Chapter 651 The First Three Places

"Made, I was blind, and thought he was a good person, but he was even more perverted than Yang Junyu!"

"He wants cat-claw mice. He disperses all of us as mice, and lets his people catch them, so he can play with us!"

"This **** said that it was easy, he ran eighty kilometers with a heavy load, and he was still in the mountain. The punishment was so heavy. Who can bear this?

After everyone climbed into the car, they all cursed and almost hated Lu Yu.

In addition to dissatisfaction, they also aroused a strong fighting spirit in their hearts, and everyone did not want to lose.

Lu Yu said very clearly that once they were eliminated, they would never have any chance, and could only return to the old army in despair.

Seeing everyone getting in the car, Yang Junyu stood alone in embarrassment and asked Lu Yu, "Instructor Lu, they are gone, what am I doing?"

"You?" Lu Yu looked at him: "Didn't I just say it? Get in the car and participate in the training camp."


Yang Junyu pointed to his nose with a look of surprise: "Participate in the training? I want it too? But I am the commander-in-chief of the scene. Master Lan personally appointed me. In the future, I will be the battalion commander of the special operations battalion.

Made! Yang Junyu didn't want to suffer this crime when he went to run eighty kilometers in the mountain ditch.

"You said too, it's the future!"

Lu Yu glanced at him faintly: "Now it's the bottom line operation, and everyone must participate. If you, as the commander-in-chief, fail even the first level, are you still eligible to be the battalion commander in the future? you?"

"In addition, I understand that I am the boss here, and you have to listen to my orders! If you don't go, I can eliminate you now, let you go back and even become a company commander. Believe it or not?"

"Either get in the car or get out! Choose one yourself!" Lu Yu stared at Yang Junyu coldly.


Yang Junyu's face was gloomy, and there was a raging anger in his heart but he didn't dare to send it out.

He wouldn't have thought of killing him. The commander-in-chief himself should have led the audience and gave directions.

As a result, being stepped on to the bottom by Lu Yu became as low as an ordinary soldier's treatment!

Who will put this on?

"I... I get in the car!"

What can Yang Junyu do? I could only admit it, turned and ran to the car.

If you don't counsel, you will be eliminated. He believes what Lu Yu said is definitely not a joke!

When all the soldiers got on the vehicle, the vehicle started to start, carrying the group of people into the mountains.

Last night, Lu Yu was not idle. He chose an excellent place with poor mountains and rivers overnight, just to let these guys understand what a mountain road eighteen bends are today.

In addition to the winding back and forth mountain roads, there are also many deep mountainous areas that no one has set in between, and the difficulty is absolutely hell-level.

Running eighty kilometers is easy, and it is rare to cross mountains and ridges to make everyone want to die!

Watching groups of vehicles driving away, Lu Yu waved to He Chenguang and others.

When everyone gathered around, Lu Yu said, "You know what to do, right?"

Everyone nodded, and Song Kaifei smiled: "Don't worry, Captain, we all know the importance of starting."

Lu Yu didn't give him an angry look. The meaning was obvious, I believe you a ghost!

"Do you think I don't know? I was caught by you guys. If you don't stun, you will die."


Song Kaifei scratched his head with embarrassment, and the others laughed.

Lu Yu didn't say anything wrong, that's what they planned originally!

The captain was indeed the captain, and they knew what **** they were going to **** when they pouted.

Lu Yu cleared his throat and coughed twice: "It's up to you to stun or not, but remember for me, there are many wild animals in the mountains, remember to signal in advance, don't be really caught by the wild beasts!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. Hearing what Lu Yu meant, he just ignored them?

"Hmm, don't worry, Captain, we have a sense of measure to ensure that they are safe!"

"Those guys are all carrying flare, we must remember!"

Everyone nodded solemnly.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Don't you want to spend more time in love? I will give another benefit. Whoever catches ten rookies in advance, I will give him two days off to spend time with his girlfriend. These two days You can do whatever you want!"

"However, just remember the top three, and don't forget the latter. If you want to spend more time with your girlfriend, just go and cheer!"

Everyone was full of surprise expressions, and they almost cheered in place.

Generally speaking, their vacations are extremely precious, and they usually take a half-day vacation, which is very kind.

If you get it in these two days, you will be able to lift your arms and do a lot of work, so that the beauty can't be returned?

"Captain, if we really let go, won't these rookies have to eliminate a lot?" He Chenguang asked suspiciously.

"Right right!" Xu Tianlong nodded: "This time it is not a selection. Since these guys are elite, we don't need to eliminate them."

"You know what a fart!"

Lu Yu glared: "Lao Lan and Lao Fang have packed in all the people they can call in, and they are counting on me to work hard for them! One thousand and five hundred people, don't you feel tired of teaching? Just stay. The next half is almost there, and all the others are eliminated!"

"The most important point is that only this elimination mechanism will give the remaining people a sense of urgency, work harder, and squeeze all their potential."

"Captain, when it comes to old treacherous cunning, you are still clever!"

Thumbs up admired by everyone.

"Fuck off!"

Lu Yu kicked over: "I am also decompressing you. With so many people, you will only have to sacrifice your time with your girlfriends. Are you willing?"


Everyone shook their heads without thinking.

Just kidding, they thought they didn’t have enough time, so it seems that the more eliminated, the better!

"Okay, get out of here!" Lu Yu shouted, "Remember, there are only the first three places. Whether you can go on a date or not depends on your performance."

Green light appeared in everyone's eyes!

One by one started gearing up, in order to get rid of single dogs as soon as possible and embark on a happy life in pairs.

"Brothers, **** them!"

He Chenguang roared and led everyone to rush out.

At this moment, army trucks were carrying rookies, galloping on the bumpy mountain road.

At the beginning, they were still on the road, but after half an hour they gradually drove into the mountains.

The mountain road was full of stones and winding windings, and the bones of the people in the car were almost dismantled.

"Where is this taking us?"

La Qiangdong grabbed the armrest of the car, and was a little nauseous.

"Huh! It's definitely not a good place to go anyway!"

Wang Xiaowei curled his lips: "That Lu Yu looks like a person on the surface, but he didn't expect to be so perverted. I guess he wants to throw us into a ravine where no one is going to satisfy his perverted psychology."

Zhang Nengli said calmly: "Be more confident and remove those two words. We must be thrown into the deep mountains and old forest!"

(End of this chapter)

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