Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 945: Li Weiguo's Full Moon Banquet

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After yelling "Get down", Lu Yu took the lead to crawl on the ground, and fired three shots with his right hand, hitting one person each.

Climbing up from the ground, his left hand shot another arrow and crossbow. There was almost no trace between the gun and the crossbow.

An agent fell to the ground with an arrow in his chest.

Regardless of taking back the crossbow arrows, you will kill you when you are sick!

Relying on the body of steel and bulletproof vest, Lu Yu led everyone to launch an assault.

"Open the bow!"

At the moment when he approached the past, Lu Yu shouted, everyone raised their crossbows, swishing out a round of crossbow arrows.

Within a few breaths, all the agents hidden in the jungle were wiped out.

Lu Yu scanned the corpses all over the floor and found that one person was still alive.

This man, with an arrow in his shoulder, a blood hole appeared, struggling to get up and want to escape.

When he came to the other side, Lu Yu was condescending and looked at him with cat and mouse eyes.

"I heard that you came here to spy on our high-tech and bring it back? It just so happens that I opened your eyes today!"

With that, he took out the laser dagger and the black technology crossbow, showing him one by one.

The spy's eyes widened, as if seeing something incredible.

Suddenly, his face suddenly changed, extremely frightened.

But before the panic spread across his face, his life was written at this moment.

Put away the laser dagger.

Lu Yu glanced at the bloodstain on this guy's neck, turned and left.


Behind him, there was the sound of falling to the ground.

Blood came out of his neck, and the person struggled twice before he was silent.

From beginning to end, Lu Yu didn't look at him again, and found the bodies of two agents one after another.

Their bodies were completely beaten into hornet's nests.

But it wasn't the shot fired by Lu Yu and others!

It should be that the two groups of people met in the jungle, thinking that each other was Lu Yu's chasing soldiers, and then the fight broke out.

Both parties, without even having a chance to meet and explain, eliminated each other.

Lu Yu smiled slightly. This saved them a lot.

Looking at the rag-like corpse, he shook his head lightly: "Remember to stop working as an agent in the next life."

Next, Lu Yu immediately reported the information to Zhang Jinzhong.

Upon receiving the news, the latter immediately ordered someone to enter the mountain to deal with it, while Lu Yu took someone back.

At the intersection, seeing Lu Yu and others return unharmed, Zhang Jinzhong greeted him with a smile: "Where are those spies? Are there any alive?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said with a smile: "All sent them to hell!"

With that, he brought a group of traitors behind him in front of him and listened to Zhang Jinzhong.

Looking at the trembling traitor who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, Zhang Jinzhong's eyes were extremely cold.

If it weren't for going according to the rules, with his temper, he would now draw the gun and kill these guys who are eating out.

Not only betrayal, but also leak confidential information.

It can be said that their lives are over!

Even if he is not put to death, he will be locked in forever for the rest of his life.


The body of the killed agent in the mountain was buried directly nearby, and everything was hidden deep underground.

"Lu Yu!"

Zhang Jinzhong got out of the car and stopped Lu Yu.

Just as Lu Yu was about to return by car, he heard someone shouting behind him and turned to look.

Seeing that it was Minister, Lu Yu hurriedly greeted him with a salute: "Minister, do you still have something to look for me?"

"Oh! Don't be so polite! Let's go and sit in my car. I have something to tell you."

Zhang Jinzhong patted Lu Yu and pulled the latter into his car without any explanation.

Lu Yu smiled bitterly and had to follow Zhang Jinzhong to return by car.

In the car, Zhang Jinzhong took out a stack of documents and placed them in front of Lu Yu: "In two days, the headquarters will host a cross-military exercise, so you just stay and have a look.

Lu Yu received the information in doubt and looked at the precautions above.

"Me? Minister, what am I going to do, is this also related to me?"

He pointed to his nose in surprise and asked.

"Huh? You kid, this is my special invitation to you on behalf of the headquarters! Besides, we also need you to lead a special team to be the touchstone of the whole army."

Zhang Jinzhong lit a cigarette and vomited the clouds and fog before he said the ultimate goal.

Lu Yu rolled his eyes, and sure enough, there was nothing good to call himself!

Although he was not interested in it, the boss spoke in person, can he refuse?

Hey... After all, my skin is too thin!

Lu Yu touched his face and sighed secretly.

"Okay, you will let me know when the time comes."

Nodding, Lu Yu reluctantly agreed.


Zhang Jinzhong laughed. He knew that this kid was reluctant in his heart, and said, "You are indispensable for doing this exercise well!"

Returning to the headquarters, Zhang Jinzhong did not force Lu Yu to stay. "You go back first and wait for my news."

After the two were separated, Lu Yu stayed overnight and returned to Team A by helicopter the next morning.

As soon as he came back, he discovered a strange phenomenon. There was no one in Team A.

What happened?

Got another task?

Why do I, the captain, don't know!

Suddenly in doubt, Lu Yu answered the phone ringing.

"Captain? Are you back? My son is full moon today, and the big guys will leave you alone! Waiting for you to come for a drink, it's still the same place."

On the phone, Li Erniu's loud speaker came.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Lu Yu patted his forehead and remembered this.

Today is Li Weiguo's full moon wine.

No wonder everyone is no longer in the team!

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yu drove to the hotel immediately.

On the way, Lu Yu's eyes appeared from time to time as a big fat boy from the Erniu family, with a smile on his lips.

Hurrying all the way slowly, Lu Yu arrived at the hotel half an hour later and found the box Li Erniu said.

Pushing the door and walking in, the noise inside stopped silent!

In the box, the members of Team A, as well as the families of Li Erniu and Cuifen, gathered.

"Captain, you can count, everyone is waiting for you."

Li Erniu got up to greet Lu Yu and pulled the latter to sit down beside him.

Cuifen hugged Li Weiguo, who was just full moon, and sat on the other side with a happy smile between his eyes.

One month later, Li Weiguo's facial features were opened in full length, and the little guy was staring at his big sullen eyes, looking around.

"Xiao Weiguo, do you know who I am?"

"He, it's your father Li Erniu, and this is your mother Cuifen!"

"As for me, it's your godfather! Called godfather..."

Lu Yu sat down and teased the little guy for a while. He became more and more fond of this lively The little guy’s "babble", waving his small fist, as if responding in his own way Lu Yu.

Amused Lu Yu laughed and said, "Look, my godson is so clever. When he grows up, he must be much better than Li Erniu, a dull gourd!"

After these days of recuperation, Cuifen has a ruddy face and a lot of body recovery.

The motherly eyes didn't leave his son for a moment!

"You eat first, I'll go over."

Suddenly, Lu Yu handed Li Weiguo to Cuifen and stood up and said.

Across the table, he saw a familiar figure.


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