"Reading became stronger since I was a special soldier (

Several people from Takeda Fuzekawa glared at Lu Yu and the others, but due to the existence of black instructors, they did not dare to show it.

"Shut up, all sit down!"

Lu Yu shrugged and pulled He Chenguang into positions.

The black instructor looked around and roared: "Here, I made the rules clear. I want to have a chance after a fight, but if I dare to violate the rules now, I will throw you off the plane! Don't think I am joking, understand? "

"Yes, sir!" the special forces from various countries shouted.

The black instructor nodded slightly, glanced in the direction of Lu Yu, and then turned and left.

After the instructor left, the special forces of the East Ying Kingdom, who had not dared to fart just now, began to stare at the three Lu Yu again provocatively.

He even made all kinds of threatening gestures, unscrupulously.

"What are you worried about?"

Wang Yanbing coldly snorted: "You little devil, haven't you seen a special soldier as handsome as me? Also, look at your dwarf height, you really have never seen such a tall and handsome man! Hehe, I understand, just look at it. !"

These words are spoken in English.

As a universal language in the world, people who come to train here can basically communicate simply in English.

Wang Yanbing and the others would naturally say a few words.

Takeda Fuzekawa sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Handsome? I see you, the dead Chinese people who passed down from my family are a deadly virtue!"

"Little devil, what are you talking about?"

He Chenguang stood up angrily.

Takeda Fuzekawa smiled and said to his companion: "As you all know, my grandfather used to go there and took many interesting photos there and told me many interesting stories. At that time, they saw us. Kneeling on the ground, haha!"

"As long as they are upset, they drew out the knife and slashed their heads directly. These people dare not resist! We still have two warriors playing the game of beheading and killing people. "

The companions next to him were all jokingly smiling: "Takeda-kun, it sounds funny, cutting off these people's heads must be the same as cutting off a dog's head!"

Takeda triumphantly said: "Of course! But just cutting their heads is boring. At the beginning, our ancestors would gather them together, sweep them with poison gas, grenades and machine guns, and burn them with gasoline, which is very interesting..."

"There are still many women who will be gathered together and cut off their heads directly after playing!"

The companion sneered: "That must be very interesting, right? I heard that they will resist and scream. It must be fun and very exciting..."


Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, full of murderous intent, clenched his fists and stood up.

Even if he jumped off this plane, this time he couldn't bear it.

The souls of so many victims must not be abused or insulted by others.

These dung-spraying devils must be killed!


Seeing Lu Yu standing up, Takeda Fukagawa smiled coldly and stood up without showing weakness.

Those words just now were meant to irritate the other party.

Lu Yu wanted to do it, of course he wanted it!

Seeing that there was another excitement to watch, the special forces of various countries around were very interesting to get out of their positions, ready to watch the show.

They are also the ones who violated the rules and were punished.

Longguo and Dongyingguo really need one less person, and will also give them one less competitor in the future.

Everyone is happy to suggest that this happens.

"Come on, who is afraid of whom?!"

Takeda Fukawa yelled coldly.


In the next instant, Lu Yu rushed out, like an invisible lightning bolt, rushing to Takeda Fengchuan.

Before Takeda Fuzekawa's playful smile disappeared, he saw a huge fist, which quickly enlarged in his pupils.

Bang, there was no time to dodge, and his fist hit his face severely.

Takeda Kazekawa sprayed blood from his mouth and nose, as if he had been hit by a car.

The whole person was out of control, and the whistling sound flew behind him.

It slammed on the door of the cabin sturdily, making a huge muffled sound, and even the whole plane trembled.


"You dare to sneak attack!?"

The devil companion yelled.

One of them rushed up quickly and kicked towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu glanced coldly, turned around abruptly, stepped aside and grabbed the opponent's ankle with his right hand.

The Guizi companion suddenly lost his balance, and the whole person was dragged forward vigorously.


The thigh was pulled into a horse, and the tearing pain made him scream, and the ligament was torn off.

"what happened?"

The black instructor who heard the movement rushed over from the front cabin.

After seeing the scene before him, he shouted angrily: "Stop! Stop!"

Lu Yu's expression was flat, as if he hadn't heard him at all, he rushed forward and punched his companion hard.

This guy hurriedly collided with Takeda Fengchuan, and the two rolled into a gourd.

The other devil special forces were immediately angered!

Nima, I told you to stop, and still fight?

Do you want to talk about the rules? !

The black instructor strode over, staring coldly at Lu Yu, Takeda Fuzekawa and others, and shouted: "You didn't understand what I said just now? Ignore the rules, who taught you to do it?"

Takeda Fukagawa got up from the ground with blood on his face, and shouted at Lu Yu, "Instructor! He did it first. I didn't fight back!"

Ha ha!

The other special forces around immediately showed sarcasm smiles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Did you not fight back? Still have no chance to fight back?

"I don't care about this. If you violate my rules, you will be punished. Both you and him!"

The black instructor said coldly: "Also, he beats you, which means you are also very cheap! Get out together, don't stay on my plane."

As he said, he snapped the red button next to him, and the door at the rear of the transport aircraft opened suddenly, and a howling wind poured in from outside.

"Jump down, I won't care if you fight like this outside or kill anyone."

The black instructor threw three umbrella bags and said coldly.

The special forces all around were stunned!

Damn, really want to jump down?

This is an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, and the terrain below is not clear, and even parachuting is very risky.

Seeing everyone’s expressions, the black instructor’s face lifted up a cruel smile: "Enter hell, and your life will no longer belong to you! This is full of killings, the weak and the strong. Only the strong are worthy of survival. Those who do not follow the rules, The chance of survival is very slim!"

"Now, you can only choose to jump down. If you survive by luck, you will go all the way north!"

The black instructor said calmly: "Before tomorrow morning, you will be eliminated before I see you, and you can go back to your own country."

Takeda Fukagawa's cheek twitched fiercely, and he stared at Lu Yu with resentment.

I was beaten, and I had to accompany this guy to be punished. I was so embarrassed!

Lu Yu didn't talk nonsense, and went straight forward and grabbed the umbrella bag.

If you choose to come to the **** training camp, you have to act according to other people's rules.

Everything else is nonsense, meaningless.

If it's him, if others don't abide by their own rules, he will do the same.

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