Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 909: 2 Niu Xi is a father, Lu Yu wants to have a baby!

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On the road, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu sat in the back row.

The two squeezed the two cows in the middle, and you teased him every word.

"Er Niu, if Cuifen gave birth to a big fat boy, how do you plan to name it?"

He Chenguang raised his brows and asked jokingly.

Wang Yanbing continued: "Er Niu, children must be raised from childhood! What do you want your baby to do when he grows up?"

"Yes, I'm going to be a dad right away. Tell me about your feelings?"

"If it's a girl doll, what do you want her to do in the future?"


The two of them were obviously deliberate, and the questions came one after another, and they didn't give Li Erniu any time to breathe.

Li Erniu's nervous lips were trembling, and he stammered to speak, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Soon, the car arrived at the military hospital.

The car door creaked and was pushed open. Li Erniu rushed into the hospital in a hurry, clutching a doctor's arm and asked: "Doctor, me, which ward is my wife in? Did I give birth to a son or a daughter..."

Li Erniu stubbornly couldn't explain clearly.

But when the doctor heard that it was like giving birth to a baby, he looked at Li Erniu and asked, "Are you a family member of Cuifen?"

"Yes, my wife!"

"On the third floor, turn left, the innermost ward." The doctor pointed upstairs.

"Oh, thank you doctor!"

Li Erniu hurried to the delivery room on the third floor.

Lu Yu and others followed closely, smiling bitterly and shaking their heads.

Er Niu's frizzy and reckless temper, I don't know when to change it?

The group hurried to the outside of the delivery room, just when the red light in the delivery room went out.

The doctor in a white coat walked out, took off his mask and asked, "Who is the family member of the pregnant woman?"

"I, I am!" Li Erniu nodded in a hurry.

The doctor glanced at him: "Congratulations, your wife gave birth to a fat boy!"

The good news that fell from the sky immediately made Li Erniu weep with joy.

An iron man who came down from the battlefield, tears were falling down at this moment, not wanting money.

After a while, Li Erniu walked into the ward.

After giving birth to the baby, Cuifen lay on the bed and fell asleep in prostration.

Li Erniu hugged the child who had just had an accident, with a very happy smile on his face, and he kept giggling.

With his reckless temperament, every step he took at this moment was gentle, as if he was holding a porcelain doll.

Cautiously holding the baby in front of Lu Yu, Li Erniu said: "Captain, I don't have much culture, and you are a scholar in my team! Or, would you give my big fat boy a name?"

If it weren't for Lu Yu, because of the latter's promotion, maybe Li Erniu is still a big soldier!

Lu Yu is his benefactor and the person Li Erniu admires most in his life.

He was able to achieve this step by step because of Lu Yu.

That's why Li Erniu started the idea of ​​making Lu Yu a name!

Lu Yu was sweating profusely as he looked at the cunning and well-behaved child.

He is not very good at naming things.

If you really have a name that you think is good, it turns out to be ridiculed by others, it would be better to not afford it!

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Yu felt that it would be better to choose a name that fits the troops than to be laughed at.

"Er Niu, this child, just call Li Weiguo! I hope your child will grow up like you and serve the motherland."

"Li Weiguo? Li Weiguo..."

Li Erniu muttered twice, opened his mouth and laughed cheerfully, seemingly satisfied with the name.

"Captain, in the future, you will be the godfather of my child Weiguo!"

With that, Li Erniu thrust Li Weiguo into Lu Yu's arms.


Lu Yu hugged the older child, his mouth twitched fiercely.

what is this? Be someone else's godfather inexplicably? Hi to be a father...

But I have no children myself!

Wang Yanbing came over with a smile and kept teasing the child: "Huh? I said, this big fat boy has noses and eyes that look like two cows! I want one to catch Minger, and let them both grow up to be soldiers! "

Li Erniu curled his lips and said, "Yanbing, you're a **** old virgin now. Where can you give birth if you don't get the mother-in-law?"

Li Erniu, who has always been honest and honest, has also learned how to behave.

Wang Yanbing's pain was immediately poked into the bottom of her heart, and she grabbed her forehead angrily, but couldn't refute it.

Lu Yu smiled and looked in a good mood, and waved his big hand: "Okay, Cuifen gave birth to a big fat boy and let Er Niu Xi be his father! Tonight I have a treat, everyone come and celebrate!"

Li Erniu was pleased with his precious son, which is certainly worth celebrating for everyone in Team A.

First, high-tech cold weapons were formed, and then Li Erniu gave birth to a baby. It was a double happiness!

After returning from the hospital, Lu Yu and others went to a hotel to book a banquet.

Li Erniu stayed in the hospital with his wife and children.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

The members of Team A who received the news gathered in the hotel as scheduled to congratulate Li Erniu.

He Chenguang poured a full glass for himself, and said, "Er Niu, listen carefully. Although you are a father today, we are still brothers. All of you here are Li Weiguo but godfather, who dares to bully in the future? He, godfathers support him!"

After speaking, he drank a toast.

Nowadays, in Brigade A, apart from Li Erniu and Lu Yu who are married, the others have not yet married, let alone have children.

Therefore, as a born Li Weiguo, he is tantamount to being the child of everyone in the A team, and he is a favorite!

Wang Yanbing sipped his mouth and drank the boring wine, and kept muttering in a low voice: "Envy! Really **** envy, I also want to get married and have a baby!"

During the dinner.

Everyone scrambled, pushed the cup and changed, and the drink was applauded!

Lu Yu was very happy and let go of fighting with everyone.

After three rounds of drinking, even he was a little bit drunk.

Looking at the happy smile on Li Erniu's face, Lu Yu suddenly felt something in his heart picking up.

With the gradual expansion of the size of the A Brigade and the Special Forces, they have become increasingly busy.

It is usually difficult for even family members to see each other. With distance, relatives will inevitably have a sense of strangeness.

Otherwise, Li Erniu would not learn that Cuifen had a baby just by phone.

This status as a soldier is full of glory for them.

But since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been dilemma!

Why is not a **** to family members?

Not knowing whether it was because he was drinking too much or thinking too much, Lu Yu sat in a daze and felt a sense of loss.

When I caught a glimpse of the wine table opposite, An Ran fell silent.

Lu Yu shook his head abruptly, and when he looked over, he got up and left safely.

At this time, He Chenguang put down his wine glass and walked in, whispering: "Captain, now only you and Er Niu are married and have a family background. Now, even Er Niu has children, you and An Ran are married. For so long, my sister-in-law’s belly hasn’t moved at all. Don’t you go back and stay with her?

Lu Yu was silent.

Suddenly, he raised his glass and drank it viciously: "Go back! Go back!"

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