Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 2480 The five senses under control

As the saying goes, debt-free means a light burden. Although Liu Xing, who had completed the release, still had difficulty walking, he was generally much more relaxed. Therefore, he became much bolder and began to look around, trying to figure out what was going on.

As a veteran player in the Cthulhu running group game lobby, Liu Xing thought he had seen and experienced it all, so this little problem was not too difficult for him. Moreover, since the mastermind behind this problem did not take advantage of his most vulnerable time, it meant that the mastermind behind this problem either had no ability to attack him, or it had to meet certain conditions before it could attack him. In short, he was still very safe in a short period of time.

Or, as long as he repeated the previous operation, he should not encounter any danger.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing carefully walked to the back door of the clinic. As a result, the back door was still just a non-interactive sticker, so Liu Xing had no way to open the door, which made Liu Xing feel even more strange.

Liu Xing had no time to think about it because he was in a hurry, but now he can calm down and think about the problem after solving some problems.

First of all, could it be that there is a bug in the Cthulhu game lobby?

You should know that this martial arts module is originally a semi-finished product. It is estimated that it was directly served without a few tests, so it is inevitable that some bugs will appear. After all, the Cthulhu game lobby has the word "game" in it, so some modules have also had some less obvious bugs, such as some errors in the date on the calendar and newspapers and magazines in some modules, but these errors do not have much impact on the plot, unless the player is determined to believe that the wrong date is the real date, and then some time errors will appear.

This is called being too smart.

As for the Cthulhu game lobby, the most serious bug that has occurred in the past few years is that a mythical creature that should not appear appeared in a certain module, because this module has entered the final stage, and the mythical creatures and NPCs that should appear have already appeared. As a result, at this time, a black goat cub suddenly appeared and sent everyone away.

Although the Cthulhu game lobby used the excuse that "someone used the corresponding summoning technique" to prevaricate the players of this module, the players of this module also belong to the same player team as Liu Xing and others, so after a detailed review, they determined that the players and NPCs on their side would never be able to summon the black goat cub, because they did not have the ability and enough time to summon the black goat cub; as for the NPCs and mythical creatures on the opposite side, they had nothing to do with the black goat, whether it was Shabu Nicholas or her children, not to mention that these guys had already won the game, and there was no need to summon an uncontrollable black goat cub.

As for the so-called third-party forces, which are actually passers-by, they are just standing out for a scene and it is impossible for them to join the plot in depth. After all, in the real world, there will be no crew shooting martial arts themes that will be so crazy that in the last one or two episodes, a character who appeared in the early stage for one or two episodes and had less than ten lines will be directly supported to the position of the leader of the martial arts world, right? And they also took care of both the righteous and the villain characters at the same time, right?

So in the end, the Cthulhu running group game lobby had to admit that this was a bug, and finally let those players directly promoted to the next area, but when they wanted to be promoted to the Cthulhu area, they were calculated by other player teams, so now they are still wasting time in the Hound of Tindalos area. I don’t know if they will go further after the end of this martial arts module.

So did I encounter a texture error?

In the real world, many famous stand-alone games will have texture errors, and this is also the most common problem in the game, so the door in front of me will not be fake, right?

Liu Xing frowned and began to feel around, trying to determine if there was something wrong with his eyes, causing him to see something wrong.

But at this time, the air wall that is common in many games also appeared, so Liu Xing could only feel that he had touched the legendary air wall, because Liu Xing only felt that he had touched a completely transparent and smooth wall.


Liu Xing tried to pat the air wall in front of him, and then heard a crisp echo, which sounded like hitting a very thin stone slab.


Thinking of this, Liu Xing began to pat and pat, constantly using the sound to determine what material the texture in front of him corresponded to.

Originally, Liu Xing thought that he could use the sound to break the "illusion" in front of him, but soon found that he seemed to think too much, because he had already patted the "wall" for dozens of meters, and the feedback sound seemed to be exactly the same.

This is not good news.

If Liu Xing had not already solved a "big" problem, he might have really thought that he was trapped in some illusion. This reminded Liu Xing of a similar situation he had encountered in the forward-looking module prepared by Tenar. In that illusion, which was about the same size as a Taoist temple, there seemed to be a so-called life gate.

Is it the gap in the air wall?

Liu Xing sighed and felt that he could only use the exhaustive method to determine where the students in the illusion would be. Anyway, this enlarged version of the backyard was only a few hundred meters in circumference. He should take two more steps. . . .

At this moment, Yin En's voice came from behind Liu Xing.

"Ah? Liu Xing, what are you doing?"

As soon as Yin En said this, Liu Xing felt that his eyes were blurred, and he found that the wall of the medical center that was still right in front of him had turned into a big tree. In his opinion, the area was more than 2,000 square meters. The square meter backyard now only has less than a hundred square meters left.

Everything is back to normal.

Liu Xing glanced back subconsciously and saw Yin En with a confused look on his face, and he was holding more than ten thread-bound books in his hand.

"Liu Xing, what's wrong with you?"

Yin En asked again: "I just entered the hospital and heard that you were not in the room, so Liu Nan said that you might have gone to the toilet, so I ran to the backyard to look for you, and then I saw you facing this The tree flaps, it feels like you are trying to determine whether the tree is producing melon eggs.”

Liu Xing frowned and wanted to say something, but felt that it was not a suitable place for conversation, so he let Yin En help him back to the ward first, and then told everything about his experience just now.

