Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 2475 Demons Dance

Liu Xing put down the empty bowl of soup, and suddenly came to his senses and said: "Wait, Fomalhaut? I remember that Hastur has always been in Betelgeux or the Hali Lake of Betelgeux. Anyway, it shouldn't be sealed in Fomalhaut, right? As for the Old Ones sealed in Fomalhaut, it seems to be the super enhanced version of the Fire Spirit - Cthugha?"

"That's right, it was Cthugha who tricked Hastur, so Hastur had to stay in Fomalhaut and be imprisoned at this time, giving the King in Yellow an opportunity!"

Alice said seriously: "Hastur and Cthugha have a good relationship, because they have the same enemy - Cthulhu! I know that Cthulhu and the Deep Ones almost took over the Earth. After all, the only enemies they had at that time were the Ancient Ones. However, the Ancient Ones did not have the Old Ones to rule them, so they were eventually eaten up by the Deep Ones bit by bit. Therefore, they had to retreat to the last few cities in the deep sea. Other Ancient Ones outside the Earth did not dare to come to help their people at this time, because they knew that they would not be able to help, and at most they would only help the Deep Ones gain more new achievements. "

"Because the Ancient Gods had chosen to leave at that time, leaving only some clones as hidden players on Earth to gather information, so My master and his people don’t know why those Old Ones and mythical creatures came to Earth in droves, and then fought each other. In the end, not only did both sides suffer losses, but many of the Old Ones were also sealed! Although some of the seals were also done by the ancient gods, to put it bluntly, it was just taking advantage of the situation, or taking advantage of your weakness to kill you! However, there are still many seals that are nominally done by the ancient gods, but in fact, these Old Ones are still pulling each other. For example, Hastur and Cthugha sealed Cthulhu! That’s right, these two Old Ones have been allies for a long time. "

"According to my master, Cthulhu is a The Old Ones are water-attributed, while Hastur is wind-attributed, and Cthugha is definitely fire-attributed, so Cthugha and Cthulhu are born to be incompatible. Although Hastur and Cthulhu are brothers and look very similar, the relationship between the two brothers is not good, so it is normal for them to quarrel with each other. As the saying goes, fire can only burn more and more vigorously if it is powered by the wind, so if Hastur and Cthugha can cooperate, they will definitely be able to suppress Cthulhu, so it is reasonable for Cthulhu to be sealed by them, but Hastur and Cthugha are not very happy, so they left the earth separately. "


When Liu Xing heard this keyword, he knew that the parallel world where Alice was was based on the standards set by Dress, so the so-called attributes appeared.

For Cthulhu Mythos, God Ai Shouyi is definitely the creator god, which is similar to Pangu in Chinese mythology, or Kroros, the first generation of gods in Olympus Mythos. In short, he created some basic settings in Cthulhu Mythos and created many classic mythological creatures and the Old Ones in Cthulhu Mythos.

Other authors who wrote related works of Cthulhu Mythos and enriched many details of Cthulhu Mythos are equivalent to the Twelve Gods of Olympus. They further improved and expanded Cthulhu Mythos on the basis left by God Ai Shouyi, and also promoted it, so that more people can see and like Cthulhu Mythos. Therefore, these authors can be regarded as hard work and great contributions, and the best among them is nothing less than Dress. Therefore, Liu Xing has always felt that Dress's status in Cthulhu Mythos is similar to that of Zeus!

However, friends who are familiar with Olympus mythology should know that Zeus and his father have a little bit of a bad relationship, so Zeus has done a lot of "rebellious" actions, and Dress is still quite respectful to the god of craftsmanship, but in the eyes of many fans of Cthulhu mythology, Dress has made a very rebellious move, that is, he introduced the concept of attributes to Cthulhu mythology, and defined the attributes of the Old Ones according to their image and characteristics, and there is also a mutual restraint relationship between these attributes. . . After all, if these attributes cannot restrain each other, what is the point of listing them?

But for many fans of Cthulhu mythology, the main reason why the Old Ones are so terrifying and invincible is that these Old Ones have everything that is unknowable-indescribable, ineffable and cannot be looked at directly!

In short, the Old Ones are mysterious and powerful existences for us humans, and they are also invincible and powerful enemies!

Of course, perhaps these Old Ones may not care about us ants. . .

In short, when Dress brought the attribute settings into Cthulhu Mythos, the Old Ones became "approachable" because they lost the mysterious veil and became no different from ordinary monsters. This is like the virtual idol anchors on a certain live broadcast platform today. If they put down their suits, their popularity will most likely drop sharply, unless you are very good at fighting.

However, Dress is not guilty of death. After all, his contributions to Cthulhu Mythos are obvious to all. It can even be said that he and the great god Ai Shouyi can share the credit for the current status of Cthulhu Mythos.

However, Liu Xing also feels that the so-called attribute settings are somewhat inappropriate for the Cthulhu Mythos, because the appearance of attributes will inevitably lead to a restraint relationship, which will inevitably make some people of the same level After meeting, the Old Ones would first have a stone-paper cut, and then decide whether to fight or not.

This is boring.

This is like a MOBA game that was once very popular. There were originally quite a few characters that could appear on the scene. However, after the new mythical version arrived, there were only a few characters that could appear on the field. Because only these characters are most suitable for the current version, and unless the remaining characters are really strong, no player is willing to use them to play in the game. After all, if you choose these characters, you will lose half of the characters compared to other characters. Even if it is a piece of equipment, it is no different from giving up in a close game.

