Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 2520 Strange Animals

Liu Xing looked at the giraffe that was grazing leisurely and felt something was wrong.

"Well, giraffes don't eat grass, right?"

Long San, who now regarded himself as his secretary, looked at the giraffe and couldn't help but complain: "I remember that the giraffes I saw in various documentaries didn't seem to be able to eat grass. After all, its head is so tall. It is still too difficult to bend down to eat grass, so they will also eat leaves on trees or relatively tall shrubs; and giraffes will spread their legs as far as possible when drinking water. Open, so that you can drink water smoothly, and now this giraffe is just lowering its head and eating grass so easily, something seems wrong, right? "

So that’s it!

Liu Xing finally realized why the giraffe asking for money gave him such a strong sense of disobedience. It turned out to be because the giraffe was so elegant when it lowered its head to eat grass.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the giraffe in Liu Xing's impression at this time should have a carefree look, but now he is as elegant as a young lady, so he did not realize that anything was wrong at the first time. But I always feel there is a vague sense of inconsistency.

“There’s something wrong with the modeling of this giraffe when it’s lowering its head to eat grass?”

Yang De touched his chin and said: "I have been observing this giraffe carefully since it appeared, so I think the model of this giraffe before it lowered its head to eat grass is exactly the same as the giraffe in my impression. The head-to-body ratio should be the same. That's correct, so given the height of the grass in this grassland, although this giraffe doesn't need to spread its legs as exaggeratedly as it does to drink water, it still needs to be in a resting posture, right? If it is standing with its legs straight, it means that it has changed at this time, and it may even appear that the white horse is not a horse. "

"This means that the giraffe at this time is not the same giraffe as the giraffe we ​​had before! According to what you alliance leaders said before, if this grid array is really created by a dreamer who was originally a game planner, then this will happen. This situation is also reasonable, because some games will prepare several models for the same character, so that they can cope with various situations, such as one model when standing and another model when running, because sometimes for the sake of screen performance Power, the modeling of the character definitely cannot be restored according to real proportions.

"This is also the reason why when we pause the fighting scenes of some animations, the characters will collapse very much, because only in this way can the smoothness of the animation be ensured, so what we are seeing now may be another giraffe model, and this one The modeling is the scene of this giraffe eating, but there are no low trees here, so he can only eat grass according to the original schedule; so if nothing else happens, the owner of this grid array may really be us. That dreamer, then we can really pass the game in the grid array."

I see.

Although Liu Xing was considered a game enthusiast before joining the Cthulhu Run Game Hall, his understanding of the game was only how to play it, so he did not understand the game itself well enough. Now listen to what Long San said It was like listening to a conversation.

However, Liu Xing can still understand one thing, that is, the giraffe in front of him and various creatures that may appear later, they should conform to a game planner's design ideas for the copy, and these creatures will also conform to some game settings. , for example, there may be multiple models of these creatures.

Or rather the state!

"If this is the case, then is there a possibility that when we launch a sneak attack on this giraffe and succeed, it will cause harm to the giraffe while eating, but when the giraffe is killed because of this, When switching to defensive or offensive state, the damage caused by our sneak attack will be ignored? I mean, the giraffes in different states will not share the health bar? "

As soon as Long San said this, Yang De quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, this kind of situation will only happen to some inferior game studios, because it is not difficult to solve this problem, as long as the Just bind several models together in the program code, or let them share the same health bar directly. Anyway, this problem is easy to solve. Unless it is the kind of game studio composed of pure cuteness, otherwise it is impossible. This kind of problem occurs.”

"Well, as far as I know, it may be difficult for game planners and programmers to understand each other, because they are not familiar with each other's work, so the opinions and ideas they put forward are based on their own, without considering whether the other party can do it. To... Therefore, as a game master planner, everything he needs to consider is the overall situation, and he doesn't care about the minutiae, so he may have designed this grid from the master planner's perspective. ”

As soon as Liu Xing finished speaking, the giraffe not far away had been hit by the arrows and crossbows of Baihe City and others.

Then, the giraffe was still grazing on its own without any reaction.

"Well, it seems that you guessed it right, Alliance Leader. This grid array is really designed from the perspective of the main planner. That is, what are the general gameplays of this grid array, what kind of creatures will be placed in it, and whether it is needed. Do we need to consider the habits of these creatures? Many open-world games now focus on a so-called ecology, which means that all creatures in the game have a food chain, so there will be scenes of hunting and fighting for territory.”

Yang De said with his hands on his hips: "A person's energy is limited, even if this person is the most powerful existence in the dreamland - the dream maker, so the dream maker only has time to think of one thing when creating the grid array. Probably, because of some reasons, there was no time to enrich the details of the grid array; therefore, the dream maker thought of using ordinary animals such as giraffes to create a natural atmosphere, so there was no attack feedback prepared for the giraffes. There may not even be a health bar, so this giraffe can be said to be invincible. "

At this time, Baihe City had already led a team of people to grab tickets to use the giraffe as a whetstone. Although the giraffe was scarred and stained with blood, it was still eating grass leisurely.

Let me tell you, this picture looks a bit weird.

"Yang De, go and ask Lao Bai to stop. Let's not fight with this thing to the end, because this giraffe is just a backdrop, so there is no need for us to waste time on it."

