Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 968: Extraterrestrial life's special function

Chapter 959 Extraterrestrial Life's Special Function

"Oh, he's still alive? It seems that your kid didn't even return home, so he came to my report work? Really dedicated!"

Hu Guohai stretched out his thumb, jokingly.

Lu Yu ignored his polite remarks and shouted twice before he pulled Zhao Fei to his side and said: "Hu Ju, I brought this man back to you, but he is the only one left. Died."

Hu Guohai nodded silently, focusing on Zhao Fei's body.

In fact, he had already made such a guess when he received the distress signal.

Now that it has been confirmed, I can only sigh secretly.

"For those agents who died, I will set up a burial mound and be buried in the cemetery. Their greatness is worth remembering."

Hu Guohai lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, his tone full of melancholy.

Bringing such news back is really uncomfortable.

But now the only thing that can be done is these. People die and the lights go out, but they can't chill their hearts.

After a long delay, Hu Guohai looked at Zhao Fei and said solemnly: "This time you have worked hard. I will give you two choices. First, forget everything you have experienced. Go back and be an ordinary person, and I will give it to you again. A set-up allowance to ensure that there is nothing to worry about for the rest of your life..."

"What about the second one?"

Zhao Fei couldn't wait to ask before finishing speaking.


Hu Guohai took a breath: "You go to the hospital to recuperate, and when your body recovers, you will continue to return to your previous job! But in this way, you will still face various dangers! This time, you can escape with luck. One catastrophe, not necessarily next time...So, how would you choose?"

Lu Yu also looked at Zhao Fei, wanting to see how he chooses.

Is it retiring, being an ordinary person, knowing that life is precious?

Or stay and live a precarious life?

Zhao Fei did not even think about it, and insisted: "I choose the second one!"

Hearing this, Hu Guohai's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction: "Okay, I will arrange for you the best hospital in the capital immediately, so you can take a good rest! However, I hope that one day you will not regret your choice!"

"Chief, the path you choose, you must walk down on your knees!" Zhao Fei was extremely firm.

Hu Guohai called two guards and helped him down to rest.

Only him and Lu Yu were left in the room.

"Let's talk about it, what's the gain this time?" Hu Guohai stared directly at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't talk nonsense, and took out the USB flash drive and handed it over: "Like last time, I copied all the materials in the research base in Siberia and destroyed their original database! Now this is the only one in the world. I hope it will help the national scientific research project!"

Hu Guohai's eyes lit up, he immediately took the U disk and looked at it carefully, then laughed and said, "Hahaha! You still have a way to change to someone else. This information must be destroyed with the Institute."

"The coward is afraid of death and must die. The lofty man seeks for his benevolence!"

Lu Yu smiled and accepted the compliment without humility.

"Haha! Sure enough, this is like your acting style." Hu Guohai smiled: "Well, tell me about this mission!"

Lu Yu nodded and slowly described the incident.

Hu Guohai listened quietly in the smoke.

When he heard Lu Yu buying the hotel owner, he frowned: "Are you sure, he won't tell this matter? After all, it is his country!"

"No!" Lu Yu shook his head, his tone very affirmative.

Lu Yu knows this kind of person very thoroughly. As long as he is threatened and lured, he will definitely not.

Even lend him 10,000 courage!

Moreover, given so much sealing fee, as long as you are not a fool, you will be careful to keep your mouth shut.

If you speak out, you will be investigated first.

After receiving so much money from Lu Yu, he would not be able to clean it up when he jumped into the Yellow River. Lu Yu believed that he knew better.

Hu Guohai nodded and continued to listen to Lu Yu's remarks.

After hearing the whole story, Lu Yu blasted the mountain and escaped until he boarded the plane and stopped abruptly.

The latter wrinkled his brows into a lump.

Alien? Alien again!

This vocabulary used to be so strange and distant from them.

However, now it frequently appears before our eyes.

Not only in the fifth area of ​​Laomi, but even under the Siberian Icefield in Maozi Country, there are actually aliens hidden, and there are so many!

So many aliens, all immersed in the formalin solution, buried deep underground.

Although it was all dead, the news was shocking enough!

"The alien grave..."

Hu Guohai muttered, deeply shocked by Lao Maozi's handwriting.

Even if these aliens are dead, their bodies still possess extremely high research value.

By unpacking the body, it can be inferred that their previous living environment, like life on earth, needs oxygen and water?

The information about aliens will be well known!

"By the way, you said that there was always a voice in your mind telling you to go underground? And when you saw the aliens in the glass jar, there was a consciousness invading you? Even controlling your emotions and feelings When it comes to endless sadness, right?"

Hu Guohai suddenly asked what he thought of.


So far, he still has a horror thinking about that strange feeling.

Hu Guohai’s eyes flickered: “Well, let’s boldly speculate that the consciousness that invaded you is probably from the alien who reached out to you on the ground. It may have special functions such as telepathy. After I urged you to go underground, I died!"

"Because, you still have the will of the alien in your body, so seeing so many corpses of the same kind underground will resonate with that will and produce a feeling of extreme sadness!"

Lu Yu actually thought about Hu Guohai's judgment, but the other party's analysis at the moment is more based.

In fact, the will that occupies his mind is not strong, more like a candle in the wind, which will be annihilated at any time.

What Lu Yu couldn't resist was the surging force of great sadness, which almost drowned him completely.

This emotional infection made Lu Yu lost...

With that said, everything seems to be explainable.

Because in Zhao Fei's narration, he was tempted by aliens, but there were no birds.

Zhao Fei was arrested in a coma, it should have been an alien's handwriting.

And the words that the alien said before the will dissipated also let Lu Yu destroy it and let his companions liberate.

"I have left this USB disk. I will find someone to decipher the information in it. Then, I will notify you to come over and watch it together and discuss the handling of the information."

Hu Guohai gestured to Lu Yu and put away the USB drive.

Lu Yu remained silent all the time, as if in a bad mood, he just nodded.

"Okay, you go home first, you should relax and rest after the task is completed, don't let An Ran wait for a long time!"

Hu Guohai waved his hand, and Lu Yu got up and left.

Walking out of the confidentiality bureau, he took a deep breath of the fresh air outside before he felt the depression in his chest.

"An Ran, wait for me!"

Muttered in a low voice, Lu Yu hurried home without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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