Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 645: Jingxian K two secret agents (6)

Chapter 636

An Dapan, who recovered his senses, once again wore a smug smile on his face.

"I told you a long time ago that my son-in-law has a lot of face and is famous in the army! Take a good look. Not only the governor, but also the leaders of the major directors, hey, these people, All came to curry favor with my son-in-law."

These words, Ang Dapan just bluffed each other, completely for the sake of face.

Some people did not believe what he said before, but in the face of this situation, some people do not believe it.

"Lao An!"

The BMW man looked at An Dapan with more enthusiasm than seeing his own father: "Are you free these two days? My brother wants you to have a good meal! Your son-in-law is so good, so I... Cough, I have something to think about, please!"

An Dapan squinted at him, that was so cool in his heart!

"Haha, let's go! I see someday I am free, now I am very busy, there are too many people who want to invite me to dinner, you have to line up!"

This is a bit too pretentious.

But the BMW male didn't take it seriously, and his attitude became more and more humble.

People are like this, once they have power, others will take it for granted.

He even tried his best to stick his **** with a hot face!

Of course, this power of An Dapan was only given to him by Lu Yu.

If he hadn't seen this scene in front of him, it was obviously impossible for the BMW man to bird him.

The wedding was held smoothly, and those big figures who came in an endless stream from all sides also pushed the wedding scene to a high level.

The chief of staff of the headquarters near Zhang Jinzhong also contacted the stars of the Zongzheng Song and Dance Ensemble and came to the scene to cheer for the wedding.

Even those hosts who often appear on TV shows were invited over to co-host this grand wedding.

The only thing that is prohibited at the scene is to take pictures, not to mention video recording, and all activities in the hotel will not be spread.

This is also for confidentiality measures to avoid unnecessary public opinion.

However, in a surveillance duty room of the hotel, a security guard was secretly recording the wedding ceremony at the scene.

Staring coldly at the monitor's picture, he called up the three main cameras in the hall and intercepted several of them.

Noticing that no one was around, he picked up the phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Ling Shao, the video has begun to be recorded. The scene is very grand. Many leaders have come and there are many VIPs."

The security reported the detailed situation and asked: "How long does it take to record?"

Opposite, Ling Feiyang's mouth overflowed with a faint smile: "Just record some wonderful things, there is no need to record them all, now we are still a bit low-key on Longguo! Remember, don't be discovered."

"Understand!" The security nodded, "I am the only one here, and I won't be discovered. I will intercept the most important things and take them back."

Hanging up the phone, the security guard stared at Lu Yu in the surveillance screen with sorrowful eyes, the ultimate murderous intent passing by.


As time went by, this grand wedding of the prince and princess soon came to an end.

The guests who came to the wedding banquet began to leave the wine table one after another and returned.

The members of the leadership team also left after greeting Lu Yu.

Zhang Jinzhong called Lu Yu aside, and said when only the two of them were left: "Today is your big wedding. I will give you ten days of wedding leave. You can take a good rest with your wife or go on a trip."

Lu Yu asked in surprise: "Ten days? Chief, isn't this a bit too much? I don't need a rest for practical purposes."

"Fart!" Zhang Jinzhong glared at him: "I don't know your kid yet? He is a fighting maniac all year round! But if you get married, your daughter-in-law has to rest even if you don't rest? Why give me After finishing the fake repair, I stayed at home for ten days, stay with your wife, don’t let her down."

Lu Yu was helpless, it was the first time he saw the leader force his subordinates to rest.

"Well, you have approved the Minister, I'm not welcome." He shrugged.

Zhang Jinzhong smiled and patted Lu Yu on the shoulder: "Okay, go back and accompany your wife. I wish you a happy wedding."

When all the guests basically left, no one left in the leadership team.

Lu Yu drove into the car and bid farewell to An Dapan and his wife before returning to the hotel with An Ran.

The two are already married, and of course they can no longer live in their natal family. The newlyweds still have to go to Lu Yu to spend the candle night in the bridal chamber.

Although it was a hotel, Shi Changxing arranged the best hotel and room here, and he would not wrong the newlyweds.

The temporary wedding room had already been set up properly, filled with happy characters and ribbon balloons, and those who followed and wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber were all blasted out by Lu Yu.

Now, he just wants to enjoy the simple two-person world with An Ran.

After closing the door, the two of them lay hand in hand on the soft bed.

After a busy day, the roots of the ears are rarely cleaned.

"I never knew that getting married would be so tiring!"

An Ran stared at the ceiling and sighed: "I feel more tired than we have performed any task before."

Lu Yu turned his head to look at her and smiled bitterly: "Your family has so many relatives. I don't know how many of them I have greeted today. I found out that I don't know one! Now if I meet them on the street, I guess I don't even recognize one. Well, I have forgotten who is who!"

An Ran rolled over and lay on his chest, with big watery eyes staring at Lu Yu: "Then are you tall today?"

"Happy! Of course happy!"

Lu Yu held An Ran in his arms: "Everyone talks about titles on the gold list and wedding banquets. I am considered to be married and established! It is a pity that I have no parents and they have no chance to see it. Otherwise, I will be very happy."

An Ran stared at Lu Yu's eyes docilely and smiled: "Don't be sad, we will be a family from now on, and my parents will be your parents. You have me and our family, and you will never be alone anymore!"

"Yeah." Lu Yu answered softly, his arms around An Ran tightened: "Yes, in the future, we will be the same family, and I will have parents too!"

"My wife, it's nice to have you by my side."

Lu Yu kissed her smooth forehead.

Just when the two were enjoying the candle night in the bridal chamber.

Located in a dark underground rental house in this the security guard who recorded the video in the hotel is a k2 spy. He is sending the content captured today to Ling Feiyang, who is far away in Europe. .

In a high-end room.

Ling Feiyang tilted Erlang's legs, leaning on the leather sofa, carefully staring at the candid shots played on the computer screen, eyes cold like a poisonous snake.

Darkness is his father and the person he admires most in his life!

And Ling Feiyang's thoughts were formed by the black cat instilling him at first.

It can be said that the black cat is his enlightenment mentor.

However, the man who was served as a **** by him was actually killed.

And the person who killed him is still enjoying the romantic wedding congratulated by the crowds of friends.

The signature smile on Ling Feiyang's face had disappeared completely, leaving only an extremely crazy killing.

(End of this chapter)

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