As soon as the words came out, the man immediately looked over in astonishment, and asked with tears, "Who are you?"

   had a few teeth knocked out, causing him to be slurred and have serious air leakage.

   Lu Yu nodded, "We are special forces."

   Sure enough, the man's desperate eyes immediately burst into bright light, and he wanted to get up from the ground.

   But because of the injury, he tried for a long time without success.

   Lu Yu knelt down, patted his shoulder and said, "Wait I may need your help, but you have to suffer a bit, are you willing?"

   The man stopped struggling and smiled bitterly, "I thank you that you can see it. Now I am like this. Even if I suffer a little bit more hardship, I can count on it. As long as I can make these **** pay the price, I am willing to help."

"it is good."

Lu Yu smiled slightly, "I want you to draw their attention later and draw those people out of the cave. It is best to get beaten up during the whole process, but we will aim for the timing outside. As long as we show up, It's all resolved."

   Lu Yu considered this plan quite well, and it was easy to implement, as long as people were drawn out.

   It is true that he also thought about pushing down the iron ball and throwing it into the cave, and he finished it in one pot.

   more convenient

   But in this way, the risk will be greater.

   Not to mention whether it can be thrown accurately, even if the iron ball is thrown into the cave, the range is only a few meters.

   Of course it is good luck to be able to explode. If it fails to explode, or if it fails to explode, it will completely anger the opponent to counterattack.

   Even if Lu Yu had enough confidence to kill those people in the cradle, he might not be able to guarantee the safety of others.

   will be pulled back more or less, if anyone is affected, Lu Yu will be to blame.

   These people outside, you have to take a lot of them back.

   Therefore, the safest way at present is to use this man to lead people out.

   The man accepted Lu Yu's opinion. Before he left, Lu Yu used healing power to recover his injuries and could stand up and move freely.

   Lu Yu and three people hid behind the cave to hide.

   From here, you can see the front position clearly, but the people who come out of the cave cannot see the back.

   The man tried his own hands and feet, and he waited quietly at the entrance of the cave without any problems.

   He adjusted his breathing, tried to calm his mind and replayed everything he had experienced in this life.

   is like playing a movie, and I am just a bystander.

   When he saw his wife and children falling in a pool of blood, the man had red eyes and clenched his fists, opened his mouth and let out the most shocking roar in his life.

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

   The huge roar went straight into the sky, like the scream of a wounded beast in the dark night, even Lu Yu had to cover his ears.

   I’ve seen the roar of the lion.

The roar of    awakened the crowd outside, and suddenly disturbed the people in the cave.

   "What the **** are you in the middle of the night?"

   "Stop screaming, shut up quickly"

   "Stun the people inside, none of us have good fruit"

   The crowd scolded the man to shut up.

   But it's useless, as if the man didn't hear it at all, all voices were masked by his shouting.

   bang bang.

   Soon, there was gunshots in the dark, and everyone shrank and trembled in fright.

   The leader man took his men out of the cave and fired a few shots into the sky, only to make the air quiet briefly.

   "What are you doing, who made you bark"

   The team leader was furious, and he saw the man who was still trying to yell at a glance, rushed over and kicked him, then stepped on his chest.

   Because of language barriers, the two talked completely in the same way.

   The man couldn’t understand what the other person was talking about. Bah, he vomited blood on the ground, and swearing viciously, "I’m the stuff of the bullshit, I’m not afraid of you **** and go to the Garden of Eden, I’m pooh."

   Saliva mixed with blood, spit on the trouser leg of the leader man.

   The team leader's eyes flickered, grabbing the **** of the rifle and slamming it on the opponent's shoulder.


   There was a crisp bone cracking, and the man's shoulder was directly dislocated, and a sharp pain came.

   But he gritted his teeth without saying a word, but made no sound.

   The leader man smiled coldly. Suddenly, he didn't want him to die so easily. He thought of something meaningful.

   also kill a sheep, torture, it’s much more interesting than killing directly

   ordered his subordinates to reignite the bonfire, take a piece of burnt red wood from the fire, grab the other end, and the burning part in front of it almost turned into charcoal.

   stomped on the man's body under his feet, burning charcoal getting closer and closer in his eyes.

   Just when the charcoal was about to touch the man's body, a crossbow arrow shot out from the darkness and penetrated the head of the leader man.

   Spattered a little bit of blood, blooming in the air, spilling onto the man's face under his feet.

   The man who was rather unyielding before, saw the blood and rolled his eyes and fainted.


   The wood rolled to the ground, and the body of the leader man fell to the ground.

The men next to    were all stunned.

  What is the situation

   However, before they could reflect, a small black iron ball, grunting, rolled under their feet.

   Before throwing the iron ball, Lu Yu

Yu made a multiple choice question. Among the functions of rebound and blast, he chose the latter.

   In this situation, no one pays attention to his feet anymore.

   Besides, it’s a little iron ball

   When everyone reacted and was about to look for the target, a light spot that gradually lit up occupied their sight.

   The light became brighter and brighter, almost turning white, and in just a second, it expanded to the size of a bowling ball.

   Everyone looked over in shock and had no time to react. In their eyes, the ball of light burst silently.

  Recommendation, \\mi\\mi\\read\\a\\iiread\\It’s really good, it's worth installing one for book friends, and both Android and iPhone

   There was no sound, as if the water flowed slowly through Everything was like going in a vacuum, blocking the transmission of sound.

   On the spot, the three people who were close to the ball of light were directly turned into flying ash and disappeared.

   Lu Yu opened his mouth wide, relying on this thing Nima is like looking at a demon mirror, whoever is photographed will turn into fly ash.

   There is no **** left

   Then the strong light turned into a circle and continued to spread out. All people who came into contact had no chance to escape, and they disappeared.

   Regrettably, the area covered by the strong light is only five meters, and many people who are far away have not been affected.

   But this is the case, there are still nearly ten people who were evaporated to ashes.

   There are still more than 20 left on the field. After a little chaos, the formation is reorganized.

   A blonde and blue-eyed female leader instructs everyone to drive the crowd outside into the cave.

   Lu Yu and the three stared at each other and couldn't let them do this. If they returned to the cave, everything the man had done before would be wasted.

   Regardless of others, they quickly rushed out from behind the bunker.

   bang bang.

   Gunshots came from behind, and several mercenary guards who did not respond were all shot down to the ground.

   The three people shot back to back and crossed in three directions, and all the bullets that came in were blocked by the body armor.

   has no use for eggs

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