Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Watch me **** for me!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

However, Jiang Yashuang heard it. The reason why Zhuang Mo said these things was that he was worried that the situation of Queen Jiang in the future was only one. The real thing I wanted to ask was whether the Queen ’s Party had poisoned the emperor to the queen. What does the party mean?

Otherwise, he would not add the phrase "after finding out that it has nothing to do with the queen queen, the queen queen will revisit these encounters".

"Now the fourth aunt and the queen mother conduct a thorough investigation together, and those who want to come behind the scenes will sooner or later reveal their fillings!" Jiang Yashuang smiled and answered.

Zhuang Mo understands that this is the Jiang family has not yet considered doing this-this is also what he expected, after all, this time to find the killer is not only for political purposes, but also because of the fear of his own safety by Empress Dowager Gu and Jiang Queen. In this case, even after the second post is stigmatizing each other, the real murder must be confirmed.

Otherwise, if the true murderer does not belong to any one of the two post-secondaries, then after the second post-punch, you will be killed and I will be defeated. Wouldn't it be a big pit?

However, Zhuang Mo also knows that the two will monitor each other after the investigation. So far, the investigation of the three-foot digging has not been successful, and even a little clue has not been found. The next great progress may only become smaller and smaller. It can't be said that this case can only be closed with a few scapegoats to hide the royal decent.

Naturally it was difficult to say this on the scene, he nodded slightly: "But hopefully the fierce assassination!"

Then I began to talk about the short trivia among parents, but at the same time, there was an atmosphere of leaving relatives in the New Year.

When the luncheon opened, the wives' jokes made the room really come alive.

Zhuang Mo and Wen's liked this lively sight, and the corners of their eyes and brows were all smiling.

However, everyone thought that although they talked about the current situation today, they could still enjoy the warmth of the day. Who would like to put a few dishes at the luncheon, and everyone did not pick up the teeth? Then there was a report from the servant: "The queen mother-in-law's purpose! Let the eighth son be reinstated immediately and enter the palace guard!"

"What ?!" The table that was talking about laughter was shocked, "Now in that palace ?!"

Jiang Yadan, because of his usual debauchery, was used by the Empress Dowager during the summer heat last year. He almost pitted both Queen Jiang and Jiang Yashuang-so that the Queen was furious afterwards and decided not to let him in the Royal Forest again. It's mixed up, lest he borrow this errand that can go in and out of the Imperial City to cause trouble that can't be cleaned up!

Therefore, he has been idle ever since he was rushed back to the Jiang family house by the queen and ordered him to think behind closed doors.

She should have been transferred after Shengjia returned to Beijing, but Mrs. Tao had her selfishness: when she was away from the summer, because of a lie by Qiu Qilan, the little Tao who had fallen ill and devoted herself to death was revived, although she returned to Beijing Fashion hasn't fully recovered, but Mrs. Tao thought that Jiang Yadan's detention at home is equivalent to his own eyelids, so that there are more opportunities for him to reconcile with Little Dow. Maybe they can really have a child. ?

She revealed this idea to Empress Jiang and Qin Guogong.

Of course, the queen will not refuse to give her mother such a face; Qin Guogong agreed after comprehensive consideration. There are two points in this comprehensive consideration-first, there are not too many grandsons, and second, the Jiang family considers this for the young Dow. If the Tao family knew it, they would not even suspect that their anti-water situation was already known.

...... This is how Dow's pregnancy came about.

Because she was already at the lunar month when the pregnancy news came out, and there were many things near the end of the year, naturally she had no time to arrange for Jiang Yadan-he was not in a hurry, the Jiang family was prominent, and his grandson was afraid that he would not have a fat supplement after opening the year?

As a result, it was only on the third day of the first month of the first month. The queen was so anxious to find the dealer to come to the dealer and arrest him for reinstatement. This is obviously a big problem in the imprisonment of the palace, making the queen disregard his character!

