Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 2468 Dreams of Two Worlds

When Liu Xing just returned to Chengdu from his hometown to study, because new houses were being built everywhere in the area where his home was located, Liu Xing could see a circle of large nets around the buildings.

At the beginning, although Liu Xing knew that these nets were so-called anti-fall nets, he always felt that such a net could not stop people who accidentally fell down? So he thought that this net was just a decoration, and at most it could only stop people who fell from one or two floors, and it would be powerless if they fell from higher.

As a result, when Liu Xing went home for lunch one day at noon, he saw a person accidentally falling from the eighth floor, but he was still stopped by the anti-fall net on the third floor. It seemed that there was no big problem, because he was conscious and able to talk normally at the time, and not only did he not scream in pain, but he didn't even make a groaning sound.

From that day on, Liu Xing felt that he should apologize to the anti-fall net, and he was blind before.

However, there is a saying that what you think about during the day, you will dream about at night, so Liu Xing also had some strange dreams after that, such as he suddenly appeared on the top of a very tall tube building, and then walked down step by step, and then saw that there were two rooms on each floor, but the doors of these rooms were tightly closed. However, some strange sounds came out from behind some doors, such as conversations that Liu Xing could not understand, and the slight snoring of some animals. The most terrifying thing was the true soul dubbing in some movies.

After going down a few floors, Liu Xing saw a door that was half-open. He could see a lot of newspapers and magazines piled up inside the door, just like a printing factory piled up its own products to be shipped at the door to facilitate the freight forwarder to move all these newspapers and magazines to the truck.

But the problem is that these newspapers and magazines are just a piece of tofu in Liu Xing's eyes. Although the cover is colorful, no one knows what is drawn on it. This is a bit like some AI paintings now. If it involves text, a bunch of ghost paintings will appear, because these AIs treat text as patterns, so it is difficult for them to understand what these individual texts mean.

Although I think there seems to be something wrong with that room, everyone knows that except for some real lucid dreams, there is no way to control oneself in the dream, so when everyone is dreaming, it is actually equivalent to watching a movie from a first-person perspective. Of course, it will become a third-person perspective at some times. Therefore, even if it feels very wrong, Liu Xing can only watch himself walk into the house.

If someone sees some documentaries or variety shows about hoarding disorder, they will know what Liu Xing saw after entering the room. In short, there are a lot of newspapers and magazines piled everywhere!

As for why it is magazines instead of books, the main reason is that these magazines are only a little thick, and although the colorful covers are not clear, the layout is the style of magazines.

Newspapers and magazines, the owner of this house is probably not a long-term partner of the newspaper, but he may not have a good relationship with the old man who collects waste nearby, so all these newspapers and magazines cannot be sold. . . Just when Liu Xing was complaining about whether the owner of this house was a reincarnation of a hamster, he changed from the first-person perspective to the third-person perspective, and then he saw a black shadow suddenly appear behind him!

The most important thing is that Liu Xing also saw that although he did not look back, he seemed to realize something, so he suddenly stopped after walking two steps forward, and took out a cloth shoe and slapped it on the ground frantically.

Just when Liu Xing was still thinking about where the cloth shoe came from, he saw that the black shadow disappeared out of thin air, and he stopped slapping the ground with the cloth shoe at this time, and he was obviously relieved.

At this time, Liu Xing remembered that Song He seemed to have mentioned to him that some places would disperse some unclean things by slapping the shadow with shoes, so was he prepared, and actually prepared a cloth shoe in advance? You should know that Liu Xing has never worn cloth shoes. As a post-90s generation, Liu Xing was very face-conscious when he was young, so he was very resistant to cloth shoes. After growing up, he also wanted to go for a retro style, but the problem was that Liu Xing would rub his feet whenever he wore cloth shoes, so he bought a pair of cloth shoes worth several hundred yuan and gave up after wearing them only twice.

But then again, after Liu Xing recalled the details in the dream, he found that the cloth shoes seemed to be embroidered shoes?

Is this using magic to defeat magic?

After the shadow disappeared, Liu Xing entered a bedroom in his eyes, and this bedroom looked much more normal. It was a very ordinary master bedroom - a double bed plus a large wardrobe, and then a dressing table with a large mirror, and an old-fashioned big-headed computer in the corner. It can be seen that this dream should have happened quite early.

However, this bedroom looks quite normal in other aspects, but there is also a not-so-normal point, that is, this bedroom actually has a fully transparent floor-to-ceiling window, but it is pitch black outside the window, and you can't see anything at all.

But Liu Xing still watched him walk towards the window, as if he saw something, and stood there motionless.

Then, Liu Xing saw the black shadow reappear behind him, and then approached him step by step, and finally kicked him directly!

Just like that, he was like a classic scene in some action movies - breaking out of the window and falling down mixed with glass fragments.

If he continued this dream in the third-person perspective, Liu Xing would not remember it clearly, so at this time Liu Xing returned to the first-person perspective, and then saw the ground getting closer and closer to him.

At that moment, Liu Xing had already thought about what words to engrave on his stone tablet.

But at this moment, a fall prevention net appeared out of thin air and directly caught Liu Xing. . . Just kidding, Liu Xing turned directly from a puddle into pieces.

This nightmare scared the young Liu Xing at the time, and from then on he had a psychological shadow on the fall prevention net. After all, although there was no real pain in the dream, the inexplicable feeling of emptiness made people depressed for a while.

