Chapter 964: Buying Lu Yu

"Listen to me, this time the goods must be pure, I personally supervise it, it is definitely a first-class, to guarantee satisfaction!"

The sudden sound in his ears made Lu Yu stop.

His thoughts immediately passed through that night, and stopped halfway, He Chenguang hit more than a dozen alone...

And the owner of this voice was Ma Kun who knelt down and begged for mercy.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and Lu Yu immediately lowered his head and passed the group in front of him.

I saw that Ma Kun was politely leading the way for one person.

The man was wearing a suit, of medium build, with a large back and a pair of gold glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Ma Kun, is it really him?"

Recalling the information He Chenguang found, Lu Yu's mouth was slightly raised.


From the association of what Ma Kun is doing, it is self-evident that this thing refers to it!

These people occupy here as a cover, in fact, illegal transactions in private.

Lu Yu yawned. He didn't want to care about it, but since this happened to him, it was necessary to find out.

"It's so **** that I won't let Lao Tzu stop for a moment..."

Secretly sighed, even when I went out to the toilet, I could encounter problems.

After the group of people entered, Lu Yu came to the door casually, took out his cigarette, and pretended to search for it.

"Brother, take a fire, I'm a smoker!"

On the grounds that he could not find a lighter, Lu Yu said helplessly to the door with a cigarette.

The big man was also sincere, glanced at Lu Yu, and took out a lighter and lit him.

At the moment when the fire was on, Lu Yu suddenly started to touch the big man's abdomen.

A violent tingling sensation came, and the big man fainted softly without humming.

The other person immediately opened the door and shouted, but Lu Yu stepped forward and grabbed his hair.

"Haha, brother, can you borrow fire?"

Lu Yu said without hesitation, he immediately knocked him out and kicked the door open.


As the door opened, the details of the transaction inside were exposed.

The man in suit was sitting on the sofa, tinkering with the goods in front of him.

Next to him, Ma Kun was smoking a cigarette with Erlang's legs upright, and his expression was particularly ecstasy.

Lu Yu grinned, and the people inside waved his hands: "Hey, what a coincidence, did we meet again?"


The man in the suit was startled, but on the surface he put away the goods calmly, winked at his subordinates, and then asked, "I wonder if you are..."

Several men rushed up immediately, blocked the door, and stared at Lu Yu maliciously.

Lu Yu didn't care, walked forward, took out a piece of Huazi and put it on the tip of his nose, sniffed it, squinted and smiled, "Good smoke!"

After that, he put a whole bag into his pocket, and then pointed at Ma Kun: "Yo? It's pretty hilarious playing here, why don't you remember me?"

Ma Kun was a little bit up at the moment, he couldn't hear what Lu Yu was talking about, and he didn't even see this person.

Lu Yu shook his head, yes, this guy is hopeless!

Cang Dang!

He grabbed the ashtray on the table and slammed it on Ma Kun's forehead.

"Ouch! Who am I stupid..."

Ma Kun was smashed by the sturdy ashtray, nosebleed violently, covering his face and shouting.

"it's me!"

Throwing out the ashtray, Lu Yu didn't do anything, staring at him playfully.

Only after Ma Kun could see who the person in front of him was, he swallowed and almost didn't kneel.

After a while, he reacted and said tremblingly: "Big...Big brother, he was sitting in the car that night, and the boy who beat a dozen of us alone is his bodyguard!"

A look of surprise appeared on Lu Yu's face. Does this guy remember He Chenguang?

It proves that the lesson taught him that night was profound enough to be forgotten for at least a lifetime!

Hearing that, the man in the suit gradually became serious.

This person can hit more than a dozen of them with one man, and as the boss, his skill will not be much worse.

Thinking of this, the man in the suit immediately withdrew his men.

If so, it would be useless for these people to send in, just looking for death.

"Friend, since you have come to me, surely all your needs? Money or women? I can meet them."

Ma Kun's brother leaned on the sofa, breathing smoke.

This guy is really good at controlling people's hearts, clearly understands human nature, and knows what a man wants.

But to be honest, Lu Yu didn't lack everything he gave, and it didn't constitute a temptation at all.

Seeing that Lu Yu was silent, the man in the suit thought he was holding the other person, and his nervousness was mostly gone.


He clapped his hands, and immediately two of his men walked out.

When they returned again, everyone had something in their hands.

One person held a box in his hand and placed it on the table, while the other was accompanied by a beautiful woman, who was of mixed Chinese and European race, and was very enchanting.

"Brother, look, how about these two things? My brother gave them all to you, let's make a friend!"

The man in the suit had a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes flashed shrewdly: "As long as you don't make trouble, or you can mix with me, I won't treat myself badly, how?"

The man opened the suitcase, and inside it was stacks of neatly stacked dollar bills, which filled the suitcase.

At least, there are millions of dollars!

Lu Yu glanced at him and smiled contemptuously.

This money is indeed a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but he really doesn't care about it.

Pushing the box aside, Lu Yu walked to the man in the suit step by step, with the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "You mean, you want to buy me? But I'm really sorry, I'm not interested in these things of you!"

The man in the suit frowned, his expression cold: "Oh? What do you want, tell me?"

"I want……"

Lu Yu jokingly smiled: "Sent you to prison! Can you be satisfied?"

The expression of the man in the suit was completely cold and he snorted heavily.

The men who were ready to go around immediately rushed towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu tested his body to evade, grabbed a person by the collar and threw it out like a chicken.

Together, the other people were not his opponents. They were beaten up in a mess and all fell on the ground.

In a blink of an eye, there were only brothers Lu Yu and Ma Kun left in the box.

The others lay on the ground wailing, unable to get up.

Ma Kun was so scared that he got into the pocket of the table, shivering.

The man in the suit had an ugly face and was fairly calm.

"Today, count me down!"

"Huh? What does it mean you were planted? You were planted!"

Lu Yu smiled freely, making the man in the suit look worse, but he couldn't refute it.

Seeing that things are Lu Yu called Gao Gang as soon as possible: "Dynasty Bar, Box 302, you send someone over..."

He briefly talked about what happened and immediately attracted Gao Gang's attention.

"Okay! Coming soon!"

Gao Gang agreed without thinking, and asked in passing: "How did you find out?"


Lu Yu simply replied with two words.

Gao Gang was very depressed when he heard the blind tone on the phone.

This kind of thing happened to you?

"This kid is really a broom... ahem! I didn't say anything about sins and sins!"

Picking up the phone, he explained the matter and couldn't let Lu Yu wait for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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