"I don't know!" The Jiang family who came to the letter did not take off his hat, and the heat had evaporated. He urged, "Please also ask the eighth son to leave quickly! Don't miss her mother's life!"

Although Jiang Yadan's behavior is not reliable, he is not a fool. He knows that the next bad thing is the destruction of the whole family. When he was urged, he was calling for the fur to be brought, and he said goodbye to the Zhuang Mo couple while walking through: "甥Your child will take a step first, and then come again to repay his aunt and mother-in-law! "

Where can the Zhuang Mo couple listen to him? The unanimous exhortation: "Be careful on the road! Be careful after entering the palace!"

"My brother, let me go into the palace with you to see?" Jiang Yashuang also stood up, Jiang Tan smartly handed over his fur-but was rejected by Jiang Yadan: "The fourth aunt only called me and did not call you, What fun are you going to do? It ’s not unusual now. Do n’t go into the palace casually. It will bother the fourth aunt and be easily used by others! "

After speaking, you have finished dressing, leaving a sentence, "You use slowly!"

But when he walked outside the threshold, he suddenly stopped and didn't turn back. "Your **** at home, look for me!"

...... The room was quiet for a moment before Zhuang Mo squeaked and said, "This rice?" The rice was set, but now the nephew, niece, and the mind still use it here?

Not to mention the nephew, even Zhuang Mo can't wait to get up and inquire immediately!

"My mynah took a step in advance, naturally we still have to accompany my uncle and auntie!" Jiang Yazhu and Jiang Yashuang looked at each other, the former reluctantly smiled, took up the teeth—Jiang Yadan just rejected Jiang Yashuang's colleagues, And the last sentence, obviously, if something happened to him in the palace, the young Dow and his uncle's sister-in-law or daughter-in-law would entrust his younger brother and sister-in-law to take care of him-even his typical 纨 绔People say such words of care, let alone others?

"It shouldn't be the last minute, otherwise the queen will not need the level of reinstatement that Jiang Yadan reinstates, but Qin Guogong's personal departure ..." Qiu Qilan bit his lip, "but it won't be any better. Jiang Yadan is sexual, and this weakness is not a secret and can be easily targeted. At present, this situation is not suitable for people like him to take up important posts. The queen still calls him to go. Obviously, the imprisonment is no longer assured to non-use relatives. No way! "

She was gazing at God here, but Jiang Yashuang quietly touched her hands before she came to her senses, and quickly picked up the wine bottle to cover up.

"Relax, although it's a rush in the palace, but only shouted my eighth brother to enter the palace, but didn't call us home, obviously we don't need to worry about it!" Jiang Yashuang also raised the wine bottle and passed it to his lips without drinking, and It was soothing softly. "It's very disappointing at the moment. Mo Zai yells, my aunt can't get off stage."

Qiu Qilan was busy converging, laughing and joking with Zhuang Man.

The laughter of the young women added joy, but everyone's movements were unconsciously accelerated and accelerated-much less time than usual, everyone let off, rinse their mouths and wipe their hands, and followed the Zhuang Mo couple casually Finding an excuse, Jiang Yazhu took the ladder to leave.

So hurried out of Zhuangfu, rushed back to the Jiang family to inquire about the ins and outs.

Er, of course, this inquiry is separate. Jiang Yazhu and Jiang Yashuang brothers went to find Qin Guogong in front of them, and Sheng Yishui and Qiu Qilan returned to the back hall to greet Mrs. Tao.

Mrs. Tao is savvy. Seeing the appearance of them hurried in the door, they know what they are most anxious to ask now. After the ceremony, they do n’t need them to lead the topic upwards. The queen mother-in-law hasn't been assured yet, and some of the embargoes have been transferred. Your four aunts feel that the queen mother has moved, and she can't do nothing. It is said that she would not care about her. "

Obedient and obedient, Sheng Shishui and Qiu Qilan are both deliberate people, and they will pass by after a short turn: This is clearly the queen mother ’s excuse that the murderer did not find out that the palace was unsafe and began to mobilize the embargo—Queen Jiang felt You old lady does this, it's not safe in this palace. If you move, I will move too! How can you be assured! That's why I called Jiang Yadan back!

