Chapter 972

Facing such a lunatic, Lu Yu only felt a little boring, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Slowly raised the crossbow, and was about to send him down to see his companion.

But all of a sudden, the lunatic seemed to have his brain resuscitated. Seeing that the bullet could not penetrate Lu Yu, he shifted his muzzle and aimed at the latter's head to shoot.


The gunshot, but not his.

It came from behind this lunatic.

Lu Yu looked at his chest. Here, a hole of blood was opened, running through his chest from his back.

The heart was pierced, and the guy fell to the ground weakly, feeling the blood flowing out of the body, and the vitality was fading little by little.

The whole body was getting colder and colder, he exhausted the last bit of strength, his fingers were stained with blood, and he drew a circle on his forehead.


Without finishing a sentence, he died.

"Didn't you let you run? Why did you come back?"

Lu Yu was stunned, and realized that it was not someone else who had fired the gun, but the defending man who had just escaped.

This guy looked terrified, panting, it seemed that it was his first murder, and his fingers were trembling.

After a long while, watching the dazzling mess all over the ground, he took a deep breath and walked forward and stared at Lu Yu firmly: "Why are these people killing you? Also, why are they here? You and I went down the mountain to the Security Division to make things clear."

Lu Yu put away the crossbow and said lightly: "Are you the defender of this mountain? I am Lu Yu of the action team. I tracked down here and found them."

"Hehe, you are the action team? So I am still in the Secret Bureau! Stop making trouble."

Obviously, the other party did not believe what Lu Yu said.

Lu Yu shrugged and took out the phone: "Okay, let your leader tell you."

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Lu Yu didn't bother to explain, and directly called Gao Gang to report the situation clearly.

Soon, the phone rang on the other party.

This guy was taken aback, looked at Lu Yu suspiciously, and then carefully answered the phone.

"Yes, I understand, um, I must follow suit..."

He nodded and said a few words before he hung up.

Looking at Lu Yu again, his eyes were already showing some respect and caution: "Sorry, I don't know your identity, just now..."

Lu Yu waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't hold him accountable, the man heaved a sigh of relief and said with a thumbs up: "Brother, you are really good at it. You just overturned's a pity that those kids!"

As he said, shook his head and sighed, it was a pity.

"Child?" Lu Yu was startled.

Thinking he didn't know, the man explained, "It's the two children with discs on their chests. I just watched them. Hey, they are dead... Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing that he hadn't finished speaking, Lu Yu turned around and ran back. After a daze, he immediately caught up.

After several tossing and jumping in the messy woods, Lu Yu quickly rushed to the wooden house and found the bodies of the two boys.

There is a bullet hole at the center of their eyebrows, lying on the ground.

Turning over a person, revealing the disc device on his chest, the number on it has begun to count down.

Open the other one, the same is true.

Lu Yu's expression suddenly became a little ugly, and only one minute remained.

"Hello? Why are you running so fast, wait for me..."

In the woods behind him, the footsteps and shouts of defending men came.

Before he could think about it, he grabbed the two bodies and threw them into the wooden house. Lu Yu turned and ran into each other head-on.

Regardless of the other's awkward expression, Lu Yu grabbed him and carried him, and Lu Yu ran down the mountain at full speed.

"I rely on... let me down, I... Boom!"

As a result, the words were not finished, this guy fainted because of violent twisting and hitting the roadside tree.

Yes, it saves a lot of trouble now, lest you make trouble.

No one was bothering, Lu Yu took a deep breath and evenly breathed, moving at a high speed, like a galloping cheetah running down the mountain.

However, with a person on his back, his speed was somewhat affected, and he simply discarded his equipment.

Run with all your strength!

Just one step away, Lu Yu's eyes flashed, looking at the foot of the mountain close at hand, he leaped over.

The powerful inertia brought about by the speed caused Lu Yu to be shocked by the force of the counter shock, and he almost didn't vomit.

Next second!

On the mountain, there was a loud noise of the earth shaking the mountain, like a flash flood, the whole mountain seemed to collapse.

Even a few kilometers apart, you can still see the light rising into the sky.

The big trees in the forest fell to the ground and broke down one after another, as if a martial arts master had released a peerless inner strength, and it was a mess.

Looking at the dazzling scene like a blockbuster movie, Lu Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Before his smile bloomed, he froze.

The next thing is next, and I am afraid that there will be even greater disasters!

A fire in the forest will form a terrifying wildfire that will sweep through wantonly.

That scene...

Lu Yu shivered sharply.

Papa, quickly patted the guy on his back to wake up.

"My head hurts so much! Hey, where is this?"

The other party murmured and looked around in confusion.

"Don't sleep, wake up!"

Lu Yu pointed to the flames jumping in the mountains not far away, and said, "It's on fire, didn't you protect the forest? Is there a way to put out the fire?"

What? on fire?

The man who was still in a daze, jumped off Lu Yu's back anxiously: "Where is it on fire? Where is it?"

Before Lu Yu could answer, this guy saw the fire shining from the mountain ahead.

"I'm **** it!" He stared and smacked his tongue secretly: "You go first, I'll call someone right away."

With that, he took out the phone and started the contact to put out the fire.

Seeing what happened here, he couldn't get involved, so Lu Yu greeted him and drove back.

He galloped all the way to the entrance of the headquarters and stopped.

Lu Yu jumped out of the car and rushed to Zhang Jinzhong's office.

Compared with a few days ago, today, the headquarters is not so deserted.

People coming and going in the hall are as busy as always.

Upon arriving at the office, seeing the door lightly hidden, Lu Yu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Okay, I see..."

Zhang Jinzhong was behind the desk, answering the phone, and saw Lu Yu come in and gave him a quiet gesture.

Lu Yu shrugged, sat down on the sofa next to him, and stood still.

After finishing talking about the content of the call and hanging up, Zhang Jinzhong turned his gaze to Lu Yu: "You kid, let's talk, what can I do?"

Leaning on the sofa, Lu Yu changed his posture comfortably before telling the story of last night.

"Now I wiped that group out, have nothing happened recently?"

Zhang Jinzhong shook his head and sighed: "You are thinking too simple! According to our latest information, the previous judgment on their information was wrong. Last night, you killed only a small part of it."

"Although, I can't grasp the whereabouts of those people for a while, but I already have a rough hiding place at hand, the number of people is about 20, can it be done?"

Lu Yu stared dryly, speechless for a long time.

It's been a long time, it's not over yet...

Why am I so happy?

There were more than twenty people. Although Lu Yu was fine alone, he had just experienced a fight and didn't want to suffer that much anymore.

The enemy is too few and we are not sure what will happen.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu decided to select a few people from the A team and go together.

(End of this chapter)

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