Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 914: Infiltrate the central system of District 5

   Before leaving, Lilitha coldly leaned against the wall, and said calmly to Lu Yu and the others: "I hope your trip will be successful. I am here, waiting for you to triumph!"

"it is good!"

   Lu Yu smiled slightly before bidding farewell to Owl and the others, and arrived in a warehouse not far away.

   opened the shade cloth, inside was the car of the general's bodyguard.

   Lu Yu, as a'general', naturally sat in the car headed by him.

   He Chenguang is a driver and bodyguard.

   The remaining six people got on the military Hummer and followed behind the car.

   The two cars followed the navigation in the general's car, locked the position of the fifth area, and drove past violently.

   There is a large desert of no man’s land in western California. It is off the beaten track and can not be seen at a glance.

   Lu Yu sat on the rickety car, half-gazing, not sure if he was asleep.

   Suddenly, He Chenguang, who was driving, slowed down, and reported slightly nervously: "Captain, the card ahead!"


   The sleepy Lu Yu opened his eyes and became quite awake.

   Looking forward through the car window, a checkpoint is being set up on the edge of the desert road.

On both sides of    are steel meshes that are straight forward, connected to the desert in the distance, with no end in sight.

   There are two rows of guards standing on both sides of the checkpoint, fully armed, with machine gun guards beside it.

   "Relax, don't let people see the flaws, give a password to the back."

   Lu Yu retracted his gaze, lowered his head slightly and quickly ordered.


   He Chenguang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down quickly.

   As he drove the car past, he turned on the taillights and flashed three times in a row.

  The driver of the military Hummer is Wang Yanbing. There is no one on the road, making him doze off as boring.

   suddenly saw the rear lights flashing in front of him, and he woke up suddenly.

   "The captain gave a signal, and his **** is on the ground, everyone cheer up, try to behave naturally."

   Wang Yanbing roared and stared at the front intently.

   The two vehicles are gradually approaching the checkpoint, and the guards at the door stare at the vehicles coldly and stand in a row with their guns.

   When he arrived, a guard leader came forward and knocked on the car window, and said in a deep voice: "Roll down the car window. The front is a military-rich place. You cannot enter without permission."

   The reason why the guards treated them carefully was that they didn’t know who was sitting in the car.

   Just now, a general's car passed by. They had suffered a lot, so they were a little polite.

   The window of the car slowly rolled down, and a document was handed out from inside.

   The guard took a look, and his expression immediately became solemn.

  Respectfully handed back the certificate, and made a strong salute: "Sir, sorry, please come in."

After    finished speaking, he waved his hand behind him, and the guards standing in a row immediately stepped aside.

   The door was open, and two cars drove straight into it.

   successfully passed the level, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Fuck me, I was scared to death. I was almost sifted by so many guns just now."

   The tense nerves were slightly relaxed, and He Chenguang swallowed his saliva, feeling lingering.

   Except for Lu Yu, who was calm and relaxed, none of the other seven people wanted to be fired face-to-face with two heavy machine guns.

   The vehicle swayed and continued to drive inward.

   Just not far away, Lu Yu was about to close his eyes to rest his mind, but He Chenguang was noisy.

   "Captain, the card is still there!"

   Lu Yu didn't open his eyes and said, "Just as before, keep calm."

   In this situation, he had already prepared himself.

   In the heavily guarded fifth zone, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one guard. It’s strange if it is not strict.

   all the way down, everyone passed five levels one after another.

   By this time, He Chenguang and others became more nervous.

   As you go deeper, the strictness of the level begins to increase.

   At the most perverted time, even the hair is not let go, to see if there is anything hidden.

   After passing these levels with surprises, Lu Yu suddenly signaled He Chenguang to stop.



   Two cars stopped in the middle of the road one after another.

   The sky is full of yellow sand and the sun is shining brightly.

   There is no vegetation around it, so you can't even see a bird.

   A few people jumped out of the car, wondering why Lu Yu didn't leave.


   He Chenguang coughed twice and spit out the sand in his mouth: "Captain, why stop here?"

   Lu Yu didn't explain much, and asked a few people to take out their tools from the trunk and point to the sandy tunnel, "Just dig here for me, dig down ten meters!"


   Several people looked at each other inexplicably, not understanding what it meant.

   But Lu Yu gave the order, and they had to start work.

   Everyone dug their heads and dug for five or six minutes.

   A ten-meter pit was dug in the sand, and high sand was piled up all around.

  The more you dig down, the wetter the sand in the ground will be, and it will not collapse easily.


   He Chenguang shouted: "Captain, I seem to have dug something!"

   He removed the military shovel, and there was a broken communication cable underneath.

   Lu Yu jumped out of the pit, took out a baby slap-sized device, and dried it in the communication cable.

   A few people fill in the hole again.

   This small device is not simple. It can connect to the entire underground communication network in District 5.


   waved, a group of people got in the car one after another.

   Lu Yu took out his personal computer and turned it on, quickly typing a line of instructions.


   The equipment that was buried ten meters deep underground started autonomously and started to work.

  The computer was placed on his legs, and Lu Yu crackled on the keyboard.

   In just five minutes, he successfully hacked into the safety net of Zone 5.

   "Haha! Get it done!"

   Lu Yu looked patted He Chenguang on the shoulder and ordered: "Drive, perform your duties and continue!"

   This place shouldn't stay long, you have to leave quickly.

   The security protection inside the fifth zone is not vegetarian. Once an intrusion is detected, the emergency security mechanism will be activated.

   At that time, Lu Yu and the others will be the target of the public, and they will not be able to go if they want to.

   The vehicle was driving forward, Lu Yu kept tapping his fingers, getting faster and faster: "Drive slowly, give me some time to modify the information!"

   He Chenguang nodded, and gradually slowed down the driving speed, controlling the vehicle's speed.

  According to calculations, there are still about nine kilometers away from the next level.

   must ensure that Lu Yu completes the attack before arriving.

   Lu Yu's ten fingers flicked quickly, non-stop.

   Grasp every minute and every second, invade into the central system of the fifth district.

   As long as the firewall is overcome, Lu Yu has the authority to modify the information of several people.

   He Chenguang looked back at Lu Yu from time to time, not daring to disturb him.

   held his breath and drove forward cautiously.

   At this moment, Lu Yu used his hacking skills to the extreme.

   The brain is running at a high speed, mobilizing every muscle of the body, and taking action, his eyes are bloodshot.

   No matter how awesome hackers are, the time to invade the system cannot exceed five minutes.

   Otherwise, it will trigger the alarm mechanism and be detected by the self-defense function of the central system.

   Not long, the next level is already looming.

   The guards with live ammunition waved to them to stop.

   He Chenguang's tense hands, firmly grasping the steering wheel: "Captain, how are you?"

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