Class? Wang Yanbing cursed secretly, this special code is brainwashing.

Did these guys learn about MLM?

Isn't it a cult?

Slowly spit out a puff of smoke, and he was concerned.

The children have been infiltrated into their thinking by serious evil thoughts, and even if they return to society, they are very much in line with this era.

This matter has to be discussed long-term!

The cigarette was finally finished, and the man spit out the last puff of smoke: "When you finish smoking, I will send you on the road."


Wang Yanbing's face was bold and bold.

I dare to hear you tell so many stories, in the end, you still want to kill?

Waste my feelings!

Seemingly feeling wrong, the person added: "Thank you for listening to me sharing these stories. For so many years, you are the first person to hear me say these things. I will send you to the Garden of Eden, which is a pure land. There is no war, no pain, it is a real paradise."

Looking at the satisfaction and yearning on this guy's face, Wang Yanbing knew that he was hopeless.

Obviously he was poisoned and brainwashed, but as a result, he didn't realize it.

Maybe it was just the fear of death that made his heart shake.

That said, because he listened to his story, he calmed his heart and turned into a lunatic like those just now?

Wang Yanbing didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He was as calm as he could while smoking a cigarette, but his brain turned quickly.

This guy has firmly held the silk thread around his waist in his hands. The only way out is to cut off his hands.

Without his hands, he would not be able to break the thread, and he would not be able to achieve the ultimate goal.

Thinking of this, Wang Yanbing glanced at his hands, pretended to smoke the last half of the cigarette, and slowly exhaled smoke.

This process seemed to be pushed down and slowed down. Wang Yanbing never felt that he could vomit for such a long time.

Seeing Wang Yanbing spitting out smoke little by little, the man felt funny and drew a gun at his head.

"Goodluck (good luck)!"

Words fall.

Just as this person was about to pull the trigger, Wang Yanbing shook his head slightly.

Originally, the tied hands broke away from the rope like magic, and the dagger hidden in the sleeve instantly fell into the hand.

Before the person could react, a touch of coldness suddenly appeared.


Hand up the knife and drop.

He never felt that he was so fast.

In the next second, the man squeezed the silk thread's left hand and broke his wrist.


The screams sounded, the severe pain lightly attacked his nerves, and he wanted to break the thread out of instinct.

It turned out that he was out of reach and his hand was broken.

This guy reacted quickly, pulling the trigger with his right hand to send Wang Yanbing to the Garden of Eden as soon as possible.

But Wang Yanbing got out of the way a moment ago and was no longer under the gun.

call out.

Like a cheetah ready to go, it rushed over quickly, huh, the cold light flashed, and his right hand was also cut off with a knife.

The man who had lost both hands couldn't stand the severe pain and knelt on the ground and screamed.

Before deceiving him, Wang Yanbing kicked and kicked, stomping the person's shoulder on the ground.

Seeing him lingering on the ground, there was more pity in his eyes.

"Thousands of things shouldn't, you shouldn't be here!"

Wang Yanbing looked at him high and said coldly: "Now, I will cut off your sinful hands for you and send you to the paradise of the Garden of Eden."

After speaking, he picked up the gun that the person dropped on the ground and pointed it at the center of his eyebrows.



Accompanied by a crisp gunshot, the tragedy finally came to an end.

Turning around and coming to the group of children, Wang Yanbing knelt down and said, "Children, you are saved. As long as you don't touch the disc on your chest, you are all good children."

The children looked at each other, their hollow eyes gradually glowing.

"Then...Adam, where's Adam?"

Among them, a scrawny child asked tremblingly.

Wang Yanbing touched the child's head and smiled and said, "There is no Adam in this world. Remember, your life belongs to you and you should live for yourself."

The child is ignorant of the latter, and no one has ever said it to them before.

Stand up, beckon to a short distance, and the team over there immediately moves over.

Xu Sanduo picked up the sniper rifle and rushed forward, hammering Wang Yanbing in the chest and asked: "Damn, why are you taking a risk? I was able to blow his head just now."

Speaking of this, Wang Yanbing is still a little scared!

"Your shot almost killed Lao Tzu."

Seeing the latter puzzled, Wang Yanbing pointed at the man's body: "This grandson also helped a line on his waist. You shoot, and I and him are gone."

With that said, Xu Sanduo realized how critical the situation was.

If he hadn't seen the hint that Wang Yanbing gave before, he would probably regret the consequences in his life.

Next, the children were taken down, and the disc device on the chest was removed in time and gathered together.

In a loud bang, all the disc installations were turned into scrap iron and destroyed.

The team that had withdrawn far to the rear, looking at the smoke and dust billowing ahead, felt grateful.

Especially Wang Yanbing, he was so close to death in that second.

Xu Sanduo looked around, and suddenly caught a soldier and asked, "Brother, where will those children be sent?"

Because the two talents were saved everyone respected them.

The soldier bluntly said: "We will find a psychiatrist to instill correct values ​​in the children, and first solve their distorted psychological problems. If they can't be sent back, we will arrange for them to be in an orphanage.

Wang Yanbing nodded, this is undoubtedly the safest plan.

Now, the child is still young, like a small sapling, if it grows crooked, it can be corrected in time.

When they grow up and become desperate fanatics, they are really hopeless.

"Thanks brother."

The soldiers said goodbye and trot back to the team.

Wang Yanbing was smoking a cigarette, still a little depressed.

After working for a long time and desperately saving these children, he could only be sent to the orphanage. He was still a little unwilling.

But this is reality!

After all, the origin of those children makes people have to be cautious.

Xu Sanduo took two steps on the spot, and suddenly blurted out: "Pharaoh, or... let's ask Hu Ju? Maybe, what can he do!"


Hearing this, Wang Yanbing's eyes were slightly bright, which is a good way.

As long as Hu Guohai agrees to save these children and find another way out for them, there must be a play!

The two looked at each other, and they immediately thought of going together, drove to the airport and hurried back to the capital.

It was the same moment the two got on the plane.

Northeast, in the old forest of Changbai Mountain.

"Report report, our side, a big victory!"

With Yuan Lang hitting the final one, he declared that their task was completed by the way.

At the same time, good news from other regions spread back to the capital.

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