Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 689: Large-scale celebration party

"Go, the celebration party is ready, just waiting for you."

Gao Shiwei pulled Lu Yu and walked back: "At the celebration party tonight, it is said that many big people came, and they are all for you! You, the proper protagonist!"

The group of people excitedly followed Gao Shiwei into the car and was dragged to the party.

This celebration party was chosen in the largest local stadium.

After half an hour, when Lu Yu and the others arrived at the venue, they found that the audience was already full.

Most of them are drawn from various troops or police.

Gao Shiwei led Lu Yu and the others into the backstage, put on costumes, and gave them a little dress up.

After a while, there was loud music from the front desk, and the host began to make an announcement.

Gao Shiwei hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, it's your turn to take the stage!"

Lu Yu opened his mouth wide in surprise: "We just came here, are we going to start?"

"Haha! It is said that you are the protagonist tonight, and everyone is waiting for you. Although they have just arrived, everyone has been waiting for almost two hours."

Gao Shiwei said with a smile, leading Lu Yu and the others to the front desk.

At this time, a beam of lights came down on the stage, highlighting that they were the protagonists on the stage.

Everyone was a little dazzling, looking at the audience below, a little excited and nervous.

The host took the microphone and walked to them with a smile, and introduced to the audience in the audience: "Everyone, they are the heroes in this operation. They have successfully evacuated and rescued more than a thousand people in the mall! They are from a mysterious special team. The army is a well-deserved sword. Use your applause to warmly welcome them!"


The audience immediately burst into applause from the mountains and the tsunami, endless like waves.

The host continued: "Because of the confidential nature, their troop numbers and names are inconvenient to disclose to the public, but this glory really belongs to them, and it belongs to every hero who has worked hard! Now, please have the headquarters Chief Zhang, personally presented awards and honorary titles to our heroes!"

Zhang Jinzhong walked onto the stage with a big smile, and stopped in front of Lu Yu.

From the box he was holding behind him, he took out a first-class merit medal and hung it on Lu Yu's neck solemnly.

At the same time, from another box next to it, he took out a special golden medal and hung it next to the first-class merit medal.

"This medal is the latest first-level anti-terrorism hero medal, which is specially awarded to heroes who have struggled and made great contributions like you."

Zhang Jinzhong smiled slightly, stepped back, and then solemnly saluted Lu Yu: "You deserve these two medals!"


While Zhang Jinzhong saluted, all the audience in the audience stood up neatly and spontaneously, saluting Lu Yu in a unified manner.

Everyone, without exception, showed admiration and admiration for heroes on their faces.

Lu Yu was so excited that he withdrew a step back and saluted everyone in the audience.

The host was excited and stood up and said loudly: "This is a moment worth remembering in history. Each of our heroes has infected thousands of people with their deeds!"

"I believe that we have never lacked heroes from ancient times to the present, and whenever there is a crisis, there will always be heroes for us to promote. Every one of you present is a hero that makes the country proud!"

"Hero, should be remembered!"

The host's passionate words immediately pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a peak.

Next, the actors from the Art Troupe and Song and Dance Troupe will perform on stage for everyone.

After the awards, Lu Yu and the others were going backstage to watch the performance, but they were held back by the host.

"Master Lu, please stay! Today is such a good day, are you going to sing two songs for our live audience?"

Lu Yu was stunned. He didn’t expect that there was another link. He rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly: "Where did I compose a good song? Today, so many comrades-in-arms are there. If you don’t sing well, you should be laughed at by them. ."

The host smiled more happily: "The two songs you sang before have not only been sung throughout the country, but also become classics in military songs! Now everyone knows your creative ability, just because of this It’s a great opportunity to perform for everyone, which will also enhance the atmosphere of the scene."

"Yeah, Xiao Lu, it's rare to be happy today. You can improvise a song while the big guys are here!" Zhang Jinzhong followed with a smile: "It's okay to make a song with a powerful and bright spot to boost morale. ."

Lu Yu was helpless.

An impromptu song? You really think of me as a Chinese small music library, you have any songs you want!

However, the leader has spoken, what else can he do? Can only bite the bullet.

Gao Shiwei also said that this evening party is for the headquarters to promote and boost morale by awarding itself.

As the commander of the special operations division, Lu Yu is also a high-level military officer, this kind of thing will naturally take the lead.

The host immediately turned around to make arrangements, and Lu Yu took advantage of this gap and thought about it.

This place and his original world originally belonged to two different parallel worlds, and there was not much intersection.

Everything that existed in the original world, it is difficult to find exactly the same track here, including many military songs.

In the past, Lu Yu had heard familiar military songs with energy, and 80% of them were not available in this In his previous life, Lu Yu was an out-and-out military fan.

Many military songs can not only be sung, but they are also very familiar!

After thinking about it for a moment, two military songs immediately appeared in my mind, which were in line with the current situation.

After deciding what song to sing, the host here asks if he is ready.

"You can go on stage!"

Lu Yu gave an ok gesture, indicating that there was no problem.

The host happily went to arrange his appearance.

With all the expectations, Lu Yu stepped onto the stage again, and the audience looked at him fascinatedly, just like little fans.

To them, Lu Yu is more attractive than any so-called bright star!

The host excitedly stood beside Lu Yu and introduced him: "Everyone should have heard these two songs, "The Motherland Knows Me" and "The Green Flower in the Army", right? But what you don't know is that, in fact, these two songs The creator of is the hero standing next to me."

as expected!

The whole audience was stunned by the news.

Some time ago, the popularity of these two songs was indeed very high, and everyone knows that they must have been written by someone in the army.

But they don't know that the creator of the two songs will be the same person, and it will be Lu Yu.

He is not only the youngest colonel, but also a national special warfare expert, but he can write songs?

For a while, everyone looked at Lu Yu with more enthusiastic eyes, as if they had discovered a new world.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and everyone was applauding enthusiastically! !

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was mobilized, the host smiled slightly and dropped a blockbuster again: "Tell you good news. Today, everyone is blessed. Our hero will dedicate his new song to everyone. Applause welcome."

The applause instantly burst like thunder, surging, and enduring...

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