The meteor fell, the flames were everywhere, and the guards behind the sandbag position were all lifted out, bloody.


Behind a bunker, a guard hiding here screamed in fright, unable to bear the psychological fear, and jumped out in a panic and was about to run away.

However, he had just run two steps, and after a bang, his body flew out inexplicably, and was disintegrated in mid-air. The upper body and lower body were broken in two, and blood was spilled frantically.

With two slaps, the two stumped bodies flew out a distance and fell to the ground.

It was Lu Yu who shot in the dark.

Retracting the large-caliber sniper rifle in his hand, Lu Yu shifted his position, his eyes were cold and aimed at a certain direction, and his fingers pressed the trigger.


Behind the sandbag position, a guy who poked his head slightly, the sandbag in front of him was torn to pieces with a crash.

Then, his skull was lifted out, and the mixture of red and white splashed all the faces of his companions beside him.

"Damn it!"

The head of the condor slammed a punch to the ground and roared: "What are you guys doing? The enemy has entered, why haven't they found their position? Waiting for them to be wiped out?"

"Boss, this guy is too cunning, he changes his position every time he shoots, and we are searching for it!"

A Condor player replied.

"Find them quickly and destroy them!"


Three minutes later, the player's eyes lit up: "Boss, I found it!"

"Shoot! Kill him!"

Bang bang.

At the moment of the gunshot, Lu Yu, who was hiding in the shadow of the jungle opposite, suddenly tightened, and the spider felt a strong sense of crisis.

Without thinking about it, he immediately gave up the offensive, and his body quickly rolled aside.

Half a meter away, at the location just now, two bullet holes with green smoke appeared.

Another half a second slower, the consequences would be disastrous!

Holding the sniper rifle, Lu Yu got up, quickly changed the position, and got down again to set up the rifle.

Observed through a sniper scope, it was found that after the two Condor members had fired their guns, they moved their positions under the cover of a truck.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his right hand was wiped on his waist, and a special seed bomb on his belt fell into his hand.

A bullet with the thickness of a baby's arm and a golden bullet, which is a sign of Sunder D.

Click, put the bullet into the barrel, adjust the muzzle slightly, and aim it at the position of the truck's fuel tank.

The right hand pressed down violently, and the golden bullet shell fell off with a bang.

In the next second, in the sniper scope, the heavy truck disintegrated instantly and turned into a sea of ​​flames, with various parts flying in all directions.

The two Condor members were swallowed by the fierce fire wolf without even screaming.


The head of the condor was so ugly that he couldn't help cursing.

The opponent actually has heavy weapons such as anti-material sniper rifles, and is also equipped with a Sunder D!

This is definitely the top weapon configuration, the opponent is not small!

"Asshole! I won't let you go, I must break your neck with my hands!"

Staring gloomily at the darkness ahead, he crawled on the ground and slowly backed away, under the cover of night, ran out towards the camp.

This guy must be solved!

the other side.

Outside the area on the left side of the camp, three Condor members lined up in an offensive and defensive formation, covering each other, rushing into the jungle to search.

At this moment, the three of them moved their ears slightly, and they heard the sound of breaking wind above their heads, and their faces suddenly overflowed with a sneer.

With such old-fashioned techniques, you still want to deal with them?

These guys, that's it!


The three of them jumped to the side at the same time, then turned their guns, and shot upwards.

However, the moment the gun fired, a burst of light appeared in front of him.

With the screams of these three guys, the eyes pierced sharply, and they moved back quickly.

It's actually a flash bomb!

They just felt a piece of snow in front of them, and they were blind and invisible.

However, out of the sense of danger, he rushed forward and stayed away from the danger zone.

Throwing a flash bomb, Yuan Lang leaped down from the tree with his eyes closed, his knees slightly bent to the ground, and his toes on the ground.

Whoosh, like an arrow, it shot at the location in the memory just now.

Then, there was a sudden stature, his left foot quickly turned on the ground, half side of the body, the two legs alternated, as if a water dragon swept forward.

Huh huh!

The strong wind howled, whip legs like knives.

A Condor team member who fled here was kicked in the chest with a kick, and he retreated several steps, showing horror on his face.

However, without waiting for him to react, Yuan Lang chased after him, a cold glow flew away, and his body immediately stiffened.

He clasped his neck with both hands, only feeling a sharp tear-like pain. The next second, blood splashed out like a faucet that opened the gate.

With an incredible face, isn't this guy afraid of flash? How can I catch him! ?

But he could never think through all of this clearly, and the corpse fell to the ground, with unwillingness left in his eyes.

After solving this person, Yuan Lang didn't stop for half a minute, with both feet on the ground, turning back on the same path.

Follow the route in the memory and chase the guy who flees in the other direction.


He paused, pricked his ears to listen, and silently counted in his heart: "Three, two, one...Huh!"

He opened his eyes in an instant, at this time, the flash bomb effect had passed.

Half a meter away, the Condor player also opened his eyes, and the two of them exchanged gazes, a flash of terror flashed in this guy's eyes.

So fast, the other party actually chased up close?

Half a second later, maybe he has been killed!

But the distance was too close to shoot. This guy took out the dagger from his waist, and at the same time retreated quickly in an attempt to open the distance.

How could Yuan Lang's sneer be as he wished?

With a kick on the ground, his body shot out again, bringing out a violent wind and a wave of his palm.

Panic appeared in the opponent's eyes, gritted his teeth and raised his hand, but Yuan Lang's speed was too fast to stop him.

Next second!

The dazzling cold light made this guy narrow his eyes slightly.

There was a tingling pain in his chest, he lowered his head and looked at the dagger that had fallen into the heart in an incredible way, and his body trembled violently.

Boundless fear surrounded him like a tide.


Yuan Lang withdrew his dagger coldly, and the opponent swayed weakly like a willow in the wind, and fell to the ground.

Without even looking at it, he held the dagger with his backhand, turned around, and chased the last guy.

Bang bang.

The gun fired, and a row of bullet holes appeared in the trunk, but it didn't hit Lang was dangerously evasive.

Behind the tree trunk, the last member of the Condor, with a grim face, kept pulling the trigger.

In such a blink of an eye, two of his companions were killed. They were still rigorously trained masters. This guy must die!


The sound of gunshots continued, and the bullets seemed to be free of money, chasing Yuan Lang all the way, but unfortunately they all fell through.

Huhu, after a few consecutive dodges, Yuan Lang jumped up on the spot, stepped behind a big tree, and suddenly raised his right hand.


The Condor team member was shocked and immediately dodged.

But nothing happened. After a daze, he sneered.

I thought I was going to shoot, but there was nothing but to scare him.

Just breathed a sigh of relief, with a bang, the gun went off.

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