"How is it? Are the two ministers okay?" Lu Yu asked with a slight smile.

   "Good! Great!"

   Zhang Jinzhong was excited and gave a thumbs up, repeatedly admiring: "In front of your helicopter, I feel that Apache is a grandson!"

   Ye Huaishan followed and asked: "Can I fly to the frontier for inspection now?"

   "Of course you can!" Lu Yu nodded without hesitation: "I am already on my side, waiting for the two leaders to order!"

  Zhang Jinzhong said: "Okay, fill up your plane with ammunition immediately, fly to the frontier immediately, and tell those guys to see how powerful our weapons are!"

   "Yes!" Lu Yu shouted salutely.

   "By the way, does your plane adapt to the plateau environment?"

   Zhang Jinzhong suddenly asked: "The special climate on the plateau places very high requirements on the performance of helicopters."

"no problem!"

   Lu Yu confidently patted his chest with assurance.

   With the title of Chief Weapons Manufacturing Officer and Iron Man’s black technology, the helicopter technology created, not to mention a small plateau, can theoretically fly around the earth for a week, and it is not a problem to go to any area.

   Moreover, in Marvel’s comics, this aircraft is finally transformed into a shape that can even go to the moon base for missions.

   However, what Lu Yu created was a helicopter form. Going to the moon was of course impossible. Many technologies still need to be reformed.

   But you can go absolutely anywhere on earth.

   A trip to the plateau is not a problem at all for this helicopter!

   "Please rest assured, the chief!" Lu Yu said loudly: "As long as you give the order, you are guaranteed to complete the task."

   "Okay, it's all up to you this time."

   Zhang Jinzhong said with great excitement: "In the past week, the problems over there have become more and more escalated! Remember, when you go here, you will mainly focus on cruise and shock, just show our strength."

  Ye Huaishan nodded: "Tell them to stay away, don't provoke them at all times! If you dare to come, you must know what the end is."


   Lu Yu saluted and yelled: "This time, I will fly the plane by myself, and I will take care of this size."

   Hearing this, Zhang Jinzhong and Ye Huaishan no longer disagree.

   Lu Yu is now the commander of the special forces and has performed countless missions in the past.

   If he can't even hold his feet, let alone other people.

   Soon, Song Kaifei drove the helicopter to land and refilled with new ammunition.

   Filling up the plane, Lu Yu waved goodbye to everyone and flew the plane to the frontier.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This journey is actually very long. It is more than 2,000 kilometers from the Southeast Military Region to the western frontier.

   rushed over all the way, ordinary helicopters could not bear it at all, and had to rest and refuel in the middle.

   The scattered delays are at least ten hours or more.

   But Lu Yu had no worries about this aspect of flying a new helicopter.

   As long as the fuel is sufficient, relying on an excellent kinetic energy system, it can be reached in four or five hours.

   Flying at full strength, at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour, going at noon, you can reach the border in the afternoon.

   The first time Lu Yu left, Zhang Jinzhong immediately greeted the air traffic control departments along the way.

   As long as it is in the aviation field that Lu Yu passes through, he must be unconditionally released, and all aircrafts are guaranteed to pass by Lu Yu's helicopter first.

   In addition, the aviation refueling locations along the route should be contacted proactively before the other party arrives and provide coordinate positions.

   Prepare all the refueling equipment. As soon as the helicopter lands, Lu Yu will be filled up immediately.

   It can be said that Lu Yu enjoys the highest standard treatment on the way.

   All the routes along the way revolve around him alone.

   has only one purpose, be sure to let him reach the destination as quickly as possible.

   At the same time, the top leader of the frontier garrison troops also received a call from Ye Huaishan.

   Let them not have any panic. This is the latest new type of aircraft developed by the country to help them deter Xiaoxiao.

   Upon receiving the order, the leader immediately ordered to go down and inform the soldiers not to be nervous about it.

   Time passed quickly, and the plane ran all the way, flying straight to the border area in autopilot mode.

  Because of the plateau area, the flight altitude is also pulled to an average of more than six kilometers.

   is a continuous mountain range below. At this height, there is no need to worry about the plane crashing into it.

   Four hours later, three in the afternoon.

   Lu Yu finally arrived at the plateau border.

   Gradually reduce the flight speed and also lower the altitude.

   Looking down from the sky, there are groups of yaks on the endless green grass.

   Next to the grassland is the majestic and majestic snow-capped mountains, which are full of beauty and whiteness in the sun.

   This is the great rivers and mountains of the motherland!

   In order for this beautiful pure land not to be disturbed, how many soldiers paid silently, guarded here day and night.

   But this is the responsibility of the soldiers.

   There is no complaint. For this sacred and beautiful land, how many people will not hesitate to abandon their lives and blood to defend it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   only because of its beauty and its magnificence.

   also has it's inseparable part!


   Helicopter landing feather arrived at the destination quickly.

   Along the curving sideline, the helicopter was advancing slowly.

   Not long after, Lu Yu received a radio signal for help.

   "Hey! Grandpa is looking for you, but he brought it to the door himself."

   Lu Yu quickly entered the coordinates, and the helicopter quickly approached the target location.

   A certain snow mountain.

   There are two parties in a stalemate here, and there seems to be some friction.

   One party formed a solid wall, blocking another pair of a dozen dark-skinned people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ outside.

   The leader of the squadron is arguing with the opposing commander.

   "What are you talking about? I don't understand! Don't speak bird language so much, go back and learn good human words and talk to Laozi!"

   The squadron captain snorted coldly, but the opposing commander still murmured non-stop.

   The translator hurriedly said: "Captain, this guy said this is their place."


   squadron captain roared: "Keep your eyes open and talk nonsense, tell them to get rid of them! Otherwise, don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite!"

   The interpreter negotiated with the other party, and said: "He thinks everything can be discussed, and I hope we can talk about it."

   "Talk to his grandma!"

The squadron leader said with a sullen face, his eyes breathed fire: "Tell him that I will be annoyed when I see them. If I am upset, I will see the real chapter! If you don't dare, I'll just leave Laozi away and give him a verbatim translation listen!"

   The translator was busy repeating all these words.

   The other team leader’s expression is also ugly.

   But I dare not make it again!

   Boom boom.

   Just as the two sides were arguing, a black helicopter suddenly roared in mid-air.

   aroused everyone's surprise and looked over.

   bang bang.

   The helicopter shot out a row of bullets, whizzing over the heads of both sides.

   The heat wave rushed toward him, frightened everyone on the ground, and the commander was embarrassed.

   "Don't move! This is our plane!" The squadron leader exclaimed in surprise.

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