After all, Jiang Yadan is scumming, and his time is actually there, even if this guy hides in the corner for three days and slackness is commonplace, but at least his biggest mistake was to be caught with his former Shu Fei. Existing-it can be seen that he still has the ability to work. In the end, he is talented and grew up in the family. Many methods have not been deliberately learned, and the ears will be jealous.

In addition, Jiang Yadan's behavior can make the queen worry, but his blood can make the queen feel relieved.

Just knowing this situation, the two of them are still not satisfied. The words of Mrs. Tao are vague. The two mobilized the embargo together. What size, follow-up, and influence were not mentioned. It is very understatement to pass them on. .

Sheng Shishui, due to his life experience and her husband's status, wanted to ask but was afraid to ask. Qiu Qilan didn't have so many taboos, so she asked, "Grandmother, what does the embargo look like now?"

"What else can it look like? Naturally guard Miyagi well!" Madam Tao said lightly, "I know you have no idea at this moment, but there is really no major matter today ... well, you all first Go back, did you know it from Hachiman? ”

The embarrassment of the passing of life is difficult: "But my brother lives at home these days. In the first month of this month ... how can I tell him?"

Last night I said that Jiang Yadan had no problem living in the front yard guest room. After all, the Chinese New Year is still going in and out with the elders. Little Dow would not think he went to the outer room. But now it ’s different. Jiang Yadan is going into the palace now. Obviously, he wo n’t be back in three or five days. According to his former nature, how can a young Dow not doubt that he is actually looking for a good friend, especially Na Anzhen? Dressed?

It's going to be a long time ago. Little Dow was so used to his sadness. However, in the past few months, because Jiang Yadan was detained at home and could not go out, the relationship between Jiang Yadan and his wife has been much better. It can be seen from the pregnancy of Dow when he was young and that Jiang Yadan was called before entering the palace to tell his brothers to take care of his wife.

Therefore, at this time, if Little Dow thinks that Jiang Yadan has betrayed again, even if it is expected, she will be very sad ... Then she is pregnant ... She is an old mother ...

There are three siblings in the house. Sheng Qishui is Qiu Qilan's sister-in-law. The two younger brothers take care of the pregnant long-haired sister together. It is certain that the second sister-in-law has greater responsibility than the young sister-in-law. How can Sheng Shishui talk to Madam Tao?

When she mentioned it, Mrs. Tao also felt a little headache, and thought about it, she said, "So, when you talk to her, hug Huaner and provoke her to tease him, and then tell her, Xiao Eight will go to a foreign business meeting. "

This is the choice to let the young Dow misunderstand Jiang Yadan and run to the lover's place. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, why would the New Year require business? Especially for children like Jiang Yadan, even if there is such an urgent errand, he may not need him to go-but he will choose this way if he changes to Sheng Shishui and Qiu Qilan. After all, if Little Dow knows the truth, she I am sure to worry about the safety of Jiang Yadan, the safety of the queen, and the safety of the Jiang family. At that time, my heart will be a sieve!

Might as well make her think that Jiang Yadan is indeed an easy change of nature. Hearts such as vertical and vertical can't be hurt anymore!

With the words of the old lady, Sheng Shishui was relieved, and he got up and resigned: "Then Sun Ji went back to his yard and brought the ring!"

This ring is her daughter. According to the ranks of the Jiang family, the boys are from the "king" and the girls are from the "hui". According to the separate rules of the four bedrooms, children of this generation carry a king next to them. Named Jiang Huihuan.

She was leaving, Qiu Qilan would not stay, and she stood up together, and was about to resign, but Mrs. Tao said, "The 19-year-old wife is here to stay. After you ask, I still have something to ask you. ! "R638

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