Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 573: Huge business opportunities for specific drugs

Chapter 564 Huge Business Opportunity for Special Drugs

Fan Tianlei immediately blew the whistle for emergency assembly when he saw the convoy approaching on the special forces playground.

The recruits who had been searching for morning exercises, led by He Zhijun, quickly rushed to gather.

When the convoy stopped, all the hundreds of soldiers from A Brigade jumped off, following Fan Tianlei's arrangement.

Standing at the forefront of all the teams, Lu Yu surprised them with a military salute and said loudly: "I believe you, you also know the purpose of my coming here today. I won't talk any more nonsense. I will just pick the key points and announce the rewards. Quota!"

After speaking, he opened the folder in his hand and said loudly: "This time, the special forces and all members of the A team performed well in the flood fighting and rescue operations. After the headquarters' approval, the two teams were awarded first-class collective merit once! Candidates for personal rewards..."

"He Zhijun, He Chenguang, Song Kaifei, Zhuang Yan..."

"An Ran, Tang Xinyi, Tang Xiaomi..."

At the beginning, more than two hundred people who jumped into the flood with Lu Yu were named one by one.

"This time, you performed very well, which fully embodies the spirit of our daring to fight and dedication, not to be afraid of hardships and dangers, to resist the impact of the torrential flood with our bodies, and to defend the comfort of several cities downstream."

"In view of your dedication, with the approval of your superiors, you will be awarded the title of first-class merit and personal hero medal!"

The two hundred soldiers whose names were named solemnly saluted Lu Yu, with a scorching light in their eyes.

They deserve it!

After being soaked in the turbulent flood for two days and two nights in a row, facing the dedication that was washed away by the flood at any time, he completely put his life and death out of consideration.

After finally coming ashore, he continued to fight without any rest until the flood subsided and he fell exhausted.

After the incident, everyone suffered serious injuries and was almost disabled and forced to retire.

Although they are not fighting on the battlefield, they have to work harder than on the battlefield and use their last strength.

This first-class merit and hero medal is indeed eligible.

Others, without any jealousy, are really happy for them.

Then Lu Yu continued to announce the reward.

All those who participated in the action had at least obtained a third-class merit.

Those who followed Lu Yu up to the dam to blow up the mountain also gained a second-class merit.

Below, Lu Yu read out the list of personnel who were promoted from non-commissioned officer to officer. There were thirty or forty people in total.

Half of them are from the A team, and the other half are from special forces.

When all the rewards were distributed, Lu Yu closed the folder and glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Everyone has seen it. What I have said definitely counts. I will give you a reward. My promise will be fulfilled. "

"As long as you work hard for your country and work hard in the army, you will get the same reward no matter whether you are in the A group or the special operations division."

"From now on, the army will be your big family. I hope that each of you here can help each other like family members and treat everyone around you as brothers and sisters! And this is what I expect of you."

After this impassioned remark, everyone below had a scorching light flashing in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu was also very satisfied, knowing that the motivation just now worked.

In the future, even if he is not there, these people will actively train with the highest state.


Ben Thanh.

This is a newly emerging northern coastal center city and a larger trading port in China.

Many years ago, it was still a small port, but in the past 30 years, with the development of maritime trade, the rise of various new industries, and the opening of free trade ports, it has gradually evolved into a trading center in the north.

The growth of Bincheng has caused countless multinational companies and overseas financial institutions to compete for investment here.

The Dragon Kingdom has also invested a lot of energy here.

After more than ten years of development, the once small port has become the leading first-tier city in Long Country.

In the central business city, a towering luxurious office building.

In a certain office, there are three men sitting together. It can be seen from their clothing that they are not simple.

This is indeed the case. If someone has a little vision, they will be shocked by these three people.

Because they are not only Bincheng, but also well-known business tycoons and financial giants in the country. They make a living from various venture capital institutions.

Among them, a middle-aged man in a suit with eyes smiled slightly and said: "How about you two? Have you heard about it? A miraculous ointment that cures all scars. I am very interested in investing in it."

The two looked at each other, and one of the men smiled faintly: "Mr. Liu's appetite is getting bigger and bigger? I have reached out to the pharmaceutical field. I don't know what else Mr. Liu dare not vote for?"

Mr. Liu sighed secretly: "Do you think I want to? It's not enough. Now the traditional industry is getting worse and worse, and the market is nearly saturated. If I don't find a new way out, I will be starved to death. Up?"

"Haha, didn’t I hear that the two have a relationship with the military? I’m bothering you! I hope the two can introduce me to the officer who developed the drug. My old Liu is grateful... "

The two men didn't speak, just staring at him.

Mr. Liu's eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled: "Don't worry, as long as you can help me with the successful introduction, 20% of the first year's profit of this business will be given to two people. How about it? It's not a steady profit. Lost business?"

Hearing this, the two eyes brightened, and their gazes were faintly exchanged.

They are not familiar with the pharmaceutical field. Investment is risky. Once lost, the loss is not small.

Mr. Liu is willing to be the first to try, and they are naturally happy to see it.

The key is to return 20% of profits.

Just introduce someone, you can collect money even lying down!

"Okay, Mr. Liu is so sincere, of course we have to show sincerity, and someone will introduce it to you."

The two agreed immediately.

Mr. Liu smiled on his face, but he cursed two cunning guys in his heart.

Don't dare to take Want to empty the white wolf from Laozi?

I beg you for something, I threw the money away, and tm won't give you a point!

After sending the two away, Mr. Liu immediately returned to the room, locked the door, and took out a satellite phone from the drawer.

After dialing a number, Mr. Liu said coldly: "I'm looking for a black cat, quickly connect me."


Over there, just indifferently replying two words, there is no interest.

Just when Mr. Liu was a little impatient, a low voice finally came from the opposite side: "Old Liu, didn't I say it? Nothing important, don't come to me!"

With a smile on his face, Mr. Liu quickly said: "Boss Black Cat, I have discovered a huge business opportunity. Recently, someone from Longguo has developed a new drug that can heal various wounds and scars in a short time. Significantly..."

(End of this chapter)

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