The two galloped all the way north, already approaching the extreme north of Siberia.

Here, it is already extremely close to the North Sea, and it is also the coldest area in the Siberian snowfield.

He rode his motorcycle aimlessly, wandering around the vast snowy field, until the past forty minutes, no trace was found.

Lu Yu stopped the car and secretly said: "If you continue to search like this, it will be no result in the dark! Let's move separately, and search in this direction, and use this if you find it."

With that, he threw a walkie-talkie to Zhao Fei, pointed to the left, and started the motorcycle and galloped away.

Zhao Fei put away the walkie-talkie, breathed twice in the palm of his hand, rubbed his face, and turned the front of the car and drove to the right.

Before leaving, Lu Yu gave instructions to find the research room vent or elevator within half an hour.

Otherwise, after half an hour, I am afraid that there will not be enough time to act again.


The motorcycle galloped and roared, and Lu Yu leaned down, his eyes searching for the target like a radar.

After half an hour, there are only five minutes left, and his mood is getting more and more anxious.

There was no news from Zhao Fei, and it seemed that he didn't notice anything.

Once it gets dark, the temperature on the snowy field will drop sharply. If they can't find the entrance, they must freeze to death here.

As he was driving, Lu Yu's eyes suddenly shrank slightly, and he found a huge wooden building not far in front of him.

How can a building appear in the vast Siberian snowfield for no reason? Still wood?

So strange, Lu Yu felt that there must be a problem!

"Call Zhao Fei, I am Lu Yu."

He took out the walkie-talkie and shouted, "I found a huge wooden building here, which may be the entrance of a ventilation duct. Come here."

There was a sound of ‘boom’ from the walkie-talkie, and the snowfield signal was not good. After trying for a while, there was Zhao Fei’s voice: "Received!"

After the explanation, Lu Yu drove directly to the building in front, not planning to wait for the latter.

Wangshan ran to death, let alone on such a vast snowfield?

The building looked very close, very conspicuous, all because of its size.

You can see clearly over a dozen miles away.

The cold wind tore his face like a knife.

To the naked eye, the mist that Lu Yu spit out turned into tiny white crystals, floating into the air.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is strong, his inner vitality is vigorous and he is not affected by the cold.

It took more than ten minutes at full speed to reach the front 100 meters of the wooden building.

Lu Yu threw away the motorcycle, lay on the snowdrift, and looked at the building with a binoculars.

I saw that although the shape of the huge building was a wooden structure, iron steel frames were revealed in some torn cracks.

There are tall walls all around, densely covered with criss-crossing grids.

At the entrance of this building, six guards stood with live ammunition.

Lu Yu frowned, always feeling that the shape of this building seemed a little weird.

It looks a bit wrong...

He took out the crossbow from his body and opened it, took a glance forward, and then put it down.

The effective range of the crossbow is within 50 meters, and the building in front clearly exceeds this distance.

Secretly sighed, firming Lu Yu's heart to control the research institute.

The range of the crossbow must be increased!

Fifty meters...

Shooting at close range is fine, but once a long-range engagement, the bow and crossbow are like chicken ribs.

There will be great limitations.

Not long after, the sound of a motorcycle rang from behind, and Lu Yu knew that Zhao Fei had arrived without looking.

A motorcycle drove to the side of the snowdrift where Lu Yu was lying on his stomach, splashing a large amount of snow.

Lu Yu waved his hand and frowned: "You keep quiet."

Zhao Fei put down the motorcycle, crawled down and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Have you seen? The wooden building in front is full of steel skeletons. I suspect this is the elevator entrance to the seabed research room."

Lu Yu handed him the telescope and said in a deep voice.

Looking carefully through the binoculars, Zhao Fei nodded: "It's really similar! What should we do now, have we ever rushed through it?"

The two observed for a while and found that on the other side of the wooden building, a dozen huge fans were slowly turning side by side.

Not surprisingly, that is the vent on the sea floor.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yu said, "You will ride a motorcycle to attract the attention of those people. Don't fight, throw the iron ball over and make a round trip."

His plan is to use the rebounding function of the iron ball to solve the guard at the door without blood.

Of course, the premise is that this thing is really easy to use!

"it is good."

Zhao Fei nodded immediately and drove his motorcycle towards the building.

Boom boom.

The motorcycle hummed vigorously, and because the speed was too fast, the tail of the wheel was splashed like a waterfall of snow and dust.

"Hey! Thief Sun, look at Grandpa."

Just after a hundred meters, Zhao Fei whistled to the guard at the door.

Before those people could react, this guy squeezed the iron ball and threw it out with a whistling sound.

The surface of the iron ball smoothly reflected the cold light of the snow. After landing, Gululu accurately rolled into the crowd.


There seemed to be an explosion of air invisibly.

The iron ball is like a top, spinning around in place, centering on itself, unfolding a blue magnetic field with a radius of two meters.

In the snow, the magnetic field unfolded for a moment, and several guards seemed to be hit by an invisible force and flew in the blink of an eye.


One person fell on the high-voltage power grid and was instantly electrocuted into coke.

Not only that, due to the reverse sweep of the force field, the surrounding snowdrifts were also lifted, obscuring the sky.

good chance!

Lu Yu's eyes flashed violently, and he immediately took out his bow and crossbow to aim and shoot.

At the same time when Zhao Fei rushed out, he took the opportunity to approach within fifty meters of the building and waited for this moment.


The trigger was pulled continuously, and the crossbow arrows flashed coldly, shooting at people.

Bloody flowers bloomed on the white snow in an instant, like monster roses, touching the heart.

After a few breaths, the scattered guards were all destroyed.

"Ahhh? Is this thing so high-tech?"

Zhao Fei rode around back on a motorcycle, his brows were happy.

Not only him, but Lu Yu was also shocked by the iron ball.

This little inconspicuous, something he called a chicken rib, actually exerts such a powerful force.

Even people can fly three to five meters high!

Fortunately, this is a snowy field. If you change it to a concrete floor, I'm afraid that you can fall into a half body if you are not careful...

The two joined together, slapped each other, swaggered to the door of the building.

Around him, there were messes and corpses all over the ground.

Entering the wooden building, the space inside is really vast.

Looking around there is not much empty.

In the middle position, there is a huge circular device towering, beside it is a console with various buttons.

"That's right, this is the central elevator leading to the Undersea Research Institute?"

Zhao Fei looked carefully, jumped to the elevator, turned around twice, and waved at Lu Yu.


Lu Yu activated the console, pulled down the remote lever, and jumped up the moment the elevator descended.

The door closed tightly.

The elevator is not fast.

Through a special glass window on the door, you can see the seabed scene.

All kinds of colorful and weird fish, swimming around in front of the elevator, seem to have entered the colorful Aquarium.

But here, it is much more exciting than the Aquarium. Outside is the truly cold and deep underwater world.

If there is a problem with the elevator, everyone will have to be buried under the sea.

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