Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 932: Snipe and clam fight, Lu Yu benefits

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Every time the blood blooms, it is like a **** Mary, in sharp contrast with the white that symbolizes purity.

It is dazzling, and there is a unique beauty that opens up in the snow the last stubbornness of life.

Lu Yu stared down coldly, and suddenly felt worthless for them.

At this moment, the high-levels behind the two forces may have long been waiting for them to retake the satellite.

But who knows how many bones and innocent lives will be buried in the snow-capped mountains when things are over here?

The king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!

Since obeying orders is our bounden duty, even if we know that this is going to be a mortal situation, we still have to rush over without hesitation.


Because this is an order!

Lu Yu and the others lay motionless on the snow slope, watching for an hour.

Up to now, the battle below has not ended, but compared to the beginning, each team has lost a lot.

Everyone looked down quietly, only to see an old Mi agent who was stabbed and blood flowed across the abdomen.

He gritted his teeth and got up, dragged his injured body and hurried to the distance.

Who knows, the direction this person is coming from is exactly where Lu Yu and the others are hiding.

Without knowing where his strength came from, this agent climbed the snow **** step by step, getting closer and closer.

With every movement, a large amount of blood will flow out of the wound, sprinkled on the snow, and it looks particularly harsh.


Wang Yanbing drew out the crossbow and waited for the moment when the opponent came up before launching an attack.

Lu Yu held him down and shook his head slightly, indicating not to act rashly.

Gradually, the agent's pace became slower and slower, his breathing was unusually heavy, and the scenery in front of him became blurred.

His wound no longer bleeds, it is frozen alive.

Lu Yu looked at this person blankly.

He knew that the other party was not working!


When this agent was a few steps away from where Lu Yu and the others were hiding, he no longer had the strength and fell to his head.

Before he died, he was still covering his wound.

It was freezing cold, and the blood from this hand and the wound had been frozen together.

Wang Yanbing shook his head, and Xu Sanduo closed his eyes.

It seems that I can't bear this scene.

Lu Yu sighed slightly, he had already expected such an ending, and he was not surprised.

On such a high-altitude snow-capped mountain, the temperature is as low as minus 40 or 50 degrees. Once bleeding and injury, it is fatal.

If it is not handled in time, there is only one dead end!

Below, those fallen corpses, their injuries are not dead.

But because the surrounding environment was too cold, the wound could not be rescued, and the bleeding blood was frozen to death.

The atmosphere was slightly silent.

Lu Yu sighed and said: "Everyone is the owner, we can't control the others, we can only manage ourselves! Find a suitable time, it is our turn to debut!"

After fighting for so long, no one snatched the satellite, but many corpses had fallen around it.

There are many people on both sides who want to take the opportunity to take it away, because their purpose is not to kill or fight.

However, once someone on both sides approaches the satellite, they will be attacked by all the other people.

It was a near-crazy fight, no one was listed.

You **** want to **** the satellite in front of us, where do you take us?

Go dreaming!

Therefore, up to now, both sides have lost a lot of people, but no one has taken the satellite.

On the snow slope, Lu Yu was looking for opportunities, a chance to win with one blow.

Now the scene is too chaotic, everyone is surrounded by the satellite and can't get close.

Not to mention taking the satellite away.

Lu Yu frowned, slightly annoyed, thinking about how to get the satellite out.

Waiting like this is no way!

Looking down, he almost didn't laugh out loud.

At this moment, Laomi's several agents continued to exert their strength, and with good skill, they just cut a **** path and came to the satellite.

Several people worked together, picked up the satellite and turned around and ran.

Of course Lao Maozi will not let it go.

Before they could run for two steps, they rushed forward, led a few people back by their collars, and fought together again.

The satellite also rolled out more than ten meters away.

"My grass? Hahahahaha..."

Upon seeing this, Lu Yu was overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth almost didn't reach the back of his ears.

What are you really thinking about?

Naive, **** eyes open, isn't this a godsend opportunity?

All the difficulties are solved!

Of course, not only them, but also many people below were staring at the satellite with red eyes, but they were entangled for a while and couldn't get out.

Li Erniu geared up, with sparks in his eyes, this guy seemed to want to fight.

"Captain, when do we have to wait? I have enough energy and my hands are itchy..."

He was full of arrogance, and said a little impatiently.

"Hold it, it's not time yet!"

Lu Yu cursed with a smile, grabbed the snow and threw the snow on his face, calming down.

"Remember, the target is the satellite, not for war."

Hearing this, Li Erniu nodded boredly, and buried his face in the snowdrift.

With the desire to fight, the whole body is so hot!

Observing for a while, the melee below continued to escalate, and both sides focused on fighting.

Gradually, no one stared at the satellite anymore.

After watching for a while, Lu Yu felt that the time was almost right, and quietly waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't you want to go? The timing is just right now, it's our turn to perform!"

Having said that, I carefully exhorted: "Remember, don't go from the front, we circle around from both sides! Wang Yanbing, Xu Sanduo, Yuan Lang, you three are on the right, Li Erniu, Zheng Sanpao, you two follow me on the left. Get the satellite, evacuate immediately, don’t be discovered."

After completing the action instructions, Lu Yu waved his hand: "Go!"

The reason why the team is divided into two groups is to avoid crowded people.

Satellites are the focus of attention. Once the six people are together, they are likely to be discovered by the people below, leading to exposure.

Lu Yu led the team first, bent down and rushed down the snow slope, followed the left-wing trail, and reached the back of the battlefield.

The satellite is already in sight, just buried in a snowdrift not far away.

The crowd was still immersed in the melee and didn't notice the movement here.

With the help of the snow slope, Lu Yu took a quick look and looked back at the two of them and said, "You two are here to cover me. If anyone finds out, just do it."

Li Erniu opened the crossbow and promised: "Don't worry, Captain, I will protect you, there will be no problem!"

Lu Yu nodded while the crowd was still fighting, jumped.

A few tumbling down in the snow, rushed to lie down under the satellite, hiding his figure.

Similarly, the three Wang Yanbing on the other side also took their positions.

The three of them set up their crossbows and squinted for Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was also relieved to leave it to these people safely, and immediately concentrated on studying the satellite in front of him.

In broad daylight, it is obviously unrealistic to take away such a large satellite **** in full view.

Lu Yu's goal is to find the hard disk that stores all the data in the satellite.

Then poach away!

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Collection" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 923 Snipe and Clam Fight, Lu Yu Deli), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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