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"Cooperation? With me?"

Lu Yu looked at him in surprise, frowning slightly: "We don't know each other, what cooperation do you want to discuss with me?"

"Hehe, Colonel Lu, even though we have never seen it before, but your name is pretty impressive!"

Huakang smiled slightly: "Especially the electromagnetic rifle you made, I really admire it! So, this time, I want to talk to you about weapon manufacturing. In addition, next month, our company will hold I want to invite you to participate in an international weapons fair."

"International Arms Expo?" Lu Yu was taken aback, he had never heard of this.

"That's right!" Huakang said: "Our country will hold an arms exposition every three years to showcase our most advanced equipment to the world, and then find reliable channels for exporting abroad."

Lu Yu nodded clearly.

Weapons are always the foundation of this country's standing in the world.

Regarding the sale and purchase of weapons and equipment, it is absolutely profitable.

It can be said that the largest arms dealer in the world is a country!

For example, the U.S. countrymen rank first in arms exports to all parts of the world every year.

They make not only the profits of the weapons themselves, but also the considerable taxes brought by the export of weapons.

Lu Yu asked: "The overseas version of the electromagnetic rifle has been built. You should have received it, right?"

Huakang laughed and said: "Thanks to the export version of electromagnetic rifles made by the University of Lu, we have made countless profits! Moreover, the code names of these rifles have been taken and will be officially presented at this expo. Debut."

Lu Yu asked puzzledly: "Then why are you looking for me? The electromagnetic rifle has already been handed over to you. Could it be that I will be your explainer in the past?"

"Hehe, Colonel Lu, you can really be joking!"

Huakang laughed: "In fact, I came to you this time not for the electromagnetic rifle, but for the armed helicopter recently developed by your military factory! I hope to bring it to the Expo for exhibition."


Lu Yu frowned closely, staring at him firmly: "Do you know what you are talking about? Didn't you kid me!"

"I am serious!"

Huakang said solemnly: "I know that you have just received an order for ten helicopters from the headquarters, which will be delivered within one year. Presumably your factory is already on schedule now? I mean, I hope to extract a helicopter from it. Of course, the functions have to be castrated, only semi-finished products for overseas export."

Lu Yu leaned on the sofa and crossed his fingers with Erlang's legs, "Mr. Hua, do you know that what you are telling me now is related to state secrets? I have no right to agree to your request."

"Hehe, Colonel Lu, don't rush to refuse, just look at this."

Hua Kang smiled faintly, took out a document from his briefcase and placed it in front of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's eyes shrank, because the document was actually stamped with the seal of the Executive Yuan and the president's signature.

"Master Lu, without the above authorization, would I come to you casually? Give me a hundred courage and dare not step into this place!"

Hua Kang lightly sipped his tea: "In addition, Minister Zhang also knows about this matter. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask."

Lu Yu was speechless.

Call? The approval is here, is it necessary to call?

This guy is right, since everyone is working for the country, no matter what the order is, just follow it.

"When do you want to deliver it?" Lu Yu asked ponderingly.

"Just half a month!"

Huakang said decisively: "I know that the construction speed of your military power plant is not slow. The first helicopter was manufactured in the last half month! So, just follow the requirements I just mentioned, but one requirement must be met. ."

"any request?"

"Although it is a castrated version of the aircraft, the control must be in our hands. A top-secret chip must be installed in each aircraft to ensure the monopoly of technology."

Huakang sternly said: "We only sell weapons, not core technology! This is also the practice of the world." Love the book

"it is good!"

In this regard, Lu Yu did not feel wrong.

Technology is the core source for a country to remain strong.

Once the core technology is shared with others, the apprentice of the church will starve to death the master.

This is extremely dangerous!

For example, the United States maintains its technology monopoly throughout the world and does not sell fighters such as the F22 Raptor.

Even their Apache helicopters are all castrated versions, and their various performances are far from the domestic full version.

Even so, all weapon technology is blocked in their own hands.

As long as there is a problem, others can't fix it, only Lao Mi sends someone to repair it.

After the weapons were sold, they made a lot of money, but the right to speak was still in the hands of others.

This is the growth in status achieved by the technological blockade.

In international exchanges, the use of weapons to achieve diplomatic trade is the most commonly used means.

"Delivery in half a month, call me before you come!"

Lu Yu nodded and was about to get up and get out of the car.

"Wait!" Huakang suddenly stopped Lu Yu and said, "After half a month, I hope that Lu Dalu will join me in the Expo!"

Lu Yu wondered: "Why do I have to go?"

Huakang said: "These weapons are from your hands, and you know better than others! The country has export intentions in this regard, you might as well take this opportunity to sell them. As a weapon developer, you have to help us better! "

"Okay!" Lu Yu thought for a while and wanted to agree.

Anyway, this is easy, and it won't take much effort.

Back at the military factory, Enron pulled Lu Yu curiously and asked, "Who came to find you?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "The president of the National Ordnance Industry Enterprise, sent him from the top, and gave us a job."

Seeing that An Ran didn’t understand, Lu Yu simply explained: “The profit of our aircraft is fancy, and we plan to export. It seems that we have to increase the workload! During this time, I can only trouble everyone a lot!”

Lu Yu didn't say much.

Even if this kind of thing is to the person closest to oneself, it is no good to say too much.

Just let An Ran know what's going on.

After returning to the office, Lu Yu did not delay, and immediately began to design a castrated version of the existing aircraft with streamlined functions.

It is difficult to improve the performance of an aircraft.

However, it is relatively easy to compress the performance of an aircraft.

It only took an afternoon to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lu Yu basically finished the work.

The design drawings of a new helicopter after performance reduction are released.

Lu Yu omitted the aircraft's external materials, fire control systems, kinetic energy systems, and so on.

Reduced manufacturing costs and castrated most of the powerful capabilities of the aircraft.

But no matter how simple it is, this aircraft still has to surpass the American Apache in all directions.

Although it is not as good as its previous performance, it is still king compared to other aircraft of the same type in the world.

Just when Lu Yu devoted himself to building a new aircraft.

Outside the special forces camp, three uninvited guests greeted...

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