Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 673: The Red Devil and the Red Queen

Chapter 664 Red Devil and Red Queen

Ling Feiyang said indifferently: "The Red Devil is even crazier than lunatics. They dare to take any job. They are completely unique in the mercenary world! However, I just need such a group of lunatics. Being able to do things for me, such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, I am definitely going to fulfill the idiots of the Phrasong Group."

As he said, Ling Feiyang turned his eyes back to the window: "Always pay attention, if there is news from Phrasong, I need to know the first time! I will see how that old guy will play this play well."


The secretary respectfully agreed and withdrew immediately.


In an uninhabited dense jungle.

No one knows that there is a cottage hidden here, and the base camp of Phrasong Group is located here.

The leader of the Phra Song Group, Phra Song himself, is a local warlord chief, and later he helped the government to do things.

This is only on the surface, but in private he is still a drug dealer.

Because of his great strength and his own private guard, these years have been alive and well, and no one dared to move him.

After he retired, he simply occupied the mountain as the king here, and became the dominant earth emperor.

Both of his sons are commanders of the government army, and his son-in-law is also in important positions and high positions, so Phra Song has always been unfeared.

The original Nuoka was his general and a chess piece he helped up.

The boss that Nuoka said, Phra Song is one of them!

And Minden, who was arrested by Lu Yu, was also Phra Song's subordinate.

However, Minden came from Lishang, but he has always been in close contact with Phra Song.

Inside a two-story bamboo building in the cottage.

Phrasong was smoking a cigarette while lying on a bamboo chair, staring coldly at a small team standing in front of him.

There are only twenty people in this one, there are men and women, and the head is a coquettish woman in a red leather coat, which is incompatible with the surrounding painting style.

But those sturdy squad members respectfully stood behind the woman, bowed their heads and said nothing.

"Are you the Red Queen?" Phrasong asked lightly.


The glamorous woman smiled: "It seems that my name has been spread to the east? Thank you very much for Master Phrasong for knowing me!"

Pasong frowned and said coldly: "You are the leader of the Red Devil. It is said that the Red Devil is one of the best mercenary organizations in the world. I would like to see if this rumor is true?"

When he said this, Phra Song didn't seem to notice, and the corner of the red eye standing in front of him twitched slightly.

"Do you want to inspect the goods?" Hong Queen asked with a smile still.

"Of course!" Pasong said solemnly, "The price you paid is almost three times higher, and one person is worthy of a mercenary group. I spend so much money, naturally, I have to see if you are worth it. "

"Well, if you ask so, then I will satisfy you."

The Red Queen smiled charmingly, and suddenly the whole person jumped up from the same place, turning into a afterimage of Phra Song who rushed to the bamboo chair.

Without seeing what she had done, Phra Song heard screams coming out of him.

He hurriedly turned his head and saw the two guards beside him disappeared.

When they looked again, the two had been dragged back to where the Red Queen stood before.

Phrasong's pupils shrank slightly, stunned!

It's not how spooky and fast the other party is, but that such a charming and charming woman is so cruel.

The two guards were digging out a pair of eyeballs from their eye sockets with her fingers, and they used their fingers to tear open their ears.

The two guards had blood on their faces, but they were motionless as if they had been enchanted, and they still brutally destroyed them with the red queen.

As if she had become a doll, she didn't make a scream.

The other members of the Red Devil laughed at this scene one by one, as if they were watching a monkey show.

Phrasong's men were so scared that their faces were pale, and they backed away in horror, and their backs were all wet with cold sweat.

After torturing the two guards, the Red Queen looked at Pa Song and smiled slightly: "Mr. Pa Song, how about it? I'm still worth the price, right?"

Phra Song was also frightened, his scalp was a little numb and swallowed, before he said, "It's worth it, it's worth it!"

Torturing his two subordinates to death in front of Phrasong, the Red Queen did not deliberately deter, or for other purposes.

She is very killy in her bones, and she has a tendency to abuse others.

This is a woman with a feminine heart!

Let everything go with the flow.

Because of this, this woman becomes more and more terrifying.

Seeing that his two subordinates were cruelly tortured to death, their faces were bloody, falling into a pool of blood.

Rao, a drug dealer who didn't take human life seriously, felt his heart tremble inexplicably, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"We, the Red Devil, always pay attention to credibility and do things for others with money!"

The red queen licked the blood on her hand, full of enjoyment, and a strange smile appeared on her face: "However, Mr. Phra Song, you better call me the next amount of money as soon as possible! Me, But they recognize money but not people!"

Phra Song had a fierce cold war, cursing a pervert in his heart, and then coldly snorted, "Didn't I have already paid the money? You only came when you received the money?"

The red queen's smile became more and more eccentric: "The one hundred million you gave is just a deposit! This time we cooperated with you, we also took a big risk, the price is naturally high."

As she said, she circled the guards, sarcasm on her face: "Hehe, to be honest, you want to complete this task based on the trash under your hands, plus the incompetent mercenaries outside. Are you afraid that you are dreaming?"

"We, the Red Devil, have worked hard in this area for many years and have a complete action plan! This is what we do best, and the money is not too much!"

Phrasong's face was sullen, and his heart was very upset.

The price negotiated before, now suddenly you have to sit down and raise the price, just because you killed two people to prove yourself?

What a killer is mine!

But the power is better than others, and they are standing in front of them. They were introduced by k2. No matter how dissatisfied, Phra Song can only swallow his breath.

"How much do you want? Make a one-time offer!"

The red queen’s smile is charming and enchanting: "You can give me another two billion for the total price! Of I won’t let you suffer, but in exchange, I can arrange for someone to save your son. Come out, everyone will have a chance to continue cooperating when they come and go."

Phra Song almost burst his lungs out of breath!

Two billion? Why don't you grab it? It is true that Lao Tzu's money came from the wind!

Bang, he slapped him on the table and shouted angrily: "Impossible! Two hundred million is too much, are you crazy about money?"

The Red Queen is not angry, she still smiles: "Oh, are you angry? Let's sit down and talk about business, if we have something to say! Now we are all here, the Red Devil never does it. For a loss-making business, you can either give me 100 million and we will leave, or give me another 200 million and we will work together."

"But if you want to be angry, then it's not about business, so you look down on our Red Devil!" The Red Queen said slowly: "Mr. Pasong, you are also a character. You know the fate of offending the Red Devil, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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