Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 831: The Dragon Soul, the fire will never die!

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Lu Yu's proposal received unanimous support from everyone.

At this moment, the Troll and Keyboard Man on the Internet still don't know.

The group of people at the top of the country is organizing a cleaning operation to quickly attack them.

Lu Yu was the first to do it.

He first used the highest-level official account at the headquarters to criticize the poster and the Harvard student in the video comment area.

"The personal interests and the country have always been closely related and inseparable! You rely on your own efforts to get out of the poverty-stricken mountainous area, but this cannot be an excuse for you to slander you! Without the training and education of the country, you can even go out. It will be impossible!"

"Elevate the Western world, and try to cater to those white-skinned people, even foreign air is fragrant! You forget that you are yellow-skinned and black-haired, and forget your ancestors. Such a person has no culture no matter how knowledgeable. , I really feel worthless and sad for your parents!"

"The four old chiefs are proud of their stature, and dedicated their last drop of blood for the construction of the country! In that battle, each of them suffered multiple gunshot wounds. So far, there are still nine shrapnel in the body that have not been taken out!"

"They abandoned their chance to spend their old age, dragging their sick and old bodies in their old age, leading by example, and running on the front line for the development of the motherland."

"Those who have spoken and criticized, what do you do for the country? A bunch of shameless little people only dare to use the keyboard to slander our old predecessors! Today, I will tell you that there is indeed freedom of speech on the Internet. , But it will never become an illegal place for some people!"

"Hero, never can be slandered by any shameless person!"

Once Lu Yu's remarks were issued, they were immediately praised by the official media of various military regions across the country.

It attracted countless netizens to forward it and leave a message on the post.

In just one hour, the number of views and clicks reached millions.

The young man who spoke to slander and insult was finally unable to withstand the strong pressure and was dug out.

All his information was searched by enthusiastic netizens, and all of them were posted online.

It turned out to be a high-quality young employee of a state-owned enterprise and a candidate for the reserve director.

In particular, the female international student who claimed to be Harvard was also picked up by netizens and posted directly below the post.

She accepted a domestic scholarship. After Harvard finished her studies, she frequently appeared on various domestic occasions to collect gold, and she also participated in a certain popular net comprehensive debate.

After their information was exposed, they immediately panicked.

Change the high-pitched face before!

Female college students spoke on their personal social accounts and admitted their mistakes. He claimed that he had just come into contact with social networks, and he did not know that it would arouse such great attention.

Of course, this is not from her original intention, but to use the usual thinking mode of Westerners to reduce the heat of the incident and not be ignited.

As for the male employee of the state-owned enterprise, he directly scolded himself for being obsessed and vilified the speculation without understanding the truth of the matter.

He expressed his willingness to apologize to the four old chiefs.

But this kind of apology is just a last resort under pressure!

Obviously, it is impossible to calm the anger and get the understanding of the majority of netizens.

Moreover, this apology came too late.

Adults who do wrong things must pay for their actions.

Soon, the price will be found.

The General Administration of Television announced that it would block female students from studying abroad and not allow her to appear on any domestic program!

And those programs that she has participated in must also be stopped or cut off, or they must be mosaics to avoid polluting the viewer's sight.

The Bar Association also issued a notice, not allowing the other party to act as a lawyer in any domestic institution or court.

Moreover, I heard that this female international student was applying for Lao Mi nationality, so her original nationality was also cancelled by the relevant authorities.

This is miserable!

Stealing chickens won't lose rice.

Lao Mi did not obtain his nationality, and his original nationality was also cancelled.

There is no nationality of an official country, so she does not even have the right to apply for nationality.

Not only will they be expelled, but no place in the world will take them in.

This kind of fate is only self-blame, no one will pity her.

Nurturing you to study abroad, you don't have to repay the country, but try to discredit a few old heroes, and all the knowledge is learned in the stomach of the dog.

Of course no one will agree!

The male employee of the state-owned enterprise was also permanently expelled from the company, ruining his bright future.

And there is a note in the life file, this person is of poor character, and I am afraid that no unit will hire him.

Overnight, the two almost fell from heaven to hell.

But for these follow-up matters, Lu Yu would not carelessly pay attention.

In a few days, I will report to the **** training camp.

But now he still has one thing to do, to visit the four old chiefs over there in the mountains.

Don't let those dirty words full of dung spewing to hurt the hearts of the elderly!

Therefore, he decided to visit the old chief before he left.

When Lu Yu hurried all the way to the mountainous area where the four were located, he found that this kind of worry was unnecessary.

The four old men didn't know how to surf the Internet at all, let alone how those people commented on them.

For them, the only way to obtain information from the outside world is to watch TV and listen to the radio.

At this time, Lu Yu finally let go, as long as the old leaders are happy, it is more important than anything.

When Lu Yu arrived in the village, the four old men were helping to build the road in the village.

The village is full of dirt roads, and it gets muddy when it rains.

Children have to walk for an hour or two every day to get to school, and they basically get up early and get dark.

The four old people decided to renovate the road in the mountain, at least paved with a gravel road to facilitate the children to go to school.

In addition, several new dormitories will be built in the school so that children who are far away do not have to run back and forth every day.

You can apply to live in school and wait until the weekend to go home.

At the end of the day, Lu Yu helped the four old men move bricks and pave the road, even he felt a little backache.

"Xiao Lu, thank you so much for your help. After the roads in the mountain pass, the children will go to school much easier."

"Not only that, adults can also pick up things to sell in the town market through the repaired roads. When they have income, their lives will gradually get better!"

"The most indispensable thing in our is the simple and hardworking people who support themselves by working with their own hands and will never be poor!"

"The road paved for them is a road to happiness through hard work! The harder people, the easier it is to find happiness!"

The four old men surrounded Lu Yu and chattered.

It made him feel a sense of intimacy in his heart, and the corners of his mouth did not feel a smile.

After seeing the fighting on the battlefield, he even knew the value of peace.

Everyone is given a different mission by heaven.

Several old leaders have completed their missions, and the handover of the next mission will continue to be passed on.

He must take this inheritance and wait until his mission is completed before handing it over to the next generation.

Because of the spirit of inheritance from generation to generation.

The soul of the Dragon Kingdom will inherit the fire and will never die!

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