Chapter 426: Blackmail the Yamaguchi Group

Everyone took out their mobile phones, but there was no signal at Uni-President, and no one could call out.

The chairman turned on the computer, and it also showed that the network signal was cut off and it was unable to connect to the Internet.

Before Lu Yu came in, he used technical means to shut down the network communication here, and everyone could not get in touch with the outside world.

No information can be sent out, and similarly, all information from the outside cannot be received here.

He is here to kill, so how can he kill with peace of mind without interrupting the communication?

Now the entire Yamaguchi Group is completely closed and isolated!

Just when everyone noticed that all communication was interrupted, they seemed to be more and more confused.


The door of the meeting room was smashed open vigorously, and two members in black suits covered in blood flew into the meeting room fiercely.

The two wailed and rolled on the floor, their bodies convulsing like a goat.



Those high-level personnel were all scared to pee, like frightened rabbits, they all shrank to the chairman's side.

Everyone's eyes trembled and looked out the gate, as if there would be a scourge of cannibalism there!

Gradually, the fighting outside became less and less.

Humph! Humph!

The low footsteps were getting closer and louder to the meeting.

Every time it hits the floor, it's like stepping on the hearts of these high-level personnel.

This sense of horror is like watching the female ghost Gayako in "The Grudge" crawling out of the closet in the classic horror film in their country. Everyone was almost not scared to pee on the spot.


Finally, Lu Yu stepped on **** footprints and appeared in the meeting room.


Seeing him appear, a senior boss immediately took out his portable gun and pointed it at him to pull the trigger.

But he didn't have this chance, because Lu Yu was faster than him!

The figure flashed and appeared in front of him like a ghost, and the cold light passed over his body.


His arm holding the gun was severed with a knife, and the knife was deeply inserted into his heart.


This guy screamed like a pig and wanted to breathe, but he knelt on the ground weakly.

Under Lu Yu's murderous eyes, his body twitched a few times, and he stopped moving.


Everyone on the scene gasped.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu was so cruel that he would kill a person if he didn't agree with him!

He didn't even see how the other party moved. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that humans have such a fast speed.

Everyone looked at Lu Yu with horror.

In the face of such extreme speed, any resistance and self-defense are ridiculous.

Not only will it not cause any harm, but it will irritate this guy.

The president was the first to dispel the idea of ​​counterattack and gave up the weapon, and the others also put away their weapons.

This is an unequal power duel, no one is stupid enough to make fun of their lives.

Sitting in this position, they are not simple, and understand the value of life better than others.

Surrender may still have life, but once you resist, the person before is a lesson.

Lu Yu drew out his sword, his eyes swept across the scene coldly, "Who is the chairman?"

The president took a deep breath. Knowing that he couldn't hide, he just stood up and said, "I...I am."

Lu Yu turned around and walked over.


The surrounding high-level officials stepped aside and dared not stop them.

In the past, who would dare to be so arrogant in front of them, he would have yelled and rattled each other!

But now, they can't wait to stay away from this evil spirit, and they dare not look at him.

This guy's eyes were too sharp and cold, as if it could penetrate the bottom of people's hearts.

No one dared to talk too much nonsense, all stood beside them honestly, like students who were punished by the teacher.

Standing in front of that guy, Lu Yu was a head taller than him.

It is completely looking down.

The president's forehead was covered with a layer of cold sweat, and both legs were swinging.

Only when you really face Lu Yu can you feel the pressure!

"Where is the scorpion?" Lu Yu asked.


The president was stunned for a moment, and shook his head: "I...I don't know where he is..."


Lu Yu narrowed his eyes, stepped forward, pinched his neck, lifted it up, and brought it to his own.

"I repeat, where did the scorpion go?"

Lu Yu's eyes were murderous, and he said coldly: "Your Yamaguchi team hired the scorpion to protect Fu Chao! But you told me, I don't know where he is? Believe it or not, I will send you to see your Amaterasu!"

The president's face was flushed, and he couldn't breathe at all: "I...I really don't know! Scorpion was not called by me. He was hired by the government of the Eastern Kingdom, and I was just following orders..."

"Our Yamaguchi team must rely on the support of the government to survive! But what they do will not tell us... I, I really didn't lie, it has nothing to do with me! Sir, I can hardly breathe. I'm angry...cough cough!"

Seeing that this guy really didn't seem to be lying, Lu Yu snorted and let go of him.

When it fell to the ground, the president gasped violently.

Never felt the air is so beautiful!

Lu Yu frowned. He only used less than three layers of strength, and this guy was on the verge of life and death.

However, a person like this who has not received professional training will not lie when his brain is extremely hypoxic!

This proves that the disappearance of Scorpion really has nothing to do with him.

The clue, is it going to be broken again?

But it's all here, Lu Yu will naturally not leave empty-handed!

Although Scorpion had nothing to do with them, after all, they were also involved in this matter.

If you participate, you have to pay a price.

"Whose orders you listen to, it has nothing to do with me! But Fu Chao is a traitor to the Long Kingdom, and you protect him by opposing us!"

Lu Yu icyly scanned the high-level Yamaguchi team in front of him, and said lightly: "Give you a choice, do you want to die or live?"

Without any hesitation, everyone nodded: "I want to live!"


Can live, who wants to die?

Don’t they form gangs just to live better than others?

Especially when I saw the corpse outside, I didn't want to die.

"it is good!"

Lu Yu nodded: "Since you want to live, you have to meet my requirements! Your protection of Fu Chao has already offended the Dragon Kingdom. You must make some compensation, right?"

At this point, he changed his words: "I heard that your Yamaguchi team has businesses all over the world and should be very rich? In this way, I won't go around with you, and show some sincerity. I will let you live today!"

Hearing this request, everyone present was secretly relieved.

For them, what can be solved with money is not a problem!

The Yamaguchi Group has operations all over the world, and its annual revenue can be comparable to that of a small country.

They are all high-ranking members of the Yamaguchi group, and each of them has some stakes.

Spending a little money can save your life, these big guys are naturally willing.

The chairman got up from the and bowed to Lu Yu: "Hayi! Sir, we are willing to use a sum of money in exchange for the Yamaguchi team’s friendly attitude towards your country, 200 million Do you think it is US dollars?"

Although it was a question, this guy showed strong confidence on his face.

The other senior members of the Yamaguchi team also laughed.

Two hundred million dollars is not a small sum!

Even for millionaires and multimillionaires, it is an astronomical figure.

Let alone ordinary people, anyone can be crazy about it.

However, when he heard this number, Lu Yu's face immediately sank, and he slapped the opponent's face without hesitation.


The guy was pumped like a top and turned around twice.

She covered her face, full of daze.

(End of this chapter)

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