"Ah? You must be under an illusion, after all, there is nothing strange about this backyard in my eyes..."

At this moment, Yin En looked at Liu Xing and suddenly hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Liu Xing also realized something, so he pointed to his head and said: "You mean the thing in my head started to show its power, so it just directly controlled my vision and hearing? No, it should be It directly controlled all my five senses, making me mistakenly think that the backyard suddenly became a lot bigger, so if you hadn’t come to me at this time, Yin En, I might have been trapped in the backyard for a long time!”

Although Alliance Medical Center is the only designated inpatient department in Tianshui Town at this time, there are only two patients who need to stay overnight there, which means that Liu Xing is the only patient who needs to be hospitalized now. We haven't encountered any new crises here, and everyone doesn't need to go to the fields to farm, so in the past two days, only a few heat stroke patients came to the hospital to lie down for a while, and at most they went home in the evening. , after all, this is only a few steps away.

A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse.

Therefore, apart from Liu Xing, the most seriously injured person in the past two days was the NPC who was painting the wall at Canglong Temple in the East Palace. He accidentally fell off the two-meter-high scaffolding and broke his wrist. Now he has returned. Went home to rest.

Therefore, if Yin En had not come to the hospital, Liu Xing felt that he would have been trapped in this hallucination for several hours, until someone found something wrong and came to find him.

But, even if Liu Nan and others find that they are not in the ward, their first thought is that they can't wait to find Yin En and others. If Yin En doesn't come to the hospital to find him at this time, I'm afraid they won't. I thought I was going to the toilet.

After all, the toilet is not a place for people to stay in this hot day, not to mention that the toilet in the backyard is really an ancient toilet, so anyone who can stay in it for a minute must have a sense of smell.

As for Liu Nan and other medical center staff, they would not go to the backyard to use the toilet under normal circumstances, because they all live near the medical center, so the fat water does not go to outsiders!

Of course, the main reason is that the toilet is really not suitable for everyone to use at will, because there will always be people who think it is very ugly.

What's more, at this time, artificial fertilizer is a very important resource, so fertilizer deliverymen in some places will pay to contract your toilet. After completing rough processing such as stacking materials outside the city, you can sell a good toilet. Price.

However, at this time, there were only a few households in Tianshui Town who had nothing to do. They planted some vegetables such as onions and garlic around them, so they didn't need any fertilizer.

So if I was really trapped in the backyard for several hours, would I have a mental breakdown?

Thinking of this, Liu Xing suddenly realized what he was trying to do, which was to put himself into fear by controlling his five senses, or even put himself into a temporary state of fear.

After its own mental problems arise, it can legitimately and completely control itself!

After all, when a person is isolated and surrounded by enemies, it is self-evident that the mental pressure will be great.

"I'll find some caregivers for you later, so that they can take turns watching you around the clock to prevent you from being controlled by the things in your mind again."

Yin En shook his head and said: "If nothing else, this thing also wants to control your body, but under normal circumstances it cannot directly attack you, especially when you are awake! And the reason why you just did The main reason why you fell into this trap was that you were in a hurry to go to the toilet, and at the same time passed a stealth check with nothing to do. This made you focus on how to bypass Liu Nan and others and enter the backyard, so you ignored it. Other things; but this thing is quite smart, because it should not be able to completely control your five senses at the beginning. After all, if it can completely control you in the first place, it will not take action at this time. So it comes to you with a mountain-shaking tiger, so that you are frightened by the backyard that is magnified ten times. "

"So if you can choose to turn back at the first time, then you should be able to open the back door and return to the hospital. In this way, there will be nothing to do later! So the reason why it can succeed this time is that it is the right time, the right place and the right people. They're all taken. If it weren't for Liu Xing, you wouldn't have been tricked if you were in a hurry to go to the toilet; but to be on the safe side, we still have to arrange for someone to keep an eye on you during this period, because I'm worried about that thing in your mind. He will find another opportunity to take action in the next two days, and will even fight you to the death! After all, the rat god just said it would help you solve this problem, and it stood up and wanted to control you, which means that this thing is likely to listen! Know what we’re talking about!”

Hearing what Yin En said, Liu Xing felt that his brain was aching.

"Okay, for the sake of my life, I have to be more honest these two days."

Liu Xing sighed helplessly, shook his head and said: "But I think there should be a cooling time for this thing to amplify its moves. After all, it can control my five senses anytime and anywhere like this time, so it would have been a long time ago." He attacked me, so I should be able to survive until I meet the Rat God... Wait, the Rat God's welcoming monument is on a high mountain, so it won't attack when I go up the mountain, right?

At this time, Liu Xing could imagine that when he was going up the mountain, he might find that both sides of him had turned into cliffs in the blink of an eye!

"Then we'll have to tie you up."

Yin En shrugged and said: "You know the kind of stretcher with straps, right? I will find someone to prepare a stretcher like this for you later, and then you can lie on it peacefully and be carried by us. Go up, anyway, we won’t let you down until you see the Rat God! Anyway, with your current condition, we don’t trust you to climb up by yourself.”

After Yin En finished speaking, he pointed to the pile of books and said, "In order to prevent you from getting bored these days, I specially found someone to prepare these novels for you to pass the time, but you must not destroy these books. , because there are several out-of-print books in it.”

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