As soon as Liu Xing finished speaking, he saw the giraffe suddenly changed its form and began to walk on its own, and the scars on its body suddenly disappeared at this time.

"It seems that we can ignore these ordinary creatures in the future. To be precise, they should be ordinary herbivores, because carnivores like jackals, tigers and leopards should be designed to be in a fighting state."

Liu Xing looked around and then continued: "When it comes to grassland, the first carnivore we can think of is the wild wolf, right? As for lions, they shouldn't appear in such a green grassy place, right?"

"If it's a lion, that's okay, because even if there are only a few lions in a group, and unless those female lions are extremely talented, their fighting power is only that much. We will arrange two or three people with steel forks. It can deal with a female lion! As for the only male lion among a group of lions, its fighting power cannot be underestimated, because I still remember the male lion I saw when I went to the zoo some time ago. Even through the glass, I can feel that this thing can slap me to death."

Long San's words made everyone around him couldn't help but nod, because many things require a familiar reference to realize how big they are. For example, the lion's claws on the other side of the screen look so big. A little bigger can actually make your face look as big as a slap. This is because the slap here does not refer to your slap.

Therefore, a lion in normal condition can theoretically defeat one against a hundred. Of course, the "hundred" here refers to the players around Liu Xing, because the strength of the players is uneven, and each one is more greedy than the other. They are afraid of death, so if they cannot control this lion at the first time, then some players will definitely choose to escape. When the formation is in chaos and people retreat, the lion will be invincible.

So why did those powerful generals in ancient times dream of being able to ride a thousand horses? That's not because they broke the enemy's mentality at the beginning, so they were able to be so unscrupulous and unstoppable.

"The sky is blue, the fields are vast, and the grass is blown by the wind, and you can see cattle and sheep."

Liu Xing said as he walked: "Fortunately, the average height of this grassland is only three miles above ours, so we don't need to worry about large predators like lions suddenly jumping out of the grass, but wolves can His body is hidden in the grass, and the number of wolves should exceed 100! The most important thing is that according to the game settings, the more players there are, the more wolves will be spawned, and the strength will be higher. It will also be higher. In short, if the offensive monster on this grassland is a wolf, then we will be in trouble. "

The main reason why Liu Xing said this is that today's players are really unorganized. They all go their own way when moving forward. There is no concept of formation at all, so those players holding steel forks should be allowed to go at the forefront. Outside, so that you can quickly form the first line of defense when encountering danger.

However, Liu Xing had no intention of reminding these players at this time. After all, everyone was gathered together temporarily, and they were not professionals, so even if they took a lot of effort to get everyone to line up, they could not walk more than a few steps. It has to be beaten back to its original shape.

"Look at the sky!"

When Liu Xing was still thinking about what to do if he encountered a pack of wolves, he heard the player next to him suddenly shouting loudly.

So Liu Xing subconsciously looked at the sky and saw a group of strange-looking eagles flying quickly from the horizon.

The main reason why these eagles look strange is that they all have only one wing, and these eagles do not fly relying on each other like winged birds.

That's right, these eagles flapped their wings and flew up and down in mid-air. Their flight paths were comparable to Ah San's Brown missiles next door. Their main target was a landing point that no one could guess.

And Liu Xing looked carefully and found that the beaks of these eagles were only half of the upper one, and the beaks were serrated. It was obvious that these eagles would not be as easy to get along with as the giraffe.

"Everyone, get ready! Be careful of the sneak attacks of these eagles!"

Liu Xing shouted loudly without thinking: "To be on the safe side, everyone should move towards the middle now. Players holding steel forks should put their steel forks upright. As for steel knives, put them down first, so as not to accidentally hurt friendly forces! Also, those players holding crossbows should not shoot arrows casually. Let's wait and see. If these eagles are just passing by, or just trying to launch a round of attacks on us, then we should not waste our arrows, because we still have to use these arrows on other people."

Hearing what Liu Xing said, the players present began to gather together, and after the players holding steel forks raised their weapons, they also consciously confirmed whether the number of steel forks in a certain area was too many or too few, and then moved.

When the players formed the hedgehog formation, the eagles had already flown over everyone's heads.

Just when Liu Xing thought that the eagles would just fly over, he saw that the wings of the eagles suddenly stopped flapping, so the eagles just fell straight down, head down.

In this way, in Liu Xing's eyes, these eagles were like sawtooth swords falling from the sky!

The steel fork formation originally prepared was used to prevent the eagles from launching a dive attack, that is, waiting for the eagles to hit the steel forks themselves.

If it was a dive, then the hit rate of these steel forks might be one-fifth, and if it fell directly like now, it would be a blessing if the steel forks could have a hit rate of one-tenth.

After all, the heads of these eagles are not that big.

"Hold the knife and don't move!"

Without thinking, Liu Xing loudly reminded the players holding steel knives around him to raise their knives and fight against the "sawtooth swords" of these eagles.

At this time, the bravest of the two will win!

At this time, the players actually didn't need Liu Xing to remind them, they already knew what to do, so as soon as Liu Xing opened his mouth, many players had already raised their weapons.

However, since the formation had been condensed a lot at this time, some players would inevitably accidentally touch the surrounding players when they wanted to raise their weapons.

Blood was seen.

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