"Quick! Kill me, kill me!" The black windbreaker roared frantically.

"Want to die? Don't worry, you will die, but not now!"

Lu Yu stared at him coldly: "Before that, you will be judged by the law and die amid slander and abuse by thousands of people. If you do such a thing, you just want to die like this? Then you die too easily."

After speaking, he stood up and waved to the people outside, and immediately two guards stepped forward and carried him out.

Avril Lavigne stared at the map information on the screen carefully, and said with surprise: "I didn't know it was here? Before I got off the plane, I was arranged by the black cat to take part in the operation. So I was exposed long ago?"

Lu Yu said lightly: "If you were exposed, you would be dead! With the cautious nature of the black cat, you should have suspected the people around him a long time ago, but you are not sure who it is, so I used this action as a test. But no matter what If you are an undercover agent, you have to die this time. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss one. This is the black cat's method."

Upon hearing this, Avril Lavigne broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, she really saw the cruelty of the black cat.

In order to be an undercover agent, he let all the people around him who are loyal to him die, and he did not hesitate to use this substitute.

This is a demon...

No, he is scarier than the devil!

Fighting with such a person, Avril suddenly felt powerless.

Lu Yu looked at her and asked in a deep voice, "The biochemical device here is fake. Is there any real guy in the black cat? This news is very important to us."

Avril Lavigne seriously said: "It must be true, and in order not to arouse suspicion, the black cat has split a dozen copies and shipped them in separately. This is his trump card and the most important killer. It must exist."

Lu Yu took a deep breath. As long as he was sure that it was true, he had to hurry up and couldn't delay it for a while.

One more minute of time is more dangerous.

So many explosives are installed in this factory.

If it doesn't explode, the black cat will soon know that he must be controlled in advance before he takes the next step.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yu shouted: "Ye Cunxin, come here!"


Ye Cunxin walked out of the team and stood in front of Lu Yu.

"Has the black cat seen you?" Lu Yu asked.

"No!" Ye Cunxin shook his head.

"Can you be sure and sure?" Lu Yu looked serious: "This is very important for our next plan!"

Ye Cunxin nodded: "OK! I have never taken photos since I was fifteen years old. After entering the army, my image has changed a lot from before. Even if he has seen me before, he will definitely not recognize it. "

When Lu Yu said this, he did not shy away from others.

The female Fire Phoenix soldiers were very surprised. Tan Xiaolin asked in surprise, "Black Cat knows Ye Cunxin?"

Ye Cunxin turned his head and said dullly, "He...he is my father!"

This sentence stunned everyone at once.

"I'm going! I...I heard that right? Is the black cat the father of a big dog?"

Tang Xiaoxiao covered her mouth incredibly: "My God! This world is crazy, isn't it? How could your father be the **** of the black cat? This is impossible..."

Ye Cunxin blushed, being watched by all eyes, only feeling extremely embarrassed.

"I, I don't want to! But he just...I don't admit it anyway!"

She bit her lips tightly.

"Captain, will this treat us..."

He Chenguang looked vigilant and stared at Ye Cunxin unblinkingly.

Lu Yu said lightly: "I knew about this a long time ago. Don't worry too much. Although Ye Cunxin can't decide on her own birth, she can decide if she is on the side of the country. A good soldier comes out, her choice is the same as ours."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Ye Cunxin is their comrade in arms.

Pointing a gun at his comrade-in-arms, no one wants to see this happening.

"Well, since the black cat doesn't know you, then... the Phoenix stepped forward to take the order!" Lu Yu shouted.


All members of the Fire Phoenix took a step forward, straightened their chests high, waiting for Lu Yu's order.

Lu Yu scanned the faces of the female soldiers one by one: "Didn't you always look forward to sneaking in with makeup? I didn't let you achieve it last time. Today I will give you a chance.

"The mission location, Jiangxin Island Resort, the content of the mission, you are required to infiltrate with makeup and investigate all the information and activities of k2!"

The ladies of the Fire Phoenix immediately showed excitement and excitement.

The makeup sneaking this time is tantamount to using them as the vanguard, which is the top priority in the action link.

In particular, Ye Cunxin was the most active. She is now eager to prove herself and wash the connection with K2.

Lu Yu confessed in a deep voice: "Remember, when you sneak in, you must not leak the information, find the information as soon as possible, and then send it to me. The black cat is very cautious. Anything that will cause the plan to fail, give you an order and save it. Strength, waiting for the attack of the big troops!"


The female soldiers should shout in unison.

Looking at the time, Lu Yu said: "Now, there are still three hours before twelve o'clock in the morning. Go and prepare immediately, and then disguise as a tour group that just got off the plane! Disband!"

With an order, Tan Xiaolin immediately took the female soldiers to make-up.

Lu Yu summoned his subordinates and immediately withdrew from here.

The rest will naturally be handled by the police.

Returning to the headquarters, Lu Yu went to see Cao Shizhu and Hu Guohai non-stop to give a brief report on the mission.

"The specific location of the black cat has been determined. I have appointed the Phoenix Commando to sneak into the resort to investigate and cooperate with us inside and outside. In addition, I suggest that a team be sent immediately to locate the entire Jiangxin Island Resort!"

Lu Yu eloquently said: "With the black cat's vigilance~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he will definitely lay secret guards around the resort. If the external forces are not pulled out, the large forces will not be able to approach. Therefore, this matter must be done sooner. The better."

Cao Shizhu nodded: "You are an expert in this area. You have the final say when you act and when you do it. Just let go of what you want to do. We fully support it!"

Naturally, others will not object.

The vote was unanimously passed, and Lu Yu immediately proceeded to arrange the next plan.

Cao Shizhu and Hu Guohai were not idle either, and immediately mobilized their strength.

All kinds of helicopters, armored vehicles and the like are all dispatched, and no one will take it lightly when it comes to radioactive biochemical explosives.

When Lu Yu was ready and just about to send out, Cao Shizhu stepped forward and called him: "Xiao Lu, we are all ready here. When you give an order, we will kill them all and promise to kill the black cat. In the cradle."

Lu Yu nodded: "Please rest assured, Chief. I will seize the opportunity. As soon as the time is right, I will notify you immediately.

After speaking, the two shook hands solemnly, and Lu Yu led the team to leave and head straight to the battlefield.

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