Chapter 627

An Dapan said to his wife: "What are you doing in a daze? Go cooking. The children are all back. They must be hungry."

An Ran’s mother immediately patted her forehead and said, “Oh, look at my memory. When I’m happy, I’ll forget the business. Auntie, take a break and have tea with your dad. Come here, An Ran, and give me a hand.”

"Mom, I'm hungry too!" An Ran clutched his stomach.

"You can't do it yourself if you are hungry!"

An Ran's mother stared at her fiercely: "I'm about to get married soon. If the old lady doesn't learn to do something, do you still want to go to heaven? Come here!"

Seeing Lu Yu sitting on the sofa happily, with Erlang's legs upturned without a smile, An Ran was out of anger.

But without saying a word, she was dragged into the kitchen mercilessly by her mother.

"Xiao Lu, treat this as your own home, you are welcome!"

An Dapan made a cup of tea for Lu Yu and sat next to him with a smile: "We are a staff dormitory. Normally, I and my child and her mother are two people, so it's a little bit small, don't mind."

"Being small can make you feel at home." Lu Yu laughed.

An Dapan gave a thumbs up: "You are high officials, you can speak!"

At this time, He Chenguang and the four also moved in with their things, and An Dapan ran over to direct them and asked them to place things in the corner of the living room.

Lu Yu bought too many things, piled up like a small hill, and the originally small home suddenly became more crowded.

"Xiao Lu, are these all things you bought? Come here, why are you so expensive!"

An Ran's mother came out and opened her mouth in surprise.

An Dapan smiled and said, "I told him just now, Xiao Lu is too polite, just bought so many good cigarettes and good wine, do you see where I finished drinking?"

Lu Yu ran over to pick up a box and opened it with a smile: "Mom, I bought these things for you. There are cosmetics, bags, clothes and silk scarves. I don't know what you like, so I buy them all. If you are not satisfied, I will return it again."

"Give me something?" An Ran's mother smiled and said, "Satisfied and satisfied, as long as you bought it, I am satisfied."

An Ran took out two bags from the box: "Mom, he is very caring about you. This is a LV bag and a Hermès. They are all international brands! There are perfumes here, from Chanel and Gucci, as well as cosmetics. Dior and SK2."

An Ran's mother leaned over and took a look, carefully holding the things in her hands, a little excited, not knowing what to do.

She just saw these high-end luxury goods, but she didn't expect that she would have a useful day!

"I've seen these good things in the store counter once. A bag alone is worth half of my salary. Old expensive! Xiao Lu, why are you embarrassed to make you spend so much?" Mother An Ran was embarrassed. Said.

An Ran curled his lips: "Mom, don't be polite to him, since he is a rich man, he doesn't care about this."

"What do you say? If you have money, you can't use it like this!"

An Ran’s mother glared at her daughter, feeling distressed: “After you get married, you have to buy a house and a car. You will live in a big city in the future. This house is expensive! Your dad and I are getting old, and it’s not worth spending the wrong money. "

Lu Yu cleared his throat and said with a smile: "Mom and dad, don't worry about money. I was thinking just now that this house is too small and I want to change you to a big villa. It will be crowded with more people in the future. ."

What? villa?

Both An Ran's parents were startled, and An Dapan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Okay, you two don't worry about us, as long as your life is good, your dad and I will be happier than anything else!"

An Ran's mother waved her hand, seeming not to take this seriously.

Screamed at An Ran: "Girl, go cook with me."

With that, she dragged An Ran into the kitchen.

On the other hand, An Dapan thought about what Lu Yu said just now, rubbed his hands, smiled and said, "Sir, which villa you just mentioned?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Dad, you and mom have worked for a lifetime. When they are old, they should enjoy the blessing. It is not comfortable to live in such a small house. Therefore, I plan to change you a big villa! Whatever you like will do. I'll take out this little money. From now on, this one, ours, will also make it easy for me and An Ran to go back and forth!"

"This, this..."

An Ran's father was really shocked.

One set here and one set over there. Isn't it about buying two villas?

How rich is my son-in-law!

His face was puckered with a smile.

Unexpectedly, I am a small employee of a state-owned enterprise who will be diligent for most of his life and become a rich man when he is old.

No wonder it is said that raising a daughter is good, but he originally regretted that he didn't give birth to a handful and passed incense to the old An's family.

Now think about it, raising a son is a loss of money!

My daughter is so good that he can recruit such a good son-in-law to sit at home, and he can collect things happily.


At this time, there was a knock on the door, and An Dapan walked over to open the door and found three men standing outside.

"Huh? Why are the three leaders here?"

An Dapanxi smiled, and quickly invited the three people in.

These three people are all directly under the leadership of An Dapan.

One of the older men laughed and said, "Lao An, I heard that your son-in-law is coming to see you. He is still a national hero. Our special representative unit came to visit the next hero."

An Dapan became happier when he heard that, this son-in-law really gave him a face, and even the unit leaders came to him personally!

"Haha! This is my son-in-law, a colonel-level officer, the youngest in the country."

He smiled and pointed to Lu Yu.

The three hurriedly shook hands with Lu Yu, and solemnly said, "Comrade Colonel, welcome to our small place. It is our honor! If you have any needs, please mention it to us. As long as we can do it, we will do our best. arrangement."

Before Lu Yu could reply, An Dapan rushed to say: "Leader, you don't need to arrange, my son-in-law will live in my house!"

The leader who spoke before said enviously: "Lao You are so lucky to have such a good son-in-law."


An Dapanle scratched his head straight: "Does that still need to be said? You see, these are all good things from my son-in-law, and these cigarettes, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, you rarely smoke, right? International big-name bags and cosmetics are for my wife!"

"My son-in-law said, I don't need to buy cigarettes and alcohol in the future. He can give them to me at any time. I want as many as I want! I also told him that I have everything!"

The three leaders gave their thumbs up at the same time: "Lao An, this son-in-law is really good to you!"

An Dapan became more and more proud, and he had never felt so proud as today.

"My son-in-law also told me that this house is too small. In the future, I will be replaced by two large villas, the one with a swimming pool! I live in this one today, and I live in the other tomorrow. Row!"

(End of this chapter)

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