Holding a laptop in his hand, Lu Yu was pretending to work, and there was a cup of Starbucks beside him.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Fei was even more angry, and on the spot, he had to tear off the human skin mask on his face.

Lu Yu squeezed his hand tightly with a helpless expression on his face: "Who can blame this? You were assigned your face when you were drawing photos. Isn't it good?"

Due to the destruction done last time, the streets and alleys in Maozi's country are still full of Lu Yu's wanted orders.

Although their faces are too blurred, for the sake of safety, the two of them still go easily to avoid unnecessary trouble.

When selecting photos, the system automatically matches and selects them.

When it was Zhao Fei's turn, this face happened to appear, what can Lu Yu do?

I can only blame him for being rather unlucky, he grew thin and thin, and even the system felt that this face was suitable for him.

Zhao Fei felt as if he was deflated with a ball, and was on his seat.

Facing Lu Yu, he couldn't beat and beat, talk and talk. Now, he really has no choice.

After landing at the airport, just after getting off the plane, a group of people gathered around.

Showed them an unintelligible document and prepared a body search.

Lu Yu frowned slightly as he watched the people searching in front of him.

The body search was complete, and the suitcases of the key two could not be opened at will.

"What is your relationship?"

It was Lu Yu's turn, the big man who was checking, holding his arms, glanced up and down at them.

And intentionally or unintentionally exposed the gun at his waist.

Lu Yu's pupils shrank slightly. Seeing that he couldn't pass the test, he could only endure the discomfort and hugged Zhao Fei, who was looking back and forth, with an intimate manner.

Damn it? What is Nima's doing?

Zhao Fei looked dumbfounded, looking at Lu Yu blankly.

Others present were also dumbfounded, looking at the two with weird eyes.

"Sir, don't you understand our relationship?"

can not read it? A fool can't understand it!

Tough guys paired with weak men, this combination is really shit.

The corners of the big man's mouth twitched slightly, a trace of disgust flashed under his eyes, and he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm bothering you. It's just a checkup."

After searching the two people, no abnormality was found, and he cast his eyes on the box carried by the two.

Zhao Fei was still in a daze, but was pulled by Lu Yu to get out of the crowd.

"Wait! What's inside, open it and see."

The scene was silent.

The atmosphere is getting weird!

Everyone's eyes gathered together, and Zhao Fei almost didn't cry and fainted in the toilet.

It's over, brother's innocence, it was just ruined by you...

The two moved forward calmly, as if they had no intention of opening the box.

The big man narrowed his eyes and waved his hand. Several people around him put their hands on his waist and gradually gathered up.

In the stalemate, Lu Yu finally broke the calm with a loud voice.

"Sir, here are just some of our'private toys', are you sure you want to see? The things haven't been cleaned yet!"


Zhao Fei was shocked.

Shameless! Can you speak such words?

However, this excuse is unexpectedly effective.

Those who had originally surrounded them, scattered like a plague, lest they could not escape.

Zhao Fei cursed in his heart, but the weakened little white face was very cooperative, showing a touch of shyness, more feminine than a woman.

"Let's go! It's really bad today..."

The leading man held his nose and waved his hands against Lu Yu.

"Handsome guy, you are in great health, let's be together if we have a chance!"

Before leaving, Zhao Fei was full of peach blossoms and threw a flying eye at the big man.

The guy was so scared that his whole body was upset, and he almost shot him in place without drawing a gun.

With a smile on his face, Lu Yu pinched Zhao Fei fiercely, hugged him and walked out of the crowd.

Not long after leaving the airport, the two quickly flashed into an alley.


Both sides let go of each other as if electrocuted.

Lu Yu leaned on the wall, shivering, almost vomiting.

"Lu Yu, I drafted the uncle! I'm still innocent..."

Zhao Fei's face was crying, her white face and little resentful eyes, there is really no one to suffer from weakness.

"Don't you **** look at me like that, as if I really do you wrong?"

Lu Yu looked disgusted, and wanted to squeeze his fist and greet him: "Anyway, this face is not yours. Are you afraid of being called gay?"

Just now, if he hadn't reacted witty enough, he would have to use force to get out if he was afraid that he would be exposed.

That would have to be changed again, which is too much trouble!

Zhao Fei felt much better when Lu Yu said so.

However, when he remembered how he felt just now, he got goose bumps all over his body.

After a long delay, the two walked out of the alley again and continued to hug each other.

"How come these **** **** are endless..."

Zhao Fei murmured a little.

At this moment, dozens of meters behind the two, the group of people at the airport was staring straight at them.

"Don't talk nonsense, relax, just move forward."

Lu Yu drank low, but his performance was very calm.

Even if they were caught up, he had already figured out the words to deal with, although the reasons given still made him nauseous.

In front, the two turned a corner and walked onto another road, and found that they had thrown off the group before they separated.

"Damn actually forced the little master into this situation, don't give Lao Tzu a chance, otherwise, you will definitely let them taste the suffering of the world!"

Zhao Fei angrily put his foot on the wall, cursing.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Leave quickly."

Lu Yu took him, got into a taxi, and went to the place arranged in advance.

Getting in the car, Lu Yu was finally relieved.

"Unexpectedly, I'm back again!"

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a small hotel.

After paying for the car, Zhao Fei asked in surprise: "Huh? This is not the last time..."

That's right!

The hotel Lu Yu came to was the one where he stayed when he first arrived here last time.

He gave the boss a lot of money, bought a motorcycle, and left something in that room.

The two walked into the hotel and found that the decoration of the hotel was significantly more luxurious than the previous time.

"It's full, please go elsewhere."

The boss didn't lift his head, but under the counter, staring at a bank card over and over.

Lu Yu stepped forward and knocked on the counter.


The boss raised his head impatiently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just as he was about to scold him, and suddenly met Lu Yu's eyes.

Because Lu Yu changed his face, the boss didn't recognize him, but these eyes reminded him of that person.

"You... are you?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and made a silent gesture.

There were many guests in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. They were sitting and drinking. The boss closed his mouth subconsciously, but he didn't attract attention there.

"Are there rooms?"

The boss hesitated and nodded, indicating that there is still an empty room.

"We are staying and lead the way."

The boss led them all the way to the second floor.

It was the innermost room. The familiar furnishings remained the same as when Lu Yu left.

Entering the room, the smell of an air washer pounced on his face.

Since he left, it seems that no one has lived in this room!

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