"Book of appointment? Promotion?"

Lu Yu's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked excitedly: "What level is this for me to be promoted? Colonel?"

If that were the case, then Lu Yu would be the youngest colonel in the country!

"The beauty you want!"

Gao Shiwei glared at him, unfolding the appointment letter in his hand and said: "Your rank has risen very quickly and will not move for the time being! This is an order from the headquarters specially approved by Old Long to raise your army position from battalion level. Arriving at the brigade level is also paving the way for you to form special forces in the future.

"Oh, I see?"

Lu Yu was slightly disappointed. He thought it was a change in military rank, which made himself happy.

"What? Your kid is not happy yet?"

Gao Shiwei stared at him with no anger: "From the battalion level to the brigade level, this is already a very large span. Ordinary people want to rise to this point. Can they do it without their contribution to the army in more than ten years? Your kid is gone. Shit luck, Mr. Long wanted you to form a special combat division, and he made an exception to promote your military position. Why do you think this is too bad?"

"Of course, this process has to be gradual. The special combat division has not been formed, and you can't give you a commander at once. That would be too much gossip! Therefore, this brigade-level cadre is only temporary. How to behave."


Lu Yu was only now with a smile on his face.

In the army, brigade-level cadres are actually quite large, but Lu Yu's current vision is too high.

The people around you are also super big guys in various fields. Even Long Lao, the highest level of the country, has seen him. The brigade level is really not enough.

In the past, Lu Yu felt that the brigade commander was very impressive.

But now, he is a colonel, and there are a large number of brigade-level figures around him, such as Lan Zhiguang, Fang Changlin, and Mi Lan.

It seems that the brigade class is a little surplus for him.

Therefore, for this brigade-level military position, I feel dull.

But when Gao Shiwei said that he would be promoted to a teacher level later, Lu Yu was relieved.

"Of course it is!"

Gao Shiwei handed over the appointment letter to Lu Yu, jealously saying: "However, this time you are promoted, you have to treat you to dinner! I want to call all the high-ranking officers of our military region to eat you."

Lu Yu smiled, just shrugged and said nothing.

Don't talk about shouting at the top of the military region, but calling everyone in the entire military region, and wanting to eat him, is a thousand miles away!

Lu Yu's current assets can't even be counted by himself.

The original harvest from the pirates is endless, as well as Ivia and other missions, plus helping the special police squadron.

The total assets of a few bank cards are estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, this is Lu Yu's private treasury, so naturally I can't talk to Gao Shiwei.

"Chief, I have to go back to see my brothers. It's fine, I'm leaving."

Lu Yu saluted the army again, and after Gao Shiwei nodded in agreement, he tucked the appointment letter on him and left.

Although this mission took less than a week, Lu Yu felt as if he had been away for a long time.

Can't wait to return to Team A and reunite with the brothers.

When he hurried back to this familiar place, he felt that everything was so kind.

This is his home!

On the playground, those recruits from various military districts were sitting in various trainings, sweating and gritting their teeth.

After these days, they have completely found a sense of belonging, and no one proposes to leave, just want to stay here desperately.

From a distance, Lu Yu saw a familiar figure, it was Tang Xiaomi.

"Huh? She hasn't been eliminated yet?"

With a slight surprise in his heart, Lu Yu gave birth to a trace of appreciation for this stubborn girl.

At this moment, Tang Xiaomi is rolling in the quagmire with a group of male soldiers, holding a huge wooden stake and doing sit-ups.

Every action is no worse than a male soldier!

It seems that she is also very hard these days and does not want to be eliminated.

According to Lu Yu's previous thoughts, this spoiled girl would definitely not last long.

Maybe when she came back from her mission this time, she couldn't hold on and got out.

But the stubborn-tempered Tang Xiaomi really surprised him. It seems that he really saw her wrong.

At this time, Chen Shanming, who was training recruits, found Lu Yu and greeted him with a smile: "Captain, are you finally back? Everyone wants you to die!"

"Oh, just parted yesterday, and you haven't seen me for just one day. Are you so excited?"

Slanting his eyes to this guy, Lu Yu threw the bag over and said with an aura: "I think it's not me that you want to see, it's the promotion letter I have on hand?"

Being seen through his mind, Chen Shanming smiled awkwardly: "Hey! I can't hide anything from the captain, but on the other hand, we still miss you, the captain? You see, you have been called over, there must be something good, you have something good, Then can our benefits be less?"

"Stop it!"

Lu Yu curled his mouth and waved his hand: "Don't pretend, I know you are feeling uncomfortable in your heart, do you feel like a cat scratching your heart? All right, all the team members involved in this operation will come over, I want to announce Several things."


Chen Shanming agreed with excitement and hurried to call someone.

Standing on the playground, after watching the training of the recruits for a while, Lu Yu turned and went to the auditorium.

five minutes later.

The soldiers who participated in the arrest of Minden were all gathered in the auditorium.

Lu Yu stood with his hands behind his back and stood at the forefront of the team.

All the soldiers present, with their heads high and chest tall, stood straighter than the telephone poles.

Lu Yu glanced at everyone's faces and smiled: "Everyone, I am honored to be back alive to meet here. You are all good."

Hearing this, everyone smiled unconsciously.


This time, it was not easy for them to come back unharmed.

Only when you have experienced it yourself can you understand what it means to escape from the dead!

If it weren't for Lu Yu's excellent command ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, let alone completing the task, there would be two people who can stand here alive.

This is not a stroll around the Guimen Pass, but to break into the Guimen Pass and browse the entire eighteenth floor of hell!

But Lu Yu still took them out.

"Among you, there are also veteran members of the original red blood cells. At that time, I said that our special forces are the country's last line of defense! No matter where it is, as long as the country needs it, this line of defense will stop the enemy without hesitation!"

Lu Yu solemnly shouted: "This mission has shown me your determination. Everyone has performed very well! As long as the motherland is in difficulties, we will rise to the difficulties and show the toughest side of our soldiers!"

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on Yuan Lang, Xu Sanduo, Chengcai, Qi Huan and Wu Zhe.

"This time, you performed very well, not afraid of sacrifice, and brave enough to contribute!"

Lu Yu said in a loud voice: "I want to congratulate you. You have passed the assessment of Team A. From now on, the five of you will be official members of Team A."

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