss it caused was unimaginable.

   Even the sea below has turned purple-black at this time, which is the change brought about by the diffusion of poisonous gas.

   Even the color of the sky gradually became darker, and the dark purple air flow was densely distributed in this area, forming a strange and airtight space.

   Lu Yu stretched out his hand, these purple-black poison gas began to condense into a sharp sword, and instantly fell towards the middle devouring beast.

   This is the attack form of the power of 10,000 poisons. Thousands of poisonous gases converge into a single point, and their power is also multiplied several times.

   Ten Thousand Poisonous Power, it is really powerful, and the aura revealed is far more powerful than what you saw, completely different from the previous attack method.

   Facing Lu Yu's final level, it was also the most fierce attacking move. The Devouring Giant didn't dare to underestimate it, and also used his own assassin.

   The power of devouring!


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