Real Empress from a Noble Family

Chapter 15: First name. Prostitutes

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

General Ruan's Mansion is located to the north of the capital and is now the only residence of the Ruan family.

The whole mansion was a bit gloomy because of too many towering pines and cypresses. Inside the high walls, it felt colder than the wind blowing outside.

Qiu Qilan walked out of the room where General Ruan was housed with a somber expression.

Ruan Qingyan is not at home today. Fortunately, although he brought a group of men into the general's house after he entered the house, the housekeeper was still Ruan An. So Qiu Qilan came here very smoothly-it can be seen that Ruan Qingyan took care of the placement of General Ruan.

The room behind her was warm and warm, the windows were clear and spacious, and the interior was neatly packed. The earth dragon is warm and has simple furnishings, but everything is carefully selected. There are bonsais of plums on the high case, daffodils on the lower shelf, and the room is full of fragrance.

Even Qiu Qilan came out now, and Yijiao was still faintly floral.

General Ruan, who can be carefully taken care of, is lying in the quilt with a stunned skull and unconscious mind ... Although he is old and sick, Qiu Qilan knows that the biggest reason is You Mianxiang. Otherwise, in the early autumn, the old man had personally demonstrated some martial arts skills to the original body, how could it weaken so quickly!

"Mrs. Lu isn't dead, I feel uneasy!" Qiu Qilan bit her lip, thinking in her heart fiercely-she was speaking with General Ruan Lao inside and saying a piece of tea kung fu, just wiping saliva on the other side , I used three!

Nguyen An, who was outside, greeted him, "Master, the son is coming back."

"So early? Didn't you just say that you won't be back until night?" Qiu Qilan said, surprised.

Ruan Andao: "The old slave sent someone to look for him. When the son heard that you were here, he came back early."

"Nan Ruan, you've just seen this way, what if your cousin is serious?" Qiu Qilan shook her head. "Since this is the case, I'll welcome you at the door."

This is not just her politeness, because the General's Mansion has been declining for many years. Now, apart from the house where General Ruan lives and his subordinates, Ruan Qingyan's courtyard has been cleaned up. As for the hospitality hall, the front hall and the like, all were not made, so she had no place to stay out of General Ruan's room.

Ruan An also knew this, and after a few polite words accompanied her to the front door.

The master and servant were talking behind the door. It didn't take long before the door knocked and said Ruan Qingyan had returned.

Qiu Qilan heard the words, lifted her skirt and shouted, "Couse!" Then she would talk, but she heard a lovely voice down the steps and said: "Ruan Lang, your family still has How can such a little beauty not tell her deeply? Is she afraid that she won't be able to do so deeply? "

With the sound of Mei Su's bones, she immediately followed an oil tank car behind Ruan Qingyan's horse, and neatly walked down a young girl in green and a young girl in blue.

This young girl in green is about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a red goose egg face in her white face, her eyebrows squinting, her eyes like water apricot, and she looks pretty.

She was also brightly dressed: she had a pair of swords on her head, two jade hibiscus gardenia slants, bright moon beads on her ears, and a silk bracelet on her wrist, like a rich lady. However, watching her take the initiative to get out of the car, and then ran to Ruan Qingyan, who had just dismounted, holding his arm tightly and looking at it with unabashed hostility ...

Qiu Qilan slowly frowned, looking at Ruan Qingyan in dismay and dissatisfaction: Princess Ruan died, and Ruan Qingyan, a nephew, had five months of filial piety. How long is it now? How dare you openly mess with flowers?

Ruan Qingyan had promised Qiu Qilan ’s “cousin” to go up the stairs. She was pulled by her arms, and she suddenly lowered her face and said to her, “This is my aunt ’s daughter. Come and visit my grandfather today, speak with respect! "

The green girl was scolded by him in public, his face was stiff, and he couldn't get off the stage, and he shook his hands in angrily, but just waited for Ruan Qingyan to take two steps, his eyes showed reluctance, and he laughed again and chased after him: I do n’t know! People who do n’t know are not guilty ... ”

Seeing Ruan Qingyan stop, looking at herself coldly, it was very customer-oriented. The girl in green clothes turned around and hurriedly saluted Qiu Qilan, and said with a smile: "The slave family flowers deeply and lives in the south of the city." "Drinking Spring House", I didn't know it was Miss Table, but I also ask Miss Table for forgiveness! "

Qiu Qilan heard that she had deliberately used the identity of the General Mansion to call herself "Miss Table", and she said in a faint voice, "Nothing."

"Nguyen Lang ..." Hua's big eyes were bent deeply and deeply, and she looked at Ruan Qingyan pitifully. "You don't even think about Miss Watch deeply ..."

"You go back." Ruan Qingyan's expression was calm, but she was so annoyed that her cousin bumped into seeing herself with a woman in the blue house, so she naturally didn't have the mood to coax her, "I said you don't need to send it."

Hua deeply followed the threshold and saw Ruan Qingyan just greeted Qiu Qilan to enter, and thoughtfully told her: "Don't stand in the air ... what are you waiting for here? I will stay in the house in the future. polite?"

"Enemies! So cruel!" Watching the door closed in front of him, Hua scolded deeply, but had no choice but to turn around.

The blue-haired little girl also said suddenly: "How many princes and grandsons, want to see the girl you can't get it. This Ruan Gongzi is just the grandson of a defeated general, and his fame is nothing more than a person. He can be regarded as a guest by the girl. The ancestors have accumulated! I dare to neglect the girl like this! I really don't know how to live and die! After returning a little bit, let me talk to those individuals to see if he can live tomorrow! "

"Shut up!" Unexpectedly, Hua listened deeply, but she sank and sighed, "Go back and give me a tight mouth! Dare to talk nonsense and hurt Ruan Lang, watch your skin carefully!"

The little girl was startled and busy: "Girl, sister-in-law is wronged for you ..."

"A twelve-year-old Huangmao girl, don't say she doesn't have anything to do with Ruan Lang, even if there is, don't you think I can't **** her?" Hua said deeply disdainfully, "Go back and ask me about the little girl What's the way-don't do anything extra! "

The girl said carefully: "Yes!"

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