Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 2502: Rebellion

After crossing the bridge, Liu Xing received a new prompt, and the content of the prompt was very simple, that is, congratulations to the player for entering the second stage of this event with a certain number of players.

Sure enough, this river is a watershed. Liu Xing can imagine that if some players are leisurely crossing the river, then when they receive this prompt and find that so many players have crossed the river before them, their mentality may change completely - either they completely give up on themselves and accept their fate of being the last one, or they catch up and want to catch up with the players in front.

However, it is worth noting that Liu Xing found that the ranking here should refer to the ranking of players in a certain area, rather than the total ranking of players in the whole server, because his ranking is really too high. You must know that when Liu Xing was sharpening his stone axe, he was looking at the wooden bridge in the distance, so Liu Xing alone saw dozens of players crossing the river, and at this time Liu Xing entered the next level with a good score of 122nd, which means that this ranking is still divided by area!

After all, according to Liu Xing's previous guess, the number of players participating in this event is at least five digits, and it may exceed six digits. So at this time, I saw dozens of players crossing the bridge, and hundreds of people from other places had entered the second stage of the event before! Therefore, if my ranking is the overall ranking, it would not be so high.

It seems that this event is determined to cover up something, and does not want players to know how many wanderers there are in the Cthulhu running group game hall now, because most players still think that there are only so many people in the Cthulhu running group game hall now, so they don't realize how ambitious the Cthulhu running group game hall is.

It's like the sales of a game are 50,000 and 1 million. The former can still be described as a niche treasure game, while the latter is a popular game!

So if the Cthulhu running group game hall is the former, players will still feel that they are being played by the game, but if it is the latter, Liu Xing estimates that many players will realize that the Cthulhu running group game hall is ambitious!

You should know that at this time, there are still many players who think that the Cthulhu running game lobby should be created by Nyarlathotep. Of course, this is indeed true. As for why Nyarlathotep did this, most people have the same idea, that is, three words-to amuse you.

To be precise, the reason why the Cthulhu running game lobby and the players in it exist is to allow Nyarlathotep, a fun person, to have new fun every day. Therefore, some previous players also had a lot of ideas and felt that they were not so much players in the Cthulhu running game lobby as clowns in front of Nyarlathotep. Therefore, as long as they can amuse Nyarlathotep, they can also pass the module and even get more rewards.

So, this group of players began their performance in the module. In short, they treated a good module as a comedy set, trying every means to make some funny operations, such as finding a very key prop, and then a player "accidentally" damaged the prop.

As a result, this group of players turned into a group of real clowns, seriously explaining what it means to steal a chicken but end up losing the rice.

So when all players know that the number of players today may be more than five digits, then players with some ideas know that Cthulhu Game Hall wants to go one step further and become a phenomenal game worldwide. . . If Cthulhu Game Hall really becomes a world-class game, it means that as long as people around the world can connect to the Internet, they will know that there is such a terrible existence as Cthulhu Game Hall in the world, and those ordinary people may be selected as players by Cthulhu Game Hall at any time!

If it really comes to this, Liu Xing estimates that the Cthulhu running group game lobby should have a prop similar to an amulet, which is to let some players buy a safe for their relatives and friends so that they will not be turned into players by the Cthulhu running group game lobby. After all, everyone knows how dangerous the Cthulhu running group game lobby is, so his friends and other peers are better, at least everyone has watched a lot of related works in normal times, and after entering the Cthulhu running group game lobby, they have a little foundation!

But if it is your parents and elders who join the Cthulhu running group game lobby, it is estimated that most children will worry that they will have difficulty in the Cthulhu running group game lobby. After all, the module difficulty of the Cthulhu running group game lobby is a difficult mode in other games. In addition, the Cthulhu running group game lobby also has certain requirements for acting skills. If you don’t put yourself into your role, then nine out of ten will appear in the super game situation unknowingly.

More importantly, the Cthulhu role-playing game lobby actually has high requirements for player response, because in many cases in the module, especially in the final plot, players may be required to make a choice in a short period of time. For example, you and your teammates have triggered a chase with mythical creatures, then you have to decide whether to fight or flee, or even just surrender and lose half.

It is difficult for most young people with flexible minds to make the most appropriate decision in a short time, let alone some elderly people. . . You must know that there are no old people who have become players in the Cthulhu Running Group game hall, but nine out of ten such players will not be able to pass the first official module, and then ten out of ten remaining players will not be able to pass the first official module. Bajiu was unable to complete the promotion module and could only waste time in the ghoul area.

After all, the player's initial character card is based on himself as a reference, so some players who are old, weak, sick or disabled will be at a disadvantage when it comes to the initial character card, because some attribute values ​​​​will be lower than ordinary players. , but the Cthulhu Running Game Hall will usually "compensate" for one or two players' skills that they don't know at this time, so the overall problem is not too big.

That’s weird!

Because the new skills added to these players in the Cthulhu Run game lobby seem to be random, there will be a player whose agility value is only 30 points. As a result, he has an 80-point dodge skill. Then you can Imagine a cripple jumping left and right in front of you, shaking more than Tyson?

