Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 611: The disappearing black cat

The man in the black windbreaker laughed triumphantly: "I am the apprentice that Black Cat has cultivated for many years. In order to create my stand-in over the years, Black Cat has invited the world’s top cosmetic surgery experts to perform plastic surgery according to his appearance. Keep your voice consistent, even my vocal cords have been operated on!"

"Finally, he killed these plastic surgery experts again, so the only people who knew the secret were us Black Cat. In order to dig you out, I carefully designed this game. From then on, there is no undercover by Black Cat's side. Up."

This guy was crazy and kicked the biochemical device on his body.

Taking advantage of everyone's shock, he took Avril's gun with agility and controlled her.

Lu Yu kept his eyes fixed on the device, once this thing exploded, everyone present could not escape.

At the moment when the device fell, Lu Yu flew out and caught it dangerously and dangerously.

However, when he touched his hand, he knew he had been fooled.

This thing is too light, it's just an empty shell, not a biochemical explosive at all.

"Hahahaha, understand? You are totally fooled! The black cat only used a small plan to attract you all, stupid Longguo people!"

The black trench coat hid behind Avril Lavigne, laughing wildly and mockingly: "Idiot! You are all idiots, you are not worthy of being the opponent of the black cat, k2 will never be defeated."

Deng Zhenhua was furious and roared: "Made! I am killing you now!"

"Hahaha! Fight, shoot me."

The black windbreaker laughed and said without scruples: "I forgot to tell you that before I came, the black cat had hidden a small explosive in my body. As long as I die, the explosive will explode, and this woman will have to dead!"

"In addition, there are many explosive devices in the warehouse. Once my heart stops beating, it will trigger the detonator. You all have to follow me in the burial."

The black windbreaker laughed wildly: "No matter what, I am a winner. Do you want to taste the taste of blooming everywhere? Don't worry, no one can escape today!"

At this moment, everyone's faces changed drastically, and they quickly looked around.



At this time, there was a sudden stop of vehicles and hurried footsteps outside.

Damn it!

The front and back doors of the factory were knocked open almost at the same time, and the support sent by Cao Shizhu and Hu Guohai had arrived.

"Don't come in! Go back, don't come in, it's dangerous here!"

Wang Yanbing shouted anxiously.

Seeing this scene, the black windbreaker smiled and became more and more proud: "Hahahaha! Everything is too late, your people are here! It just so happens that so many people on the road will not be alone, rest assured, I will Go down with you."

This guy seemed to have won an Oscar and wanted to give a testimonial, so excited.

Seeing the people rushing from all directions, he mocked his face, licked his lips and laughed: "You guys are almost here, just die with me! Oh... and you, the undercover, can't escape. When I get to hell, I will greet you well!"

At the end of the speech, the black windbreaker suddenly moved away the gun aimed at Avril Lavigne, and then smirked against his head: "Haha, everyone go to death!"

As long as he shoots, his heart stops beating in the next second, and the detonating device will be triggered.

At that time, the entire warehouse will be transformed into a purgatory on earth!

Wang Yanbing and others shouted in horror: "Go, go!"

But the personnel who had just rushed in didn't understand what was going on, they looked at Wang Yanbing blankly and shouted.

The black windbreaker seemed to see the scene of these people's end, pressing down the trigger hard, click...

However, at this critical moment, a vague black shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Yu's high-speed ability was fully used, and his whole body was like a Scud missile, rushing to the black windbreaker.

He always moved in time to ensure Avril's safety.

Now, Avril Lavigne is no longer in danger, this guy wants to commit suicide in front of him, completely dreaming.

Lu Yu bang hit Avril Lavigne, and the latter immediately slammed into the back.

The black windbreaker that was about to buckle the trigger was staggered, and the pistol came out.


The whole person flew backwards, hitting the wall hard, his head slammed, and the gold star appeared in front of the slapped eyes.

Lu Yu stretched his hand to hold Avril Lavigne, did not let her fly out, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Avril Lavigne's face appeared pale, and she shook her head in shock: "No, it's okay..."

With that, she suddenly looked at Lu Yu curiously.

The speed of the opponent just now is incredible.

Before he could see what was going on, the black windbreaker was knocked into flight.

"You did you do it?"

"Secret! I won't tell you!"

Lu Yu shrugged, bypassing Avril Lavigne and strode towards the black trench coat.

Looking at Lu Yu's back, Avril frowned her brows.

When the black windbreaker was about to shoot, she thought she was dead this time, and everyone would be buried.

But I didn't expect the man in front of him, suddenly like a **** from the sky, saving the lives of everyone present.

She hasn't figured it out yet, and her mind is confused, feeling all this is as unreal as a dream.

After the black windbreaker hit the wall hard, he almost broke his spine, lying on the ground like a dead dog, his painful face twisted.

"Do you think I can't die without a gun?"

Seeing Lu Yu walking step by step, he sneered: "Hey, you are too naive, I have many ways to die!"

With that, he drew a dagger from his waist and pierced it toward his chest, trying to pierce his heart.

But Lu Yu would not give him this opportunity.

Cang Dang!

With a light kick to fly the dagger, with a click, he also kicked his wrist off on the spot.

The black windbreaker screamed, his wrists drooped softly, and his bones were completely shattered.

Lu Yu was condescending and looked at him lightly: "Do you think you are commendable for all of what you have done? Black cat thinks that he is very smart, so do you! But in my opinion, you are all stupid. Want everyone to be buried with you? Don't worry. Today no one will die here except you!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said with a sarcasm: "I have never seen a strange flower like you, and can't wait to die? Ha ha, you have to ask me if you can die."

The black windbreaker spit out water: "Do you think you can stop me? I want to die, no one can stop it!"

After speaking, he sneered and wanted to bite his tongue.

Ok? Lu Yu raised his brows, just like a kick.

The second hair came first, before he bit his tongue, he banged and kicked his face heavily.

This guy's mouthful of teeth were kicked up for the most part, and the blood rushed down along with the broken teeth.

In order to avoid a rebirth incident, Lu Yu stepped forward, slammed his hands and feet with a few clicks, and hit his neck with another punch.

This guy was lying on the ground like a living dead, without the strength to hit the wall.

Let alone suicide.

The crisis is finally resolved!

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