Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 643: Big wedding! Prince and Princess (4)

Chapter 634 Big Wedding! Prince and Princess (4)

"Haha, Xiao Lu, you are so talented that you can get such a high regard for Elder Long! Okay, great, then I will put away this character."

An Dapan was excited and didn't know what to do.

After confirming it again and again, Lu Yu carefully put the gift away after he really gave it to him.

"Such a good thing, I must give it up, and I will install it right away... By the way, I will bring it to the wedding site tomorrow, and let the guys who were screaming in front of me take a good look at what is meant by real existence? Promising! My son-in-law of An Dapan, no one can compare!"

An Dapan became more excited as he spoke, and couldn't stand it for half an hour. After lunch, he immediately went to the best master to mount the character.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

The convoy sent by Master Changxing arrived and took Lu Yu and his party to the hotel.

According to custom, on the day of the wedding, a motorcade was sent to pick up the bride. Of course, Lu Yu could not stay in her natal house anymore.

He is not a local, so he can only stay in the hotel for one night.

As soon as Lu Yu left forefoot, a group of makeup team came to An Ran's house, tried on her wedding dress, and began to dress up.

An Ran's former playmates have all moved into her house, and as long as they are unmarried sisters, they all join the bridesmaid group.

"Unexpectedly, Ranran got married the earliest among us. At the beginning, you were our schoolgirl!"

One of An Ran's best friends brushed her hair and sighed.

Another girlfriend asked: "Of course, I heard that your husband is also a soldier, and he is also very powerful. Is he an officer?"

"Yes, he is a big colonel!" An Ran replied.

"Major? Isn't that very old age?" asked the girlfriend who spoke before.

"Hehe, he is only one year older than me!" An Ran smiled.

"Huh? So young?"

Several girlfriends were very surprised: "Does our country have such a young big colonel?"

"Not before, now there is!"

An Ran smiled slightly, with a proud expression on his face: "Because he is the youngest colonel in the country, he has made a lot of military merits, and has broken the army's promotion record! It is his excellence that attracted me to marry him. ."

The girlfriends were very envious, and surrounded An Ran babbledly: "No wonder, you got married so early? If you meet such a good man, if you change us, you have to grow rice and cook mature rice as soon as possible, and firmly anchor it. Damn him."

"Yes, a good man should be caught as soon as possible, otherwise, he might be snatched away."

"Hey... I don't know if my future marriage partner will meet such a good one?"

"That sentence is correct. Excellent men have been handed over to the country. I will also find someone to serve as a soldier in the future!"

"Haha, I don't think you two should have dreams! Don't you know that good men are taken away? The next time we have left is our turn to pick... Of course, it is a big college who is looking for such a young one with a bright future, you One-tenth of his target, it’s time to dream and wake up!"


Listening to the words on the left and the words on the right of my girlfriends, full of blessing and envy for her, the happy smile on An Ran's face became more apparent.

People are like this, and it is the happiest thing to be praised by others.

One night passed.

The next day, before the sun rose, the residents in the community were awakened by the noise of firecrackers.

The welcoming convoy arrived downstairs at An Ran's house. Lu Yu, wearing a brand-new military uniform, came to the door surrounded by He Chenguang and others.

The door was closed tightly, and Enron's bridesmaid corps guarded strictly, shouting inside: "The groom wants to see the bride, he must give a big red envelope, one for each person, otherwise we won't open the door!"

He Chenguang carried the bag with the word "Happy", and said with a smile: "I've been ready a long time ago. They are all big red envelopes. I absolutely can't help but open the door!"

With that said, grabbed a lot of red packets, each of which has a certain thickness and full weight.

One was inserted through the crack in the door, and it was quickly snatched by the people inside.

When the bridesmaids opened it, there was actually 888 in the red envelope, which shocked everyone.

They have also participated in other weddings, but they have never seen such a proud one!

Most people give fifty yuan, which is very generous, but it's just a red envelope for fun. There is no need to waste money.

The bridesmaid who received the red envelope smiled, and the other bridesmaids also had a ‘$’ sign in their eyes.

"Of course, your husband is so generous!"

"Too rich!"

After stuffing a few red envelopes, the door was finally opened.

Lu Yu and his party rushed in and filled the room.

The next step was to find shoes for the bride to wear according to the custom. Under the cheers of the crowd, Lu Yu picked up An Ran and walked out the gate.

A large road in the community has been emptied of crowds, and ten military helicopters lined up and parked, with big happy characters posted on them.

They use a team for marriage, and a bit more arrogant, it is a variety of sports cars, Rolls-Royce and other luxury cars, which look very grand.

Have you seen someone using a helicopter for marriage?

Moreover, there are still ten military aircraft, which cannot be bought with money.

This kind of ostentation directly shocked everyone in the community who saw this scene.

A plane can be worth more than a dozen luxury sports cars, which is almost full.

I am afraid there is no second such wedding in the whole country.

Surrounded by the crowd, Lu Yu hugged An Ran all the way to the plane.

Then, to the bridesmaids, An Dapan and others who were shocked by this scene, he said, "Come on, everyone, haven't you ever been in a military helicopter? Have a good experience of the strength of our troops!"

Everyone was extremely excited. They had only seen this kind of airplane on TV, and they didn't expect that they would have the opportunity to take a ride.

With the help of the soldiers, everyone carefully climbed onto the helicopter.

After everyone was seated firmly, Lu Yu ordered the helicopter to take off, and it boomed into the sky.

Ten helicopters lined up in a neat formation, first flying around the city in a circle, and finally landing at the gate of a luxury hotel.

The road on this side of the hotel was temporarily closed long ago, and there were no vehicles coming in or out.

Ten helicopters just stopped on the A red carpet was spread underneath, extending into the lobby of the hotel.

Lu Yu picked up An Ran, stepped on the red carpet, and walked slowly towards the hotel.

On either side of the red carpet, a row of well-groomed soldiers stood.

Each with their heads held high, they drew their sabers from their waists, forming an arch across Lu Yu's pass.

Lu Yu held An Ran and took a step forward, and the arch formed by the saber would open a little, and countless splendid fireworks bloomed above them.

The guests looked at this scene and were shocked by this grand wedding.

Behind the group of bridesmaids, all nymphs stared forward.

Such a flourishing wedding, to them, may be like a princess and prince in a fairy tale.

Along with those two figures, they head towards the end of happiness together.

(End of this chapter)

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