Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 927: A good wife in the family is like a divine help

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Military headquarters.

Zhang Jinzhong picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Zhang Jinzhong said solemnly: "On your side, wait for me in the arranged position. After the kid finishes the task, he must give me a few hairs to return safely!"

There was a moment of silence, and a deep voice came: "Yes!"

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Jinzhong's eyes flickered.

They are not the only coveting satellites this time.

However, in their own territory, they have absolute certainty.

The corners of Zhang Jinzhong's lips raised, and a meaningful smile appeared: "This time, don't mind burying you all on the snow-capped mountains!"

No matter what, you must get that satellite!

In order to develop aerospace science and technology, they are completely exploring from scratch.

At the beginning, the Western world imposed a technological blockade, and countless ancestors worked hard to break the blockade.

Stop acting on the faces of others and make an indelible contribution to the aerospace industry.

Now, once the alien technology on this satellite is obtained.

They are expected to break through a large magnitude in the aerospace field in the future.

It has become a leader in the world's aerospace industry, overwhelming Mi.

But one thing is very frustrating!

Why do aliens always like to patronize Laomi and Lao Maozi, but Maotou hasn't seen one on the border of Long Country?

Of course, there is no shortage of legends that civilians have seen aliens in private, but it turns out that most of them are fabricated.

In contact with aliens, Lao Mi and Lao Maozi more or less acquired alien technology.

Therefore, in the last century, Laomi developed like an open hanger, and leapt to the position of world leader.

As for Lao Maozi, of course he is not weak.

Although it has almost developed in recent years and has always been on its laurels, this is only what outsiders see.

Who knows, are they hiding it?

The research institute under the Siberian ice field may have good things!

Lu Yu returned to Brigade A by helicopter overnight.

On the plane, he received a call from Enron.


After a long silence, An Ran's voice came from the other end: "Lu Yu, just... have you been here?"

In a word, Lu Yu didn't know how to speak.

"Do you have a new mission?" the other side asked again.

But Lu Yu could clearly hear that, in An Ran's voice, there was a bit of choking, as if he was holding back tears.


Lu Yu clenched his fist and slammed it on the wall of the cabin, feeling very bad.

Hearing the bang from the other side, An Ran was startled, and hurriedly asked, "You...what's wrong with you? What happened?"


Lu Yu took a deep breath of the cool air and forced himself to calm down: "I'm on my way back to Team A. How is the military factory going now?"

He had to change the subject forcibly to prevent An Ran from worrying too much.

"Very smoothly, although there are many technical difficulties, but fortunately, with the video material you left, everyone can overcome it!"

After a pause, An Ran confessed softly: "You, take care to protect yourself!"


Lu Yu didn't know how to answer, and nodded gently.

Hanging up the phone, looking up at the dark night sky outside, a trace of irritation in my heart, but I can't get rid of it.


It's dawn.

In the camp of Team A, everyone gathered in a row.

Lu Yu, who had just returned, stood in front of the team, staring around the crowd.

Suddenly, scanning the figure of Li Erniu in the team, Lu Yu stepped forward and kicked the latter out.

"You **** don't take care of Cuifen at home, what are you doing here?" Lu Yu glared at him, and yelled.

Li Erniu got a kick on his ass, instead he smiled shyly, leaning forward and said: "Captain, I, don't I have to be idle at home? Seeing that they all got first-class merit last time, my eyes are tight Well, I have to do tasks with you!"

Lu Yu didn't know. Last time he showed Laomi's fifth district, He Chenguang and others got first-class merit, which made many people very greedy.

Who doesn't want to do meritorious service?

In Team A, meritorious service means being promoted, especially Li Erniu, whose position has not changed for a long time.

"Be a fart!"

Lu Yu scolded his head and covered his face before sinking his face and said, "Tell you Erniu, these missions are extremely dangerous. If you go, you may not be able to return! In case you die, let Cuifen and Weiguo die. What to do? You don’t think about yourself, but also for your wife and children!"

Li Erniu was scolded, and muttered a little while sullen, not knowing what to say.

"Speak louder!" Lu Yu kicked him again and roared.

With a little effort on this foot, Li Erniu grinned for a while, and had to tremble his lips and said: "Captain, I, I am not afraid of death! Besides, my wife also agreed that I have a mission, so let me follow. ?"

Lu Yu sighed secretly, not knowing what to say about this silly bull.

However, Li Erniu never lied. He said that Cuifen agreed, so I am afraid that he really agreed.

The two are good brothers who were born and died together!

Today, Erniu's wife has just given birth, and she has a baby, and she has concerns.

Lu Yu didn't want to let Li Erniu risk a dangerous situation with him at this critical moment.

But this silly guy talked to this point, and Lu Yu couldn't help but drove him away.


Having a good wife in the family is like a godly help!

Lu Yu sighed and thought for a while and said to Li Erniu: "Okay, you return to the team! For Cuifen's face, you have one of the five spots selected this time."

The mission is extremely dangerous, and the location is in Daxue Mountain, with an average altitude of more than six kilometers, and it is prone to hypoxia.

In addition, on the snow-capped mountains, roads are blocked by heavy snow and the roads are extremely difficult to walk.

Under some smooth ice sheets, there are bottomless pits and ice cracks.

If you stomped on the air and fell, it would be overwhelmed and merged with the ancient glacier hundreds of millions of years old.

In the end, Lu Yu selected a suitable group of five.

They are Wang Yanbing, Xu Sanduo, Yuan Lang, Zheng Sanpao, plus a Li Erniu.

The others disbanded and went back to train, leaving only five people.

This time I went to the snow to compete for the crashed satellite, and there were big variables.

Because snow combat is different from land, you can’t carry too many thermal weapons, which might cause an avalanche.

That thing is not a joke, otherwise, this time the fun would be great.


Lu Yu glanced at the five people and gave simple orders.

Everyone didn't understand what Lu Yu meant, but the obedience in their bones made them sit down without any hesitation.

After everyone sat down, Lu Yu also sat cross-legged in front of them.

Facing the five people's doubtful gaze, Lu Yu said lightly: "Want to know, what do you want to do this time?"

"Report!" Xu Sanduo shouted: "Don't listen, don't ask."

"Very good, this is the most basic quality!"

Lu Yu nodded: "But before I set off, I still have to explain to you clearly that the degree of danger of this mission is no less than the last time! Even more terrifying than a lifetime of nine deaths, saying that it is ten deaths. It’s not too much to live, tell me, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Everyone looked firm and roared straight into the sky.

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