Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 904: High-tech crossbows come out

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In addition to the black technology bow and crossbow, Lu Yu also designed a new type of dagger.

The dagger is one of the longest cold weapons used by special forces, and it is also one of Lu Yu's best weapons!

In close combat and diving into combat, the dagger is the easiest to quickly kill the opponent.

Like the black technology bow and crossbow, Lu Yu also redesigned the dagger. There are two styles.

The first type of shape is relatively small and suitable for use as a finger knife.

Because of its small size, a belt can be specially designed for large-scale carrying.

Similarly, it is also suitable for use when flying, taking the enemy's first level thousands of miles away.

The belt will also be equipped with an electromagnetic recovery device, as long as you pull out the flying knife electromagnetic lock, you can hit 100% of the target.

Of course, because of the summoning device, all the flying knives will be recycled for use.

The second type of dagger is no different from ordinary daggers.

But Lu Yu installed a laser device, and there was a special button on the handle.

Just press the button, and a laser beam will be shot in front of the blade.

This laser can easily cut steel plates up to fifty centimeters thick, which is indestructible.

Even in the face of heavy armored tanks, it will be as easy and casual as cutting tofu.

However, the only difficulty is that the requirements for laser devices will be very high.

It was not possible to manufacture it with the current technological strength, so Lu Yu could only redesign it to create a laser device.

In addition to these two, there is a new type of high-explosive explosive.

On the basis of the original, this explosive has been rearranged with polymers to achieve high energy concentration and saturation.

It only takes the size of a pigeon egg, and the energy it releases is equivalent to hundreds of grenade exploding at the same time.

Small in size, but very powerful and easy to carry.

Looking at the design drawings of these weapons in front of him, Lu Yu carefully revised them one by one.

It wasn't until early morning that he put down all the drawings and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, the design drawings are all done, just waiting for the next production.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

Lu Yu walked over to open the door and found that it was An Ran: "It's so late, why haven't you returned?"

Look at the time, it's already half past two in the middle of the night.

An Ran showed a soft smile, but couldn't hide the exhaustion in his expression: "Isn't it waiting for you to go back together? I stayed outside for more than three hours, seeing you are busy until now, only came to call you. You didn't notice it yourself. , Hasn't been home for a long time?"

Looking at the smile on An Ran's face, Lu Yu was full of emotions in his heart, and he hugged her.

"Okay, let's go home together!"


When returning home this time, Lu Yu stayed with An Ran for one day and two nights.

As for what they did in the house during this period, only they themselves knew.

On the morning of the third day, Lu Yu took An Ran's hand and returned to the Ordnance Factory Research Institute with a red face.

"I have to make new weapons in these two days, and I can't go back."

Lu Yu stretched out a hand, caressed An Ran's face and stared at her: "After you are finished, go back to rest early by yourself. You don't have to wait for me, you know?"


An Ran nodded docilely: "You work at ease, I will definitely not bother you! I will be on duty in two days, and I will accompany you at night."

Lu Yu smiled and patted the latter's head before turning around and walking into the laboratory.

Originally time was tight, and Lu Yu still spent a day and two nights to accompany An Ran, because he felt that he owed too much to the latter.

So, give a little compensation within your own ability.

After explaining things well, he can devote himself to weapons research.

Entering the laboratory, Lu Yu spread out all the design drawings one by one.

Although the weapons designed on each drawing are different, there are many similarities.

For example, most of these weapons are made of the same materials, which are taken from a high-strength titanium alloy.

This composite material has strong stability and is not easy to deform in various environments. It is specially used as a protective coating for helicopters.

Moreover, it has very high-strength resistance to high temperature and low temperature, and its toughness exceeds even the hardest steel in the world.

Lu Yu first synthesized a large amount of titanium alloy materials to prepare the basis for manufacturing weapons.

Next, began to build the first black technology crossbow.

The first step is to customize a one-to-one crossbow model. Only by building the real object can the problem be discovered.

Although the drawing is drawn, it is only a plan view.

Whether the size is suitable or not, it depends on the actual product.

At the beginning, Lu Yu had to build a mold and set all the details.

It took a whole day for Lu Yu to basically complete the mold.

This was done after his practice makes perfect, and with the help of machines.

After the mold had cooled, Lu Yu placed it under a high-power microscope and polished it meticulously.

Although it is a crossbow, it is not an ordinary crossbow, and a combination of cold weapons and modern technology.

This is a brand new and bold attempt. Whether it can succeed or not depends on how much Lu Yu puts on it.

Any small defect may cause the weapon to be scrapped and ultimately affect its use.

Every step of Lu Yu is very careful, as if polishing a piece of art carefully.

Even if the design of a place is flawed or inaccurate, there will be errors and even casualties.

Therefore, we must be wholehearted and not sloppy.


I don't know that too long has passed, and there is a knock on the door outside the laboratory.

The door was pushed open, Ye Ziqing walked in with a tray.

"It's so late, are you still busy?"

The latter put the tray in front of Lu Yu, with some fruits and milk on it, and a bowl of fragrant noodles.

"Here, seeing how hard you work, it's rewarding you!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "I can't tell, are you here to give me warmth?"

Ye Ziqing curled her lips: "Don't make bad ideas! This was ordered by An Ran's sister-in-law. She just returned from get off work, and I was on duty today!"

"Okay, thank my wife for me." Lu Yu laughed, "It's still my wife who loves people!"

The two murmured, Ye Ziqing continued to go out on duty.

Lu Yu was full of food and drink, on the contrary, he was more energetic, and rushed to work overnight.

The model has been made, it is much easier to make the crossbow in the middle of the night.

In the laboratory, the humming noise of various machine tools was heard.

It lasted until the darkness of the next day, and the roaring machine gradually stopped.

In Lu Yu's hands, he also succeeded in gaining a prototype bow and crossbow.

Of course, this is just a rudiment, it looks dark and has not been processed in detail.

Then, as long as it is finely polished and installed with electromagnetic devices and thermal induction devices, the crossbow will have extremely strong lethality.


By coincidence, Ye Ziqing came in with breakfast and was surprised when she saw the crossbow.

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