Therefore, if Derleth had not introduced attribute settings to the Cthulhu Myth, his reputation would have been very high, and it would not be a problem to be called the "parent" of the Cthulhu Myth along with the master of craftsmanship.

But having said that, the reason why Hastur and Cthulhu are fighting against each other is also a problem left by their father, the master of Ai Craft, because the prototype of Hastur is the work of another person, and Ai Craft After watching this work, the master felt that Hastur’s setting was very suitable for his Cthulhu mythology, so he brought Hastur into the Cthulhu mythology. Therefore, the master who loves craftsmanship is considered Hastur. Ta's adoptive father, and Cthulhu must be the biological son of the master of craftsmanship.

Just like Liu Feng and Liu Chan in history, they are both Liu Bei's sons in name, but their treatment is very different. Even Liu Feng will worry that Liu Bei will one day pave the way for his own son. Send your adopted son away early!

In some families that originally had no heirs and had to adopt an adopted son to inherit the family business, but later did have a biological son, the most troubled person besides the head of the family was the adopted son. After all, the former had to consider raising his own son. She has had an adopted son for so many years, and the adopted son’s family status was not low before he had a biological son! But the problem is that now that I have a biological son, then according to human nature, I must leave my family property to my biological son. This also affects the opinions of outsiders, especially in ancient times when the eldest son inheritance system was adopted.

The only issue that an adoptive father needs to consider is whether to send away his adopted son in any sense, but the adopted son needs to think about even more issues.

After all, the adopted son also knows that after his father has a biological son, his attitude towards him may change 365 degrees!

Uh, there seems to be something wrong. After this round, wouldn’t it be in vain?

All in all, after the adopted son knows that his status is unstable, as his "brother" grows older, the psychological pressure will increase. In the end, he will inevitably do some extraordinary things to protect his own interests.

But this is in the Cthulhu Running Game Hall. Would the brothers Hastur and Cthulhu really fight over such a trivial matter?

Adopted son and eldest son, if this were placed in some novels on the female channel next door, I'm afraid it would create a lot of sparks.

Just when Liu Xing was criticizing the relationship between Hastur and Cthulhu, Alice also said to herself: "Hasta has always been unfriendly to the brother Cthulhu, so Liu Xing, you also know that some people He felt that his enemy was living a good life, but it was even more uncomfortable for him to become impoverished. Therefore, Hastur did not want to watch his brother take over the entire earth, so Hastur teamed up with Cthurgia to attack his brother; As for Cthugha, it can be regarded as a very pure old ruler, because as a fire ball, Cthugha only likes to stay in places with high temperatures, preferably a star that is constantly burning like the sun. So Cthurgia didn't plan to attack Cthulhu at the beginning, because it lived well on the sun."

"But after hearing that Cthulhu was going to turn the earth into a water ball, Cthurgia couldn't help it, because for Cthulgah, the sun is the master bedroom of his home, so the earth is the second bedroom. , so it can stay there for a few days if it has nothing to do, but this time the bed is going to be flooded, which is unbearable for Cthugha, who doesn't like water; plus Hastur and Cthugha The relationship between them was already good, so they hit it off immediately and directly brought Bayaki and the Fire Essence to join the battlefield, eventually sealing Cthulhu and putting it into a permanent sleep. However, Cthugha was also seriously injured as a result. He had to retreat to Fomalhaut in defeat, and there were even rumors that Cthurgia had to go to Fomalhaut because he was sealed."

Liu Xing nodded when he heard this, because it was mentioned in the setting of Cthulhu Mythos that the reason why Cthurgia stayed in Fomalhaut was probably because he was sealed by an ancient god. , it is also possible that he is a homebody in Fomalhaut for other reasons, but as a big fireball, Cthurgia seems to have no desires or desires, so it can stay in one place without moving for tens of thousands of years. There is no problem, so Cthurgia at this time is like Schrödinger's cat. Unless you can see it with your own eyes at Fomalhaut, you can't be sure whether it is free or sealed.

"But judging from the current situation, Cthugha was indeed sealed in Fomalhaut, but the seal on it was not that strong, so Cthugha transferred the seal to Hastur's But this seal has become weaker after being transferred once, so Hastur can get rid of this seal in just a few years; but we are not sure whether Hastur intentionally took over Kthug. The seal of Asia was still calculated by Cthurgia, because the reason why Cthurgia was sealed in Fomalhaut was because Hastur called it to deal with Cthulhu, so Hastur If you still want to cooperate with Cthugha, you have to apologize to Cthugha first.”

Alice shook her head and said with some confusion: "My master is also very curious about what Hastur wants to do when he goes to find Cthurgia again at this time, because there are not many things that require the action of two old rulers. , and except for some of the old rulers who are related by blood, the other old rulers almost never interact with each other. It would be nice to be able to talk to each other, let alone cooperate. "


Liu Xing frowned, and suddenly thought of another old ruler, Satogua. It seemed to have been ready to move decades ago, and it seemed that it wanted to lift the seal and reappear in the world!

So this parallel world seems to be a bit like a chaotic dance of demons, because there are not so many old rulers who are about to be born! Liu Xing alone knows about Cthulhu and Tsathogua, as well as Hastur and Cthugua that Alice mentioned now, as well as Itaqua, who has been wandering in the Arctic Circle, and his clones. Glaki appeared and was knocked back.

In addition, Liu Xing still remembers the God of the Internet who has gone into the real world and has not reached the level of the Old Dominator, as well as the half of the Old Dominator that the Mi.Ge family has been carefully cultivating. ——Gadamon didn’t know if he would come out to join in the fun at this time.

As for the Night Stalker, that's another matter.

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