"Black shadow? Tall building?"

At this moment, the Rat God's tone suddenly became serious, "Apeng, your idea is interesting, because the black shadow in your dream may be a friend of mine - Evil Shadow. You humans may not be very clear about the existence of this person called Evil Shadow, or even know that there is such a person, because it rarely appears in front of you humans. After all, Evil Shadow is simply a group of black shadows without substance. Ordinary knives, guns, sticks and clubs will definitely not hurt it, but it can only scare you and then it can't hurt you. For example, if it wants to punch you, the feeling you give you can be described in four words - a breeze on your face, so the greatest ability of Evil Shadow is to make you have nightmares."

"That's right, the word "影" in "肖影" means shadow, and " evil " means nightmare! Although I also know that the word "鬼" in nightmare is different from the word "鬼" in "狠梦" ( disgusting), but when we naming Evil Shadow, I still felt that the word "disgusting" sounded more domineering; how to say it, the intelligence level of this guy Evil Shadow is about the same as that of a young man in his teens, but its temper is quite stable, so we can play together, and its teleportation ability is actually stronger than I expected, because it can enter the dreams of most people, and then use this person to complete a large-scale transfer from north to south ! But according to the Deep Diver, this guy is a dead house, that is, the kind of person who can stay at home all his life without going out. "

"So under normal circumstances, Evil Shadow will not take the initiative to enter someone's dream, because it also knows that when it enters someone's dream, it will definitely bring him a nightmare that he will never forget for the rest of his life! How to say it, since you humans call Yo the Rat God, then if you know Evil Shadow, you will definitely You will definitely call it the God of Nightmares, and of course it is worthy of the name; but the evil shadow will still take the initiative to attack at certain times, because it is, after all, the messenger of a certain god, but that god has been missing for many years, so the evil shadow is also a free man at this time, but occasionally accepts some commissions from certain channels. "

"Just like you can contact me through my welcoming monument, you can also contact the evil shadow through some special methods and let it make some people have nightmares. Of course, the nightmares here are not as simple as scaring you. If you are a little cruel, you will never wake up in the dream, or directly meet your end in the dream; but the evil shadow does not like to do this, because it is not a heartless person, but really like a teenager, but very shy. If there are no familiar people around, If it were a human, it would not go out, so I often sent it some books, so its knowledge may be richer than both of you now. "

"So every time it completed a commission, it would come to us to talk, because it felt that it had taken a stranger's life for no reason, and it was really a little guilty! But there is a saying that is entrusted by others, and loyal to the people, so it has no way to refuse these commissions; but it once came to me and said that it encountered some strange things when it was carrying out a commission, that is, it appeared in a tall building it had never seen before, and the target was a young man who looked very ordinary, but it had an inexplicable fear. However, the evil shadow felt that it was an almost invincible existence in the dream, especially in the nightmare it created, and only some gods could suppress it, so it chose to do it. "

"But before taking action, the evil shadow was still distracted by the things around it, because many of the things around it were things it had never seen before, so the evil shadow began to wonder whose dream it was in? You know, although the evil shadow can create a nightmare, the things that appear in the nightmare are all seen by the dreamer himself. . . "

Speaking of this, the Rat God paused for a moment, and this frightened Liu Xing, because the Rat God's meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, the Rat God felt that if he really had a chance encounter with the evil shadow, he would have to doubt that he was not a native of the New Dragon Empire.

After all, there are no such high-rise buildings in the New Dragon Empire, and the furniture decorations in the room are not of that style.

Some things you are accustomed to are rare goods in the eyes of others.

If the Rat God really found out that there was something wrong with him and he was not a member of this module, Liu Xing didn't dare to imagine whether he would be silenced by it, or taken back for various small experiments. After all, who would not want to take an alien back for various research when seeing an alien that couldn't beat him, so that he could go down in history.

Do I have to meet the Rat God every day for the remaining months in this martial arts module?

After a quick thought, the vigilant Liu Xing decided to take the initiative, "Did I really dream of the evil shadow on that day? But the time doesn't seem to match, after all, I had this dream many years ago when I was a child, so Gray King, do you remember when the evil shadow encountered this incident?"


The Rat God also realized the time problem at this time, so after hesitating for a moment, he spoke: "So that's it, the evil shadow did mention this matter to me more than 30 years ago, and Apeng, you don't look like a man in his thirties, so why do you also have this kind of dream?"


Liu Xing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart. If this evil shadow had discussed this matter with the Rat God ten years ago, then he might really be unable to escape the disaster and be speechless. After all, he didn't have a suitable reason to explain the strangeness of the dream. At most, he would use Donggong Canglong as a shield, but whether he could block it or not was another matter.

The time problem is an unsolvable problem for the NPCs in the module, because they don't know that they are in a world that is both real and virtual, so time is a problem for them, but it is something that can be used by players.

So, Liu Xing used this time problem to fool the Rat God, because Liu Xing, the suspect, already had an alibi.

But to be on the safe side, Liu Xing decided to add a new piece of evidence to himself, "But then again, I met someone some time ago, and she has now come to Tianshui Town, and the most special thing about her is that she had a dream that allowed her to have the memory of someone thousands of miles away, no, even tens of thousands of miles away!"

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