Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 859: Return to the Southeast Military Region

The headquarters held a celebration banquet for the three to celebrate this victory and return of glory.

At the meeting, all three were awarded a first-class merit medal.

As this time traveled across the oceans to truly make the country famous around the world, only first-class merits can reflect their value and dedication.

After the celebration banquet was over, Zhang Jinzhong wanted to keep the three of them in the capital for a few more days.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu returned home like an arrow. After being out for so long, of course he wanted to go back.

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang both had girlfriends, just when they were like glue.

They had been apart for a long time, and both of them were desperate and wanted to rush back.

Rejecting Zhang Jinzhong's kindness, Lu Yu took the two of them back by plane as soon as possible.

When they arrived at Team A, it was already in the afternoon that day, and the three were welcomed by everyone again.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing couldn't wait. They threw them away when they got off the plane and went to find their girlfriends.

Lu Yu smiled and said to everyone: "Don't worry, let these two boys go home first. There will be opportunities in the future. Wang Yanbing can keep you up for a whole year about the **** training camp!"

Everyone smiled at each other.

With Wang Yanbing's character, let alone one year, they would believe it for three years.

After disbanding everyone, Lu Yu also hurried home, only to find that An Ran was not at home.

It seemed that the room hadn't been cleaned for a few days, Lu Yu guessed that An Ran should be busy in the research institute during this time.

Both electromagnetic rifles of two specifications are being put into production quickly, and the design drawings of the new helicopter are also being studied.

If he is absent this month, Enron and the others will have heavier responsibilities, which must be very hard.

Putting things down, Lu Yu first went to Shu Comfortable and took a hot bath, then put on a bathrobe, and Ge You relaxed on the sofa.

In the **** training camp this month, basically every day is intense training.

Even if you close your eyes at night, you have to be highly concentrated.

There is not much rest time at all!

After coming back, it is rare to be so comfortable, it is really comfortable...

I emptied my body and mind, feeling that every pore in my body was breathing, and my soul was sublimated.

"It feels best to go home!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

Home is the soul's harbor, and he has truly experienced it.

Despite the strong wind and waves outside, there is only home, which is calm.

Here, can make your restless heart, get a moment of tranquility.

In this comfortable environment, Lu Yu gradually became evenly breathing unconsciously, and slowly fell asleep.

This time, he was no longer alert and relaxed.

For people like them who often experience artillery fire and battlefields, the spirit is always vigilant. This kind of relaxation is simply a luxury.

Lu Yu slept very comfortably this time. After an unknown period of time, a hint of fragrance suddenly penetrated into his nose.

Lu Yu woke up suddenly and opened his eyes.

"Huh? Are you awake?"

Hearing the soft and familiar voice, Lu Yu relaxed and lay back on the sofa.

Looking at the sweet smile of the beautiful shadow in front of him, Lu Yu asked in surprise, "Why are you back? I don't know at all!"

"are you tired?"

An Ran stretched out his hand and stroked Lu Yu's face: "I came back in the middle of the night last night. I didn't disturb you when you slept! It's noon now. You have been sleeping for a long time."

Lu Yu scratched his head, so he slept for almost 20 hours?

It seems that I have never slept for this long.

How tired I am!

"Don't work so hard in the future, I feel distressed when I see you like this!"

An Ran leaned her head on Lu Yu's chest and murmured: "Although your achievements are getting higher and higher now and you have won so many firsts, I would rather you be an ordinary person and stay by my side. We are like an ordinary couple. ."

Lu Yu kissed An Ran's forehead, a warmth in his heart.

Only the person closest to you will say this to you, right?

But can he relax? At least it's impossible now!

Not in his position, not seeking his own government.

But since sitting in this position, he is destined to be ordinary.

If people like them want to be ordinary, the country and the people will have to suffer.

Who will hold up a sky for them?

Lu Yu didn't speak, and hugged An Ran tightly.

I really owe her too much, so I can only repay it later!

Perhaps, the two can only be ordinary once in this short time together.

Maybe the next second, or a phone call tomorrow, will have to be busy again.


In a blink of an eye, Lu Yu came back unknowingly for three days.

Starting the next day, he returned to a normal life again.

Lu Yu went to the military service for the first time to check whether there was any error in the production process of the weapon.

Then he went to the lying special combat division and circled around to see the training of the latest batch of students.

Everything is on the right track step by step, whether it is a special operations division or a military factory, both sides do not need him to bother.

Lu Yu decided to take advantage of his free time to develop a helicopter system.

However, he had just made such preparations, and Gao Shiwei, who hadn't contacted him for a long time that evening, suddenly called.

The content is tomorrow morning, let Lu Yu report to the Southeast Military Region.

Lu Yu was puzzled. It stands to reason that Gao Shiwei had already been promoted to the headquarters and no longer managed the Southeast Military Region.

It’s been a long time since I went to the Southeast Military Region. What does it mean to suddenly issue this order?

Anyway, Lu Yu couldn't understand Gao Shiwei's routine a little.

But no matter what the order was, Lu Yu rushed to the military headquarters of the Southeast Military Region on time the next morning.

As soon as he entered the military headquarters, a lieutenant colonel went out to greet him and brought Lu Yu to the conference room.

As soon as he walked in, Lu Yu was taken aback.

Not only Gao Shiwei is here, but there are also at least twenty chief executives or above.

Seeing Lu Yu's arrival, many people stood up and saluted him politely.

Lu Yu hurriedly returned his salutes. People were of a higher level than him. Saluting is to give you face.

He can't hold this face, it would be too self-respectful.

Gao Shiwei strode forward: "Sit down, just waiting for you."

Lu Yu leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Chief, what the **** is going on? It's scary to have such a big battle!"

Here, he is the smallest in rank, and of course Lu Yu is frightened.

"I don't know the specific situation!"

Lu Yu nodded and didn't ask too much, and sat down with Gao Shiwei.

Lu Yu turned his head to look, and as soon as Gao Shiwei left, he justified his conversion.

"Head Meng has something to do with me?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You are also my old leader, what can you say straightforwardly!"

I like to read and become stronger since I am a special soldier, please collect it: () Since I am a special soldier, read and become stronger and update the fastest.

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