"Yo? A newcomer is here?"

Lu Yu lit a cigarette and squinted at him.

At some point, Lu Yu would light a cigarette and smoke it without knowing it. This seemed to have become his habit.

Fitch smiled slightly, took a card from his pocket and handed it over.

But Lu Yu didn't pick it up, he was smoking a cigarette with complacency, and his hand just kept hanging out like this, the scene fell into embarrassment.

Fitch retracted his hand and touched his big beard, almost giving up the idea.

"The previous person in charge was transferred from here. After I took over the bar, I heard of your deeds from my subordinates! So, I am here to represent Tomahawk. I want to ask if you are interested in working with us?"

Fitch stated his purpose.

Lu Yu was taken aback for a moment, his face looked a little strange.

A gangster, come to cooperate with yourself?

"I'm sorry, the ways are not conspiring, besides, I am not interested in this."

Lu Yu yawned and shrugged: "You go back!"

"Sir, don't you really think about it?"

Fitch frowned, slightly dissatisfied with Lu Yu's refusal.

Tomahawk, the name sounds pretty high, but it's all unsightly and dirty work under his hands.

These people's behaviors have long gone beyond Lu Yu's bottom line.

If it was a white organization, if it weren't for the people of this country, he would have taken them early.

Judging from the other person's attitude, Lu Yu didn't make him difficult.

But thinking of what this group of people did last time, he felt sick from the heart.

"Can't you understand me?" Lu Yu's tone was slightly cold: "Go away, don't bother me again!"

Seeing Lu Yu's impatience, Fitch didn't get angry either. He was very witty and didn't stay any longer, turning around silently.

After Lu Yu finished smoking, he looked back and prepared to return to the room.

Fitch just took two steps and reached into his pocket.

Under the faint street light, a dark pistol gave out a cold light.

However, before he could do anything, well, a sharp dagger had reached his heart.

"You don't want to live anymore?"

A faint voice sounded like a cold wind blowing from under Jiuyou, Lu Yu's eyes were extremely cold.

Fitch shivered with cold sweat on his forehead.

He didn't understand at all, how the other party instantly crossed the distance between each other and arrived in front of him.

But these are not important anymore.

The disparity between strengths made him recognize reality and give up resistance.

"Sir, I... I don't want to die yet, sorry!"

The corner of Lu Yu's lips evoked a cold arc of mockery.

Not letting go because of this, the dagger cut through the clothes and plunged into the flesh on his chest, and the blood slowly dripped down the dagger.

Fitch gritted his teeth and put away the gun, not daring to move the slightest bit, and endure the severe pain all his life.

He understood that if he resisted at this time, the dagger would pierce his heart without hesitation.

Do not move, there is only a chance of survival!

Looking at this person's trembling body, Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and with a sneer, retracted his dagger.

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!"

Fitch didn't even dare to say a word, clutching his wound, fleeing in embarrassment like a bereaved dog.

Until the opponent's back disappeared into the darkness, Lu Yu threw off the blood on the dagger, put it back on his waist, and walked into the hotel.

At this moment, a pair of gazes quietly retracted upstairs, hiding the shock and fright in it, and lying back, as if nothing happened.

When Lu Yu returned to the room, Zhao Fei was still asleep.

Lu Yu was still lying in front of the window, blowing a cold wind.

He was already thinking about the follow-up purchase of the research room.

Long ago, Lu Yu had thought of putting the research institute near the A group, or merging with the military factory.

The research institute is very important, and the advanced alien technology involved in it is related to the country's future scientific and technological development.

Lu Yu wouldn't give it to a bunch of rice buckets to study.

What are Nima's so-called black technologies? It's purely for recreation and fun.

The trip to Siberia was not as perfect as imagined, but it also gave Lu Yu a lot of knowledge.

For example, the alien spaceship, the giant alien in the jar.

To be sure, the countries that are now confirmed to have obtained alien technology seem to be only Laomi and Maozi.

Maozi has been gnawing at his old capital all these years, even if there is a huge amount of extraterrestrial science and technology in front of him, they have not worked out the reason, it is simply violent.

But Laomi is completely different.

In terms of data, the reason why Laomi was able to fully rise in just one hundred years and sit in the position of the world's leader.

It is thanks to the assistance of alien technology in the fifth zone.

More importantly, Laomi has gathered the world's top scientific research talents.

Even if Lu Yu destroyed the fifth area, it did not hurt Laomi's scientific research foundation.

Even if they lose the extremely precious scientific research resource of the Fifth District, it will not be long before they can replenish it from other aspects.

To Lao Mi Lao, what they lack most is talent.

But old Maozi, cough cough...

Originally, they had few valuable scientific researchers, and they were hit by Lu Yu twice.

This loss, I am afraid it will be difficult to obtain a supplementary source in a short time.

Moreover, due to the existence of the Tomahawk organization, Maozi seemed to be calm on the surface, but secretly turbulent and chaotic.

This can be seen from the fact that the Tomahawk organization has huge power and coverage.

It can even be said that Tomahawk controls a large number of black industries.

Lu Yu had reason to suspect that the Tomahawk was related to the Chechen incident.

Although they were later interfered by the government and killed their bosses.


Although the big tree fell, the hoops did not disperse.

It didn't take long for Chechnya to take on another new boss, but in the end, he died inexplicably.

Therefore, until now, no one knows who the current leader of Chechnya is.

The reason for Chechnya's notoriety stems from this, and it is related to what they have done before.

Over the years, many attacks have their shadows behind.

Although it was suppressed by the government afterwards, it has been suppressed a lot, but it is still active in the dark.

With these layers of information flashing in his mind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ intertwined, Lu Yu gradually became sleepy and went back to sleep on the sofa.

Early the next morning.

Lu Yu woke up just as the genius was bright.

Zhao Fei still slept on the bed.

Shaking his head, Lu Yu stood up, stretched, and came to the bed, thinking about how to wake this guy.

After all, he is a wounded person, so I'm afraid it's not good to do it.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu decided to leave him alone.

Get dressed and go back to the hall downstairs. The boss is cleaning.

Discovering that it was Lu Yu, the boss stopped his work, hesitated and asked, "Are you... are you going to leave?

Lu Yu nodded: "Get us something to eat, and leave later."

After that, Lu Yu was about to turn around and go back. He felt that this seemed a little unkind. He paused and turned his head and said, "Thank you, we might not be able to come back without the motorcycle you provided."

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