Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 879: My generation, we should defend with death!

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Lu Yu turned his words and said calmly: "Now, don't be happy too early, the special forces are not a place for you to show off your prestige or show pride! When you come here, you have to endure what others cannot afford. It’s more painful to bear others’ misunderstandings and misunderstandings!"

"Here, you have to abandon all the emotions of normal people, because your first identity is the soldier, and the second is the human! If you are a soldier, you have to obey orders unconditionally. In our special forces, we must have no fear of death and daring The spirit of fighting hard!"

"We are a sharp blade in the hands of the motherland. As long as the motherland needs it, our sharp blade will be out of the sheath to kill the enemy at any time!"

"In this world, there is no place we can't reach, and there is no task we can't accomplish! Because we are omnipotent!"

Lu Yu looked around for a week and yelled loudly, "Tell me, are you such soldiers?"



The sound of the people in the audience wave after wave, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, one after another.

"Raise the flag!"

Lu Yu turned around, a flash of pride flashed in his eyes.


In an instant, everyone's eyes followed Lu Yu's figure, looking at the red flag flying in the sun.

Under the golden light, a red flag was waving in the wind.

The flag guards composed of He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan, and more than 30 soldiers from A Brigade lined up to follow closely, forming a solemn and strict flag guard.

Everyone escorted the red flag and walked towards the flagpole solemnly step by step.

In the audience, all the soldiers held their heads high and looked at them with excitement and respect.

Zhuang Yan was as straight as a pine, standing under the flagpole with a red flag in his hand, and amidst the vigorous sound of music, he threw the red flag high with his right hand.

"Raise the flag! Salute!"


Thousands of soldiers swept red flags and saluted in a uniform movement.

The red flag fluttered in the wind, reflecting the body and eyes of the soldiers below, dyed a bright red.

When the flag rose to the top of the flagpole, that side was bright red, and it waved with pride and style.

At this moment, up to the minister Zhang Jinzhong, down to every soldier, they felt that their heart was closely connected with the red flag.

It seems that they have become an inseparable part of each other, turning into a small part of the red flag.

Still with the passing of years, it is impossible to separate the connected hearts.

"End of ceremony!"


Everyone put down their arms, and there was still no mess in their movements.

Everyone cast their eyes on Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said loudly: "Look carefully. This is the banner that countless ancestors dyed red with their blood. This red flag carries the humiliation of our past, but at the same time, there are also ancestors who have struggled. The unyielding and shouting!"

"Perhaps, you didn't realize it before, but it's just a flag. What's so great? It's just a red flag!"

Lu Yu said coldly: "But today, here, at the establishment ceremony of our special forces army, I want to solemnly tell you how important this banner is!"

"Have you seen these flag bearers? When you are enjoying peace in peace of mind, it is them who, for countless days and nights, stood by their posts for the peace of the country, and built a great wall of steel with their bodies to protect the people. safety."

"This red flag is sprinkled with the blood of our ancestors, but there is also their blood! In the future, it is likely to be stained with your blood. This is our great and unyielding spirit!"

"In the Special Forces, this flag is something we must guard. It symbolizes everything and is more important than our lives! My generation, must be defended with death! Can you bear this responsibility?"



Everyone shouted frantically.

The shouts shook the sky and the earth, shocking the distant mountains trembling slightly.

Lu Yu watched this scene with satisfaction, and waited until everyone's shouts gradually ceased before shouting: "Now, I announce the official start of the oath of worship!"

Next, Lu Yu left the field.

The podium was handed over to He Zhijun.

The process of reciting oaths can be handled by the latter.

Two hours later, the oath meeting ended,

Zhang Jinzhong came to power again, speaking to all the soldiers on behalf of all high-level military personnel.

From this point, it also proves how much the senior executives of the headquarters attach importance to this matter.

When all the leaders finished their speeches, it was the old members and instructors from the special operations divisions who showed the recruits various skills demonstrations.

For example, helicopter formation flying, tank drag racing battles, infantry fighting vehicles flying, fighter jets performing aerial scalpels and other super-difficult actions.

This series of performances was called magical, which opened eyes to all recruits.

What made them even more unbelievable was that all of these performances were performed by the same group of people.

The recruits were completely shocked!

This is incredible!

How can one person master so many technologies? Have you become proficient in everything?

As long as it is a human, energy is limited, and it is impossible to master so many things at once.

But at this moment, they have seen with their own eyes that they not only mastered it, but also mastered each one, which is really awesome.

This makes many recruits full of yearning, and look forward to the next training.

At noon.

The cafeteria was overcrowded. In order to celebrate the successful holding of the special forces swearing ceremony, a celebration banquet was specially held.

Zhang Jinzhong and others, as leaders of the headquarters, were also invited to stay for dinner, accompanied by Lu Yu and He Zhijun.

"Xiao Lu, today's swearing ceremony is so brilliant! Really awesome!"

The Northwest Army leader gave Lu Yu a thumbs up, with a big smile: "I have ordered all people to record it, and I will show it to my people when I go back, so that they can study hard! Anyway, I am full of enthusiasm!"

The leader of the Northeast Army Corps immediately said: " The special forces have been successfully formed. You can't forget the agreement between us! We have all the good soldiers at the bottom of the box for you. In the future, when the combat effectiveness of the special forces increases, don’t forget to exchange and learn more..."

"Yes, yes! You can't forget about this. We all hope to learn something good from you and go back and read the book."

"You are able to form a special forces army, everyone has contributed to it, but you ran out of pockets to support it!"

Several other chiefs followed suit.

Before Lu Yu spoke, Ye Huaishan smiled and said, "Well, you guys, why don't you forget about this? Is Xiao Lu such a person? If you still don't worry, I will decide for the headquarters. Now that the special forces will stabilize in the future, you must be notified to study! Don’t worry?"

With this said, the hearts of all the leaders here finally returned to their stomachs.

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