Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 897: Excellent Kung Fu, 5 Tiger Broken Door Knife

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"Who asked you to come? Speak out, live!"

The killer leader stared at Lu Yu fiercely and shouted: "You can't kill me! Are you not the prisoners? Kill me, you will be unlucky!"

"Excuse me, I never follow the rules!"

Lu Yu sneered coldly and wiped his neck with a sharp knife.

Since you are given a chance, I don't cherish it, but I can't blame it.

Lu Yu didn't expect to get anything from him. As long as the Bureau of Secrets wanted to investigate, he would soon be able to find clues.

Now he only cares, are there any accomplices around him?

The spider's induction was immediately dissipated, and it quickly spread to the surroundings.

In the next second, his brows frowned and his face gradually sank.

Because in his perception, there are figures appearing everywhere in the forest.

This is the wilderness. It is normal for two or three people to appear occasionally, but it is obviously premeditated to approach him in groups.

There is only one situation, this group of people and the group of killers just now are the same.

The purpose is to direct yourself!

Too late to think.

Lu Yu quickly turned around and ran to the star team behind.

At this moment, he was covered in blood, and he was still surrounded by a strong murderous aura, like Shura coming out of hell.

Many artists were so scared that they were afraid to look at him.

Seeing that two girls were in a coma and were being cared for by Ye Cunxin and others, Lu Yu asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong? Are they injured?"

"No! It's just that I haven't seen a murder before, so I'm shocked." Ye Cunxin shook his head.

Lu Yu didn't care about this anymore, and quickly said to everyone, "There are still many people around here, they should all come at me! You immediately take people to hide in the tree, and after they pass, return to the camp."


Tang Xiaomi stared in shock: "Or, I'll contact reinforcements now!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "It's too late! They will arrive soon. Besides, the signal here must be locked. As long as you make a call, you may be locked by them. You and I are not worried, but these artists are fine. Since we brought them out, we must ensure the safety of everyone!"


Tang Xiaomi hesitated to look at Lu Yu: "We are gone, what do you do?"

It was too dangerous to leave Lu Yu alone.

A few more helpers are good after all!

"I'm enough!" Lu Yu smiled slightly, "You guys, don't you believe my ability?"


"Okay, do as I said, nothing but!"

Lu Yu immediately waved his hand and said: "Listen to me, don't let the artists get injured, protect them, and leave the rest to me! After you are safe, please contact me for assistance. Here, I will live!"


A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he looked back at the jungle: "No matter how many they come, there must be no return today! Go up the tree immediately and keep absolutely quiet!"


Tang Xiaomi gritted his teeth and agreed.

At this point in Lu Yu's words, she could only follow the order.

Immediately, together with the other instructors, organize the star to climb the tree to escape.

The stars climbed up the tree with hands and feet, while the instructor watched Lu Yu silently.

They know what danger the latter will face next.

Lu Yu waved his hand and smiled at everyone, then turned around to collect the weapons on the ground.

These killers carried the simplest long knives and swords, all cold weapons, without a gun.

Lu Yu picked a sharper knife from it, then collected six intact daggers, and stuck them all in his belt.

After he was busy, Tang Xiaomi and others also hid in the tree safely.

Through the gaps in the branches and leaves in front of him, Lu Yu could still be vaguely seen.

Tang Xiaomi told everyone to hide, no matter what happens next, they must keep quiet.

"Everyone, instructor Lu is using his life to buy us time to escape! Who will make a sound when it is discovered, not only will you die, but it will also cause everyone to die with you, do you understand?"

All the artists nodded in horror.

Originally, my heart was full of fear and fear.

But looking at the figure of Lu Yu standing alone, everyone felt at ease inexplicably.

Everyone began to pray for Lu Yu's safety and must be safe.

This is the instructor whom they admire!

Time passed slowly, but in the feeling of everyone on the tree, this moment seemed to be extremely long.


After three minutes, two figures finally appeared on both sides of the road.

They were dressed in strange clothes, dark complexion, short and not tall, and they looked like people from Southeast Asia.

Suddenly seeing Lu Yu standing alone on the road, the two groups of people were very excited, yelling.

But getting closer, the blood and corpses on the ground made their rushing footsteps suddenly stop, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Just when the group of people hesitated, Lu Yu began to provocatively provoked them, and faintly pointed his fingers at them: "I am Lu Yu! Don't you want to kill me? I'll stand here, come!"

"If there is a kind, come and kill me! If there is no kind, go back!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was irritated.

"Made! He has only one person, what are you afraid of?"

"Yes, go up and **** him!"

"Kill him, let's split the money equally!"

The more they talked, the more excited they got, they waved their weapons and rushed towards Lu Yu with a roar.

Lu Yu stood proudly by himself.

Don't be afraid of the crowd's charge.


In the next second, Lu Yu swung his knife to meet him, and saw a glare of cold light suddenly appear.

The sharp long knife clashed fiercely with the opponent's two weapons, making a sharp intersection of gold and iron.

Keng! Keng!

A huge force came head-on, and the two long knives were slashed by Lu Yu.

call out!

Lu Yu's knife didn't seem to be hindered or stopped, and cut off the necks of the two of them.

Blood spurted out wildly, Lu Yu didn't even look at it, holding the knife and continuing to kill him.

In ancient times, Li Taibai killed one person in ten steps and never stayed for a thousand miles.

Nowadays, Lu Yu takes one step with one knife and ten steps with blood.


With every step, someone must fall by his sword.

At this moment, what Lu Yu was using was the Five Tiger Broken Door Knife born out of the ancient battle formation!

The knives are fierce and changeable, and the moves are fierce, which is the best skill in the Dragon Kingdom.

Ten steps forward in a row, 13 people lie down in a pool of blood!

Among them, most of them were cut off the neck by Lu Yu's stunt "Humen Slash".

Lu Yu slung his hands and put the knife horizontally around his waist, and he rushed forward like a spinning top.

Passed along the way!

Those assassins who rushed to his side were cut off by the rapidly spinning blade before they could make a move.

Along the way, Lu Yu seemed to be transformed into a meat grinder, and everyone who approached him was strangled clean.

One sword per person, as if the devil came to the world.

No one will be his enemy.


Only a few of the killers who rushed to the scene were still alive.

They had been so scared by Lu Yu's madness that they could no longer care about others.

Cang Dang! Cang Dang!

One by one abandoned their swords to escape, and was beaten into an army.

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