"From the time I was a special soldier, I started to read the cool notes of becoming a strong novel ( Find the latest chapter!

After entering the room, the black hood ran to a young man and shouted: "Boss, someone brought you here!"

The young man turned his head, with a pair of gold glasses on the bridge of his nose. Although he was dressed very gracefully, he couldn't hide the frivolous flamboyance revealed in his expression.

He smiled forward and stretched out his right hand to Rudolph and said, "Fortunately, you will be lucky! You are the famous Colonel Rudolf with the famous signal flag. I have been admiring the name for a long time. I am K2 Ling Feiyang."

Rudolf shook hands with Ling Feiyang indifferently: "The signal flag has become my past. Those of us who have been abandoned by the country don't like to mention that period of time. Now I only work for myself!"

Ling Feiyang smiled, admiringly said: "The wisest choice is the one who can consider himself! Mr. Rudolph is still the person I admire the most!"

Rudolph took a look at Ling Feiyang: "Unexpectedly, Black Cat’s son was quite capable. He completely took over K2 in such a short time, and he was also well-organized. I have worked with Black Cat before, and he is also someone I admire. Pity……"

"However, Black Cat has a son like you, who is even better than him. He is so pleased."

There was a gloomy look in Ling Feiyang's eyes, but he quickly covered it.

"Hehe, this is all good from my father's genetic inheritance. I have inherited everything from my father perfectly and will continue to develop." Ling Feiyang smiled indifferently.

Rudolph waved his hand: "This is your private affair, I'm not interested in knowing! Whether you or the black cat ask me to cooperate, the most important thing is money, isn't it? We do everything in the face of money. Your father knows it all."

Ling Feiyang smiled and said, "Of course, you are the only team among special forces and mercenaries in the world, which can be called the best team! I dare not owe this money, Mr. Rudolph, don't worry, I have hit black for 100 million dollars. On Signal Flag’s account. When the matter is finished, another 50 million US dollars will be credited as scheduled."

Rudolph turned on his cell phone, and sure enough, he saw the bank's transfer instructions.

"Haha, my friend, it's easy to do things with money!"

He smiled happily on his face, put away his cell phone and said: "Give the money, you are my God, come on, what do we need to do?"

Ling Feiyang pointed to a few scientific researchers in white coats in the room and smiled: "What did I do, you should also know?"

Rudolph's eyes narrowed slightly: "You robbed the marine research laboratory and want to sell genetic drugs? These things are just experimental products. Does anyone dare to buy them?"

Ling Feiyang smiled and said: "This thing is very popular. At present, several buyers have sent me consultations. I can sell the things within two days, but it does not rule out changes."

"It is said that countries around the world have dispatched top special forces to prevent me from trading! If you guessed it correctly, their planes are already hovering near Bermuda!"

"What I need you to do is to intercept and kill these people when they come to make trouble. After two days, you can leave. You will receive the remaining sum of money by the third morning at the latest!"

"Huh? It's that simple?" Rudolph frowned.

"Hehe, this task is not easy!"

Ling Feiyang smiled lightly: "The people who came this time are the best special forces in the world! Including the U.S. seals, the Alpha from the country of Maozi, and the Rising Sun Special Forces from the Eastern Kingdom, and the elite A-Team from the Long Kingdom. ."

Rudolph sneered: "What kind of stuff are these? Will they kill people? The flowers that grow in the greenhouse dare to be called elite? There are more people who die in our hands than they have ever seen!"

"However, don't worry, our black signal flag is the most credible!"

Rudolph faintly pouted: "Since I have received your money, I will do my best to do things well! So that you can know how much the sky-high price of 100 million US dollars is."

After that, he didn’t turn around and left: "In these two days, I will fulfill your request! But in the early morning after the third day, if you are dead or alive, you have nothing to do with me. I will take My people leave. But the remaining money must be called to me, otherwise, you know the consequences." TXT Bookstore

Rudolph left proudly.

Looking at his back, the smile on Ling Feiyang's face gradually disappeared.

"Boss, this **** is too arrogant!"

One of his subordinates said angrily: "He even dared to threaten you in public. He was so reckless!"

Ling Feiyang waved his hand: "Forget it, they do have some skills, and we still have to rely on this group of people. The black signal flag used to be the strongest special operations force. They have studied the weaknesses of the special forces of various countries, and they have been extremely aggressive. A rare and good helper."

The subordinates said uncomfortably: "But they are too ignorant of etiquette, they can't tell who is the boss and the employee."

Ling Feiyang sneered: "No matter what the person is, as long as we do good things! Let them guard the special forces for us, and we can trade with peace of mind... Go and notify the buyers immediately, and the things will be sold tomorrow. A place where birds don’t shit."


Boom boom.

The transport plane glided mid-air and landed on the runway of a military airport near Bermuda.

Lu Yu assembled the people and rushed off the plane with them, waiting outside for a man with an eastern face.

"Captain Marine?"

The man smiled and shook hands with Lu Yu, and said, "I am a special agent assigned by the Secret Service Bureau, codenamed Hummingbird. I will be responsible for all of your matters."

Lu Yu nodded: "How is the situation now?"

Hummingbird said: "I'll talk about this later, I'm afraid you have to come with me first, the local government wants to see you."


Wang Yanbing frowned: "What does this mean? We are here to perform a task. How can we waste time? Who will be responsible in case the k2 person runs away?"

Hummingbird shrugged helplessly: "No way, this is the regulations of the local government! Not only you, all the teams from various countries who come here must join together. After all, this is their territory, although they have greeted and asked for permission before. , But when you come here, you still have to follow their rules."

Such a requirement ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is actually taken for granted.

On other people's sites, it is also necessary to listen to what they say.

Lu Yu promptly shouted: "Then go quickly, don't waste time!"

The hummingbird led a group of people to the opposite side, where four off-road vehicles were parked in a row.

Everyone got in the car and drove all the way out of the airport and onto the avenue.

This is an island, through the car window, you can see the endless sea level in the distance.

Under the sun, the waves of the sea glowed with a blue sheen, and the sea and the sky formed a line.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, He Chenguang suddenly asked: "This place is obviously very beautiful, why is it called the Devil's Delta? It also discourages people from all over the world?"

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