Of course, this is good, after all, dodge skills are very useful, but the problem is that the skills in the Cthulhu Run game lobby are based on the real world, which means that some professional skills in the real world will appear in In the Cthulhu Running Game Hall, you must know that although the Cthulhu Running Game Hall seems to only stand up and say a few words during events throughout the year, behind the scenes, it often updates some content that was not available before. , such as certain occupations and skills that did not exist before.

Therefore, when these players who have already suffered a disadvantage in terms of attribute values ​​are randomly assigned a skill that is almost unused, their initial character card will be half useless. For example, Liu Xing knows that he is now recognized as a counterattack Old Carl, the oldest player in the Sulu Running Group game hall, has a very outrageous skill, and that is code wording!

That's right, old Karl, as an old man who can't even write his own name, actually has a coding skill that allows him to write thousands of words of work in an hour. This is somewhat related to Lu Bu's mount being an ant. Feel.

However, although old Karl is already an old man in his sixties, his fighting power is stronger than some young people in their twenties. In addition, this man's personality is also quite funny, so he is in Csu. Lu Pao Tuan is quite popular in the game hall.

The most important thing is that Old Carl is also a player in the Hounds of Tindalos area. It is said that he has started the promotion module some time ago, so he may not have time to participate in this event.

Therefore, Liu Xing felt that if the Cthulhu Run game lobby did not assimilate to the real world, but directly descended into the real world to start an era where everyone can play Cthulhu Run games together, then he must find a way to prepare a few pictures for his relatives and friends. The amulet ensures that they will not be involved in the Cthulhu Running Game Hall, because Liu Xing does not think that they can live a prosperous life in the Cthulhu Running Game Hall like him.

"By the way, little brother, what's your name?"

Yun Qi took out a box from his arms, which contained a bunch of delicious-looking jerky, "Let's eat some beef jerky. I see that you are all traveling lightly, and you don't have much food on you, right?" You must know that we may be short of everything here, but there is no shortage of meat to eat, because there is a very magical forage near Yuncheng, which can make cattle, sheep and other livestock ready for slaughter within a month, and the taste is quite good. The important thing is that eating this meat will have no impact on us and will not turn children into old men.”

Liu Xing nodded and directly gave a false name, "Brother Yun, please call me Ah Jin. Of course, you can also call me Yang Sanjin, because my father still hopes that I will become a rich man with a lot of money."

"Hahaha, as expected, parents all over the world hope that their children will be blessed and rich. You know, I used to be called Yunjin, but my master felt that this name had no artistic conception, so he changed my name to Yunqi."

Yun Qi said as he walked: "My master used to be the chief guard of the New Emperor. Later he retired and returned to his hometown in Yuncheng. Because he and my father were good friends who grew up together, he naturally became my master. , of course he is also my adoptive father. After all, his old man has no children due to some unspeakable secrets; but this is not important. What is important is that the current Emperor Xinxin is already old, and his biological sons have long since passed away due to various reasons. Let Emperor Xinxin send the white-haired person to the black-haired person, so now Emperor Xinxin has three adopted sons who are all raised according to the standards of heirs, but the problem is that there is only one emperor. "

"So some time ago, one of the adopted sons of Emperor Xinxin decided to risk the world's disapproval and take action against his adoptive father! Because he felt that compared with the other two brothers, it was almost impossible for him to become the successor of Emperor Xinxin, so We can only give it a try at this time; according to the metaphor of the National Master, this is a Pandora's box! Well, the Pandora here is a woman from outside the desert, and she has a very mysterious box in her hand. Once opened, a group of terrifying demons will be released, which will destroy the entire world easily, so this box cannot be opened casually, as long as it is opened, it will be over, and this is indeed the case. "

"When this man chose to betray his father, some people with ulterior motives also had some other ideas! I'll tell you the truth here. You should also know that we, the remnants of the previous dynasty, fled into this small world in a very embarrassing way, so we didn't bring much stuff from outside, otherwise we wouldn't be able to build a wooden wall, because it was too time-consuming and laborious; more importantly, we once tried to build several post roads to connect the various cities to ensure that the connection between the cities could be more convenient. As a result, the road we just built was covered by weeds again after a few days, and it was almost impossible to see that there was a road here, so we had to choose to give up this futile idea."

"So I remember that there should be a city lord on your side? That is, a prefect with more authority? Anyway, the prefects here are almost all called prefects, but they are actually city lords! The reason is simple. There are forests everywhere here, and it is not so easy to build a city. So these cities are scattered all over the place. The two closest cities may only take one day to reach, while the farthest ones may take half a month to walk. There are a total of 21 cities under the command of the Emperor of Renewal. He can only truly control the five surrounding cities. As for the remaining cities, they are managed by their respective governors. They only need to send gifts to the Emperor of New Dragon during festivals. "

"And what I want to send back to Captain Lang this time is actually a piece of information about Shucheng, that is, the governor of Shucheng is also preparing to rebel! In short, the father of the governor of Shucheng was a general under the Emperor of Renewal. As a result, he was defeated and captured when he was covering the Emperor of Renewal to enter this small world. There has been no news since then. It is estimated that he should be dead, so the Emperor of Renewal handed Shucheng to his uncle, and then his uncle gave him the position of governor; but Shucheng is a little worse than the other 20 cities, and I am not afraid to tell you that the door we came in is near Shucheng, so Shucheng is also the most dangerous city! "

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