"Huh! These guys are really getting more and more unruly. They bullied us old men for no rights and didn't even give us a drink!"

Zhang Shan grunted, his face full of discomfort.


Fang Bin echoed: "It's rare for us to be so happy. We just want to have a bite with our little brother. This will cause problems? We didn't die when we fought in the war, and would still be stumped by a glass of wine? Truthful!"

Zhang Jinzhong didn't dare to say it, so he could only blink at Lu Yu.

Several old men wanted to drink with him, as long as Lu Yu disagrees, he could persuade them to stop.

Seeing the look Zhang Jinzhong gave, would Lu Yu not understand?

Nodded, Lu Yu asked several elderly people: "Dear chiefs, do you really want to drink?"

"What?" Zhou Zixu stared, "Boy, don't you dare to drink?"

Chen Lei was unhappy: "We just thought you were bloody, so now we are retreating, and don't even have the courage to drink with some of our old men? Are we still more brutal than the enemies you have encountered?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "I didn't mean that. I told a few of you before that you must take care of your health. This is to make a contribution to the country and to the younger generation! You are ruining yourself in this way, and you don't think about the country. The future?"

"Your chiefs have worked for the country all their lives, don't they even understand this truth?"

Zhang Jinzhong secretly gave Lu Yu a thumbs up.

Xindao, this kid can still speak well! Several old chiefs will eat this set!

Sure enough, when he heard this, the old men were silent.

Zhou Zixu sighed secretly: "We also want to contribute to the country, but as we are now, it is hard to stand up. What else can we do?"

Zhang Shan stared at the ceiling: "We old guys, we can't do anything and leave the country in vain. We can only eat together and wait to die! It's better to drink two more small drinks, even if you can't make it through, you can see you sooner. See those comrades-in-arms. It's really meaningless to be alive!"

Lu Yu said solemnly: "Several chiefs, if you really want to drink, you might as well let me check it out for you."

"What? Check?"

Fang Bin looked at Lu Yu in surprise, "Boy, do you still have medical skills?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Well, I am the temporary military doctor in the team. Those who were rescued by me are alive and well! All of these, people in my army can testify!"


The four old guys looked at Lu Yu with interest: "Boy, don't you see, you are still an all-round talent?"

Zhang Jinzhong stared in surprise: "You...you can heal? Why don't I know this?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Minister, you haven't performed a task with me. Of course I don't know. Besides, I don't need to report this to you specifically, right?"

"Haha! Since you know how to heal, that's right, help us old men to see!"

Zhou Zixu laughed and said: "I can't believe others, but those who come down from the battlefield mountains, I believe, and what you say, I also believe!"

Lu Yu looked at Zhang Jinzhong and asked for his opinion.

However, before he could speak, Zhou Zixu rushed and said, "What do you think he does? It is for us to check, not for him! Our life is in charge, he is a fart! Boy, come on, come on, come on! Show us it!"

Zhang Jinzhong was embarrassed, and was scolded like a grandson, so he nodded at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu walked to Zhou Zixu's side, squatted down, and gave the other party pulse first according to the traditional Chinese medicine method.

When he put his fingers on each other's pulse, there seemed to be a strange resonance between the two bodies.

Lu Yu has read books on surgery. In terms of medical skills, he only knows surgery and does not understand Chinese medicine.

However, the self-healing power contained in his body is capable of communicating with other people's bodies.

Using this as a medium, consciousness enters the opponent's body, quickly wandering and exploring.

After a while, Lu Yu released his hand.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Shan next to him immediately asked: "How is it? How is Lao Zhou's situation?"

Lu Yu sighed: "According to the standard of general clinical medicine, Zhou Lao's body is exhausted, and it is hopeless! Maybe within two years..."

"Lu Yu, what are you talking about?" Zhang Jinzhong interrupted coldly.

Zhou Zixu stared, "What are you yelling at? Lao Tzu's body is clear to me, and Lu Yu is right! You are not a doctor, shut up and get out if you don't want to stay!"

Zhang Jinzhong dared not say a word when he was scolded, and smiled bitterly beside him.

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Yu, shook his head and sighed, "No wonder I feel that my body is getting worse and worse these days, and I feel tired every day, as if I can't wake up. It's so much worse than before! It seems, I really do. Time is running out, I have to go to see those old comrades in arms in advance!"

The other three old men inevitably felt a sense of sorrow and sorrow, and they were silent.

They are all about the same age, and there are only a few people in that generation.

If they leave again, it will be a huge blow to them, and I don't know if they can bear it.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Lu Yu said sternly: "Several chiefs, if you believe me, I have a way to try! Although you can't live a hundred years, you can at least live longer, so that you can live another twenty. year!"


The four people who were still in a sad state were stunned.

"You... will you live longer?!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "That's right! I don't know the four leaders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dare to give it a try?"

Life is absolutely fair, only once for everyone.

No matter what kind of wealth in front of you, your life will turn into a puddle of loess at the end of your life.

However, some people don't cherish life.

When I was young, I was full of energy, and I was least afraid of death. I felt that the end of the train of life was too far away from them.

But at the age of the four old chiefs of Zhou Zixu, every day or even every minute is precious.

If you can live healthy and healthy, who wants to die?

Only those who have lost hope in life and feel that they are all gloomy in their eyes will not want to live.

Therefore, hearing Lu Yu's words, the eyes of the four old guys all brightened.

In terms of their physical condition, let alone twenty years, they would have earned one or two more lives!

Therefore, they wanted to know what exactly Lu Yu would use to prolong his life?

"Do you need injections and medicine?" Fang Bin asked quickly.

Lu Yu smiled: "There is no need for injections and medicine!"


Hearing this, several people are even more curious.

"Without injections and medicine, how can you prolong our lives?" Zhang Shan asked immediately.

Chen Lei shook his head and sighed with a wry smile: "Boy, I know you are kind, and you deliberately said this to make us old guys happy! But his body knows this in his own heart, even taking medicine is useless. Each of us has a body. There are shrapnel in it, if you can't get it out, so many doctors are useless!"

Lu Yu smiled confidently: "They can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it! Modern medicine is indeed very advanced, but modern medicine is not clear about some things, such as traditional Chinese medicine and qigong left by the ancestors. Several leaders, Are you sure not to try? What if it is cured?"

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