Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Tell my sister, I won!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Heavy rain.

Although it was covered by the branches and leaves of the ebony cypress tree, they faced each other in the court for a short while. Qiu Jinglan and Qiufeng's robes were soaked.

If not, they may not be so embarrassed.

But at this moment, they both knew that the other party was their own life-long enemy. A slight negligence was the end of their defeat. Naturally, they had no time to use their inner strength to avoid the rain.

"Originally, you ran back and forth in the past two days, and it took a lot of effort to save the Lord of Ningyi County. Qiu is now looking for you to win!" Qiu Feng slowly pulled out the sword behind her, saying "but now It's not learning, it's just seeking revenge ... Come on! "


Across the window, Qiu Qilan could also hear the clash of blades that the wind and rain could not hide. She could imagine how fierce the battle was at this moment.

It ’s just that although the poison of Wulanxiang is solved, she is still unable to get up at this moment-even if she can get up, she ca n’t get involved in this battle. The house will be guarded from door to window to prevent further accidents. Forbid her to go out and blend.

So she can only bite her lips and pray Qiu Jinglan must win!

——But Qiu Jinglan, who is too depleted, is not Qiufeng's opponent after all.

Just in the tea scene, Qiu Jinglan has taken a sword on his shoulders, under his ribs, and his left arm, which is the result of his best efforts to dodge.

Just as Qiu Feng was about to pierce the long sword into his throat, just like in the inner room just now, in the rain curtain, a ray of light hit the sword silently and silently, shaking the sword in two!

Next, there is no action to wait for the angry autumn wind. In the empty courtyard before, a large number of black men holding bows and crossbows suddenly appeared, with crossbows and arrows on the strings, and surrounded him!

"Well a Qiu Jinglan, a master of the" End of the World "!" Qiu Feng knew that there was no hope of revenge for knowing sex. Wang Qiu Jinglan's eyes were full of disdain and contempt. "Erotic life in Qiu's life, even if it falls into your calculations, could you have been killed by this villain?"

"Stop him!" Qiu Jinglan ignored the Dong Ran who hurried up to bandage her wounds, and calmly ordered "Tie him and take him to the study!"

He also commanded "Go and tell my sister, I won, and I'm safe, so let her be at ease."

I didn't know the actual battle process, nor did Qiu Qilan, who was injured by Qiu Jinglan, was relieved after hearing the news.

"The lord of the county, take the medicine, and finish sleeping ... you will be back to Beijing soon." Chun Ran carefully took the medicine, Qiu Qilan took it, and drank it happily.

By the time she woke up again, she had acted as usual, with a little relief.

At this time, the sky finally cleared, and Su He, who was standing by the couch, told her: "This morning, the guards have seen it. The water has receded, but the ground has not dried yet. I'm afraid the cars and horses are caught in it, so I want to wait for the air to dry. Let it dry again. "

He lowered his voice again. "Seiko ... No, my son said that let's just call him as before, don't reveal his identity."

Qiu Qilan nodded: "This is the way it should be. Queen Mother Gu and Shihan Han are still in charge of the political affairs and one is officially in charge of the Zhenxi Army. What do our brothers and sisters have now? Now we have announced the identity of our brother, not only for my grandfather and Father and father, they cleaned up their grievances, but they will be guilty because of their relationship with 'The End of the World', so my brother still uses his identity as the grandson of the Ruan family to be safe! "

When I thought about it, I asked, "Since Qiu Feng was defeated, what happened to my brother?"

Su He looked weird, thinking that he would lose the Iron Horse Qiuxia? It's just that we are overcast!

But she didn't dare to disclose what Qiu Jinglan ordered to seal, so she scratched her head and said, "The cousin asked someone to stop his self-confidence, and asked him to talk to the chief of the study ... and then let him go. When he left, he said he would probably come to the watchman in the future ... but the sister-in-law didn't care about the watchman at all. "

Qiu Qilan believed it, and sighed: "Although my brother cheated Qiu Feng for so many years with the predecessor Zuo Hufa, but this time the matter was revealed, even his identity was known to him, and he was willing to let him go. They are reminiscent of the old feelings. Qiu Nie they rebelled and said that they are not willing to stay under the people, it is an excuse for seizing power ... But I hope they do n’t regret it when they reach the Empress Dowager-especially Mei Xue and the swing, and Gu Yanlian kisses himself Cousins ​​can start, let alone them? "

Su He laughed: "What you said."

Why does Xunzi think that Shizi has cheated Qiufeng again ...

But Qiu Jinglan wanted to maintain a positive image of her in front of her sister. Su He didn't dare to tear down the stage. She quickly shifted the topic: "In the two days you were lethargic, General Jiang Xiao and Princess Chunfu, as well as Miss Zhuang and Xue family Miss Liusun either sent someone or came in person, but all were blocked by the cousin and said that you had a cold. "

"I actually slept for two days? After returning to the city, please ask Zhuang Man and Xue Nongqing to visit the government." The troubles of my elder brother temporarily eased down, and Qiu Qilan remembered his troubles again--thinking of the Jiang family's brothers and sisters. Suspicion made me feel unhappy, especially, my cousin, who was originally a brother-in-law, was really a real brother-she felt more innocent, and she was even more disgusted with the suspicion of Jiang Yashuang and Jiang Qizheng.

She didn't want to talk about these people and things now, so she asked: "Three Qiu Nie, are you gone? What are the conditions that my brother promised?"

Su Hedao: "I left yesterday. All three men's martial arts were abandoned by the son-in-law, and he was poisoned before ... but the son-in-law gave the antidote to them. The specific conditions were not clear to the son-in-law. I knew that the watchmaker gave them 200,000 yuan of silver, and they vowed not to reveal the identity of the watchmaker, and the watchmaker will not hold them afterwards. "

"Their oath ... can you believe it?" Qiu Qilan twitched. "I didn't say it before, and they didn't make an oath!"

Su Hedao: "They do n’t divulge, they will not be embarrassed by them. If they leak out, they will be able to do it right away. The Empress Dowager may not be able to protect them for a lifetime ... Speaking of them, I do n’t know What should I say about these three? They have betrayed him, and they still believe his promise! "

"Why the loser ... don't believe it or not!" Qiu Qilan thought maybe the three of them said they had left, and God knew where to go? Is it Huangquan Road?

But it turned out that she underestimated Qiu Jinglan's discipline-because the next day when she returned to the city, she saw Mei Xue dressed up on the roadside shortly after entering the city-although only Mei Xue was alone, but from her manners Look, Qiu Nie and the swing should be fine, and she also saw Qiu Jinglan riding a horse not far from the carriage, and saluted him across the crowd.

"Is this Mei Xue actually always my brother's, and went to Qiu Nie's swing to be undercover?" Qiu Qilan looked at Mei Xue intact, and couldn't help muttering. "Qiu Nie and the swing were so miserable, why did she seem to be something? Nothing ?! "

She didn't know that Mei Xuexing turned around after the ceremony, and her respectful expression immediately turned into resentment, and her nails dipped deeply into her flesh: "Very vicious Qiu Jinglan! The three of us martial arts were abolished for Ningyi County The Lord just threw 200,000 silver tickets to us, and never stopped! He even deliberately tortured Nie Di and Qianer to death, but he didn't move me with a single finger. Whatever I want to say to you, I will work for you Many ... This is clearly the strategy of killing two men by two peaches-since you are not kind, don't blame me for being unjust! "

Mei Xue thought for a moment, and at the corner of her eyes, Qiu Jinglan and his party had disappeared at the corner of the street, beckoning and shouting a few words to the girl, Xiaohong, the master and servant went into a bookstore not far away.

This shop is elegantly decorated, and ordinary people are discouraged by looking at it, so there are not many customers in the shop.

At the moment, there was a group of guards in fresh clothes and fast horses, all of them looked like electricity, and stunned several guests wearing silk ribbons. However, this kind of scene can't scare Mei Xue naturally, she glanced at the guards without glancing at them-when she entered the door, she saw that there were only two or three servants accompanied by a brocade robe, besides their master and servant. book.

The brocade man's eyebrows were wide and his skin was slightly black, but he looked quite graceful.

After Mei Xue glanced at him casually, she walked towards a row of ancient books, but this glance had made her see clearly that there was a mole on the left lobe of the scholar. She felt relieved: "Fortunately, Qiu Jinglan let me pay attention to the appearance of Qing Qingwu and the time of her arrival in Beijing ... Otherwise, two days before returning to the city before their brothers and sisters, I will take care of Nie and Qianer again, It's really hard to figure out the whereabouts of this son. "

After confirming that this Jinpao gentleman was Zhang Guogong's son Zi Qingwu, she didn't go up to say hello, didn't even look at him again, but took the small red path to the ancient bookshelf to pick it out.

"Why do you want to buy ancient books again? Didn't the son have already entered the Hanlin Academy?" After seeing her standing, Xiaohong started whispering in accordance with the plan. "These books are so expensive! They are enough for you and Miss Three. Outfit! "

"These are not for the younger brothers, but for the Ningyi County Lord." Mei Xue "concentrated" looking at the expensive books, while lowering her throat, "Immediately the boudoir studies of Xihe Wangfu will be opened, can you give them?" Is the gift given by the Lord of Ningyi County? The original identity is noble and looks so beautiful, and Ruan Hanlin so hurts his sister's elder brother. The clothes and jewellery are almost impossible. I think about it, I still buy a few This book costs less. "

Xiao Hongyi glanced at the bookshelf and said, "But Ruan Hanlin escorted the Ning Yi County master back to Beijing. Before we came in, we saw that they seemed to be going back to Xihe Wangfu ...... We are going to give gifts now, will we be too hurry? "

"Who said it would be delivered today?" Mei Xuedao "while going out today and buying things ... turn back and let Qianer deliver them by herself, she is also big, and it is time to learn these relationships ... just two books." The last two sentences were to say hello to the guys in the bookstore.

...... When they paid and left, Kuang Qingwu thoughtfully asked Zhengzhang to entertain his shopkeeper: "Did you know the two female relatives?"

"That's Qiu Hanlin's elder sister." Because of the long journey, Kuang Qingwu brought only the books that he read frequently. Today, when he arrives at this bookstore, he needs to purchase the rest. Such a big customer, even if he is not the shopkeeper of Shizi Willing to sell his face "It is said that in order to let Qiu Hanlin concentrate on reading, she has delayed all her life-long events. She is used to inside and out, and it is common to show her face ..."

The shopkeeper only said that this time the stranger Mei Xue was an official family member, how could she come out without hiding her appearance? But I didn't want Qing Qingwu to narrow his eyes, but he thought: "Qiu Han Lin Qiu Nie? I heard that he was close to Ruan Qingyan ... Hey, Ruan Qingyan, I don't know when he would admit that he is Qiu Jinglan?"

After pondering for a while, he put down his book and said to the shopkeeper: "These are all sent to the Zhang Guogong Mansion. Someone will check out with you there ... If you look back, you can buy another."

The shopkeeper's gratuitous thanks, and compliment him that he must be so good at learning that he must be a top eight high school champion-Kuang Qingwu ignored and directly led people out of the house and ordered: "Go to Xihe Wangfu!"

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