"Reading became stronger since I was a special soldier (

Everyone looked in the direction Satan pointed.

But the field of vision is full of mountains, far and near, and there is no way to tell which one he is referring to.

"You don't have to look, just follow our ground guide car and run, it will guide you."

After Satan finished speaking, he suddenly smiled sullenly: "I can tell you in advance that the journey back and forth is 120 kilometers! Before tonight, if you still can't run back, just get rid of the fuck! Only finish the task on time and come back. Only those who have a chance to hoist the national flag of your country on the flagpole."

Everyone had seen a row of empty flagpoles not far from the playground.

I didn't understand what it meant before, but now I finally know it.

Only by hoisting the national flag on the flagpole can the glory of the country bloom in the uppermost sky of the training camp.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone staring at the flagpole became fiery!

It immediately became a tower in their hearts, and they had to climb to the highest peak.

a list of small hills!


After explaining everything, Satan waved his hand without unnecessary nonsense.


There was a violent roar on the training ground, the dust was rolled up, and an off-road vehicle rushed out.


Lu Yu's tongue burst into thunder, and he immediately led He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to rush out, following the off-road vehicle and rushed away.


"Don't let them get ahead!"

Only then did the other special forces react.

One by one, they ran out, spreading their feet and chasing the off-road vehicle.


Satan also personally drove an off-road vehicle, followed behind everyone, always supervising.

There are also several medical vehicles and shelter vehicles with me!

If any of the special forces is sent to the medical vehicle, then he will lose his qualifications, which is tantamount to giving up voluntarily.

Will be sent back to their country immediately.

The three of Lu Yu kept the lead, hanging from the back of the leading off-road vehicle from the beginning to keeping pace with the vehicle.

As Wang Yanbing ran, she glanced at the off-road vehicle: "I said, can't you drive faster? The car is running so slow, and we have to wait for you to run? Do you know that this is very embarrassing!"


The instructor who was driving looked at the three people out of the car window, shocked!

I go!

He is already thirty miles away.

This is faster than the speed of a human sprint in 100 meters!

Under this circumstance, these three Dragon Kingdom people can actually catch up?

Do you think he is driving slowly?

I rely on! Are you making a mistake when you are free!

However, how does this guy know that Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang are fighters who have been injected with super genes.

The body has been strengthened a long time ago, and this speed has nothing to do with their physical load.

Just like ordinary people jogging!

Of course I don't feel a bit of energy.

"Hey! Talking to you? Why don't we drive faster, we are waiting in a hurry!"

He Chenguang opened the mouth and said: "If you don't hurry, we will rush over, so you can just follow us."

I rub!

The corners of the driving instructor's mouth twitched fiercely.

This special code is too arrogant!

His eyes are fierce, ok, but you ask for quickness, don't blame me!

Boom boom.

Immediately stepped on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle swished out, and the speed increased to forty miles.

Thinking about not catching up this time, right?

When I turned around, I almost didn't bite off my tongue.

The three guys actually caught up again quickly, hanging tightly at the rear of the car.

The corners of the instructor's mouth twitched wildly.

Doesn’t it mean that the physique of the Orientals is very weak? Not comparable to their Europeans and Americans?

But the physique of these three Dragon State special forces is too abnormal!

This speed is even more terrifying than a 100-meter sprint.

"Hehe, they consume so much energy and can't hold on for long."

The white instructor on the co-pilot smiled confidently: "If they run less than two kilometers, they will tire themselves down and see how they pretend!"

As a result, everyone in the car was disappointed.

Not to mention two kilometers, the cars are all seven or eight kilometers away, and they still choose to walk on the bumpy and rugged road.

The three Longguo people who followed, not only did not fall behind, but also looked like talking and laughing.

It seems that they are quite cool to run at this speed.

The instructor in the car is going crazy: "Are the three of them still human?"

Wang Yanbing glanced at them with disdain, and said to Lu Yu: "Captain, what kind of **** **** is this? I feel very normal. Did we come to the wrong place? It's not good at all!"

He Chenguang nodded: "Yes, the training here is terrible, and I feel that we have not reached the level of the rookies of our special forces! With this weak ability, which special forces can't? We are still proficient. It’s much more than they do."

Lu Yu calmly said: "Foreigners haven't seen the world, you can't demand too much of them! After all, people still alive a hundred years ago, feel that they are very popular in the world, but they are just a bunch of frogs at the bottom of a well. But don’t break the dots, just save some face for others to make them happy.”

"Let's go, let's speed up, it's too awkward to run like this, it's not good at all!"

With a slight smile, Lu Yu took the lead and rushed forward.

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang quickly followed.

The running speed of the three people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ soon surpassed the off-road vehicle driving forty miles, and sprinted forward.

Satan, who drove behind, almost didn't stare at this scene.

He rubbed his eyes desperately and began to sweat on his forehead!

"Made! Who gave Lao Tzu information back then? Not as good as shit!"

He cursed viciously in his heart: "These three guys are much more powerful than those described in the information. When did the Dragon Kingdom become so powerful?"

On the next journey, the three of Lu Yu were almost riding a horse.

Not only did it leave other special forces far behind, even the off-road vehicle had to drive fifty miles before it continued to lead the way.

The three of them rushed to the top of the destination mountain swiftly like the wind, and then began to return the same way.

They waited a long way back before they ran into special forces from other countries.

These special forces were embarrassed and running in pain.

Seeing that the three of Lu Yu actually ran back, each of them was dumbfounded.

"Damn! Why are they so fast?"

"Impossible! This must not be true, they must have cheated!"

"Instructor, I want to report! Longguo people cheated, and I request that their training qualification be cancelled..."

Several instructors who followed yelled: "You bunch of useless trash, have the face to question others? Run! It's impossible to cheat in the training camp. There are monitoring records throughout the whole process. Who dares to cheat directly? Break your legs and throw it into the bear’s den."

"Since they are here and running so fast, they rely on their own strength!"

"If you can't eat grapes, you can say that grapes are sour. That's **** and scum!"

"Compared with them, you are the fighters in the garbage, the waste in the waste!"

"Run! Run if you don't want to be garbage!"


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