Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 818: Send you father and son together

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"I said, don't even think about going anywhere today!"

Lu Yu snorted coldly, gripping the remains of the two broken guns in his hand, and he simply used it as a stick.

The toes touched the ground lightly, and the whole person swished like a cheetah, ejecting toward the front.

Seeing that Lu Yu was the first to attack, the three ninjas in front moved quickly, their samurai swords flickering with cold light, and they slashed at the same time.


At the same time, the ninja hanging upside down on the beam of the house took out a strange weapon similar to a sickle from his body, turned over and slashed from behind Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed, seeing the three samurai swords in front of him, he had no intention of evading.

It was like a bull savagely rushing towards the three ninjas.

At the same time, the spider's induction has been fully diffused, and everything on the scene is clearly presented in his perception.

Faced with the ninja ghostly body and changeable offensive, ordinary people can hardly deal with it.

But this is not a problem in Lu Yu's eyes!

The actions of the four ninjas had already broken down countless detailed actions in his mind.

The route and trajectory of these movements were instantly grasped by Lu Yu.

Before they could finish one action, the following actions were already present in Lu Yu's mind.

Therefore, Lu Yu knew everything about the other party's activities.


The half-ended gun he clenched in his right hand, like an invisible murderous sword, swept out in an instant.

As fast as lightning, it swept across the arms of the three ninjas ahead!

The trio's offensive was disintegrated in an instant, and they gritted their teeth and retreated.

The arm holding the katana was also hit hard, almost dropping the sword to the ground.

call out!

The ninja behind him came with him.

The sickle weapon in his hand seemed to be a reminder from the **** of death, and it was wiped straight to Lu Yu's neck.

"Come down!"

Lu Yu didn't even turn back, as if he had eyes behind his back, he accurately caught the flying sickle with his backhand, and then pulled it down.

Cang Dang!

The iron chain connected to the sickle jumped straight.

On the beam of the room, the ninja hanging upside down was immediately dragged by a strong force and fell to the ground fiercely.

Because this force was too great, he didn't even have the ability to endure a bit, and smashed to the floor.


The ninja spewed a mouthful of blood, his internal organs were damaged, and he was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Lu Yu didn't even look at it. He reached out his hand and threw away the iron chain, and once again launched a fierce attack on the three ninjas in front.

There is no bells and whistles in his offensive, only a single force drop for ten guilds, and the strength of each attack is very fierce.

Obviously heard the air bursting sound, as if even the air was going to be broken by him!

The three ninjas struggled to resist. Although they kept changing positions, they were always pressed back by Lu Yu.

After finally accumulating strength to launch a counterattack, Lu Yulun would even be hit by a half shot.

Click! Click!

The samurai swords of the two ninjas were beaten to pieces and broke into two pieces.

There was also a knife and flew out directly!

Ling Feiyang, who had just boarded the plane, almost fell off when he saw this scene without surprise.

These four ninjas, but he cultivated the best killer under his command.

Every time he went on a mission, he was victorious in all battles, and he had never missed a hand. His strength was the only one.

Now, a dog was beaten to death lying on the ground, recklessly.

The other three even had their weapons smashed, and they couldn't support it.

With a horrified expression on his face, he was so scared that he yelled to the pilot: "Hurry up and take off! Get out of here now!"

The pilot pulled the joystick and opened the Tiancang at the same time.

The roof above the apron slowly opened to both sides, exposing the sky outside.

Lu Yu quickly glanced over here, and his heart sank.

Last time, Ling Feiyang had already escaped once.

Let go once, but can let go a second time?

It's impossible!

Lu Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he rushed forward and toward the front.

The two ninjas were so scared that they backed away immediately, and they had just taken a step before their heels had been caught.

Lu Yu violently lifted them up, as if carrying two chicks upside down, lifting them up.

The two bodies collided heavily in mid-air.

Before they were struggling to get up, Lu Yu had grabbed the ankles of the two of them, pulled them up and threw them high, before slamming them heavily on the floor.

Bang bang.

With two loud noises, the two bodies were directly crippled.

The bones all over his body were broken, and the five internal organs were also shattered, turning into two piles of mud and flesh, motionless.

The last ninja trembled with fright, his pupils dilated, and without the courage to fight, he turned around and ran away.

However, how can his speed compare to Lu Yu?

Lu Yu was easily overtaken by a stride, grabbed his collar and threw it out like trash.

"I said, no one can leave!"

After being thrown out, the ninja slammed into the tail of the helicopter.

The fast-rotating tail wing is like a meat grinder, cut into countless pieces.

The tail wing was hit hard, and the entire helicopter shook, making the scientific researchers scream.

Ling Feiyang was full of anger, so he jumped off the plane and stared at Lu Yu coldly: "Okay! If you don't let me go, the son will play with you!"

Ling Feiyang didn't plan to leave.

He knew that he couldn't leave without solving Lu Yu at this moment.

The helicopter was still intact, but Lu Yu had to destroy it again. The last escape tool was also destroyed, so it was really impossible to leave.

Looking at the time, before the people below came up, within five minutes, it was enough for him to kill Lu Yu and escape.

He has this confidence. For five minutes, no one else can find this place.

Take off his jacket, take off the watch from his wrist, wearing only a white shirt inside.

For ordinary people, the fairly proud muscles loomed in the white shirt, forming a somewhat deterrent effect.

Lu Yu stared at the opponent coldly. In his perception, Ling Feiyang was indeed stronger than the ninjas.

Every subtle movement and form of his walking contains a unique rhythm.

It shows that this guy is a master of fighting!

But that's it!

All so-called masters are just practicing their own fighting skills to the extreme.

In the eyes of Lu Yu, the master of kung fu and the king of murder, any fancy action is actually a superfluous performance before his death.

Ling Feiyang was full of aura, and stared at Lu Yu coldly from high ground: "You killed my father, destroyed my base, and killed my subordinates! These new hatreds and old hatreds, let's settle down today and send you to my father. Kneeling in front of me to confess!"

"Sorry, there are many people who want to kill me, but Lord Yan he dare not accept it. I'm afraid your wish will come to nothing."

Lu Yu shrugged: "Moreover, with the sins committed by your old black cat, it is estimated that you are locked up in the eighteenth **** to suffer at this moment. I can't see it...but you might see it."

"Today, I will send you down and let your father and son